Master of the Pearl Trident

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Master of the Pearl Trident

Creature — Merfolk

Other Merfolk you control get +1/+1 and have islandwalk. (They can't be blocked as long as defending player controls an Island.)

legendofa on Whirlpool

5 months ago

Coralhelm Commander seems a bit slow compared to Lord of Atlantis or Master of the Pearl Trident (which is better), especially if you want to keep mana up for instant-speed stuff. It's for a 3/3 flier, which is squarely average, then another before it starts buffing other Merfolk.

Rasaru on Merfolks Counting

8 months ago

If I were to only look at your pending deliveries, I'd make the following changes.

Empress Galina --> Lord of Atlantis

Kumena's Speaker --> Master of the Pearl Trident

Shaper Apprentice --> Realmwalker

Storm Sculptor --> Merfolk Skydiver

Rootwater Diver --> Svyelun of Sea and Sky

Lotus Blossom --> Hadana's Climb  Flip

Afiya Grove --> Utopia Sprawl

Thornwood Falls --> Flooded Grove

Vivid Grove --> Rejuvenating Springs

Littjara Mirrorlake --> Dreamroot Cascade

Quandrix Campus --> Windswept Heath

Battlegrowth --> Barkchannel Pathway  Flip

Once you make some additional updates and clean up your maybe list (I see some cards there that are also in your main board), I'll be happy to take another look! However, some other cards you should consider (that I don't see in either list) are Emperor Mihail II, Murkfiend Liege, Simic Ascendancy, Kindred Discovery, and Guardian Project. A more more expensive card option could be The Ozolith, but I'd wait on that to see if you like how the deck plays after some changes.

joni1707x on Merfolks Counting

8 months ago

Rasaru Thank you for commenting and giving me some advice. I really appreciate this!

For my budget, I would like to include some cards that cost about 10€ each, in total I would say I can afford about 100€ +/-20 (the lesser the better).

After testing the Deck for my own, I agree that my manabase needs some fixes. I ordered some cards to upgrade this a bit (see below).

As I am trying to put as many counters on my board as possible, I feel, that the creatures that do not create tokens like Kumena's Speaker, could be excluded?

I got some pending deliveries. Here are the cards that I bought to upgrade it:

Lord of Atlantis, Master of the Pearl Trident, Snakeskin Veil, Realmwalker, Double Major, Forced Adaptation, Kiora, Master of the Depths, Deeproot Champion, Merfolk Skydiver, Primal Empathy, Vastwood Fortification  Flip, Oversimplify, Tangled Islet, Flooded Grove, Rejuvenating Springs, Utopia Sprawl, Dreamroot Cascade, Talisman of Curiosity, Simic Signet, Hadana's Climb  Flip, Barkchannel Pathway  Flip, Svyelun of Sea and Sky, Windswept Heath

I am not sure what to exclude and what to include.. (fyi I am playing for half a year, Thank you in advance!

Puzzle_Master12 on Noob needs help with merfolk

1 year ago

I'm a big modern merfolk player, but some all time star Merfolk (that are pretty cheap) you could include are. - Silvergill Adept, Merfolk Trickster, Master of the Pearl Trident, Svyelun of Sea and Sky, & Vodalian Hexcatcher!

Gidgetimer on I don't think this deck …

1 year ago

Legacy Merfolk is definitely a thing. Though "I am a relatively new player and that is just what me and my friends play" leads me to believe that maybe the deck is Legacy legal, not competitive Legacy. I might be wrong, but I don't think this is a case of "go spend $700 on playsets of Force of Wills and Chalice of the Voids". You could take a cue from the legacy list and run playsets of True-Name Nemesis, Lord of Atlantis, and Master of the Pearl Trident as a basis for the deck though.

multimedia on Blue/white merfolk tribal deck

1 year ago

Consider cutting some nonMerfolk creatures for more Merfolk and cutting some control for more Merfolk?

Spreading Seas is a good control card for draw, opponent land disruption and because against nonblue opponents it activates islandwalk with Master of the Pearl Trident making your Merfolk unblockable in any matchup. Master is a reason to play Merfolk, 4x of him gives you more chances to draw him and more of him in your control makes all your Merfolk more powerful.

4x Silvergill Adept is more draw and more Merfolk. Cursecatcher is one drop Merfolk who can also be control. Merfolk Trickster because it has flash can be control and it can do a lot for a two drop Merfolk.

Islands are more important than Plains with Merfolk. Consider cutting some basic Plains for some budget Azorius dual lands? Port Town and Prairie Stream care about Islands and Stream is an Island. Cutting basic Plains for dual lands will also help to cast mana cost cards such as Counterspell.

Swords to Plowshares is the best control card here for Merfolk, you don't really need all the other removal instants. Counterspell is good, but Negate is a sideboard card for more control in some matchups. Disenchant is a sideboard card to bring in matchups if an artifact or enchantment are giving you problems.

Example of a budget core for Merfolk control.

Good luck with your deck.

Omniscience_is_life on Historic Mill--Because Mill

2 years ago

So far, this is my experience with the Arena Historic meta:

Lifegain, both GW and W: your life total is of no importance to me! This is probably our best matchup, although getting hit by Maul of the Skyclaves is a bit of a tough clock to beat. Our Winds of Rebuke pale in the light of Alseid of Life's Bounty, but seeing as the Maul usually comes down T3, we can usually hit the threat before they get mana to activate. Not an issue.

5c: there seem to be a lot of 5-color variants in the format, between Niv, Jodah, Slivers, etc. Slivers seem to do well against us, even with their cascading from The First Sliver thinning their deck. Lavabelly Sliver has lead to most of our few defeats.

Elves: have gave us some close games, but I think we're the better deck. The Allosaurus Shepherds give some trouble for Anticognition-ing Hoofs, but as long as we have Winds of Rebuke we should be fine.

Merfolk: Master of the Pearl Trident hurts! Probably the only reason we've taken an L to them before. The other creatures they have are certainly efficient, but bouncing a lord or two allows for great blocks with our Walls and such. Winnable matchup.

Hammertime: I struggle to win against Hammertime, but they almost always have 1-5 cards left in library at the end of the game. I think I've been unlucky on missing interaction in our games, since the deck has no protection and gets hosed by bounce. Again, winnable.

Control, both Grixis and Jeskai: another good matchup for us, since we can protect our crabs with bounce spells and Tests. Mill is a very grindy deck anyway, so having longer matchups just works in our favor. And we can hit most big finishers with Anticognition, since it can hit creatures AND PWers, so that's not a problem.

wisegreenbean on Fresh Fish

2 years ago

@Igorimus: It's a good thought! Hall of Storm Giants IS a pretty medium option for agro compared to Lair of the Hydra. The question is more a matter of colors than card quality, tho. A lands utility in this deck is mostly secondary to its ability to cast my spells on curve. It makes mono green lands a severe liability, as I have Master of the Pearl Trident to cast on turn 2. The real question is Hashep Oasis vs lair, which is more of a toss up; both are excellent. I lean towards the former because I foresee having only blue lands to start in some games, which is mostly fine outside Kumena's Speaker, and topdecking an untapped green for my coco on t4 is very important to me.

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