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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Primal Empathy
At the beginning of your upkeep, draw a card if you control a creature with the greatest power among creatures on the battlefield. Otherwise, put a +1/+1 counter on a creature you control.

![Master Biomancer feature for Glorious Evolution[very budget]](http://static.tappedout.net/mtg-cards-2/commander-2021/master-biomancer/mtg-cards/_user-added/femme_fatale-master-biomancer-c21-16179540460.png)

joni1707x on
Merfolks Counting
1 year ago
Rasaru Thank you for commenting and giving me some advice. I really appreciate this!
For my budget, I would like to include some cards that cost about 10€ each, in total I would say I can afford about 100€ +/-20 (the lesser the better).
After testing the Deck for my own, I agree that my manabase needs some fixes. I ordered some cards to upgrade this a bit (see below).
As I am trying to put as many counters on my board as possible, I feel, that the creatures that do not create tokens like Kumena's Speaker, could be excluded?
I got some pending deliveries. Here are the cards that I bought to upgrade it:
Lord of Atlantis, Master of the Pearl Trident, Snakeskin Veil, Realmwalker, Double Major, Forced Adaptation, Kiora, Master of the Depths, Deeproot Champion, Merfolk Skydiver, Primal Empathy, Vastwood Fortification Flip, Oversimplify, Tangled Islet, Flooded Grove, Rejuvenating Springs, Utopia Sprawl, Dreamroot Cascade, Talisman of Curiosity, Simic Signet, Hadana's Climb Flip, Barkchannel Pathway Flip, Svyelun of Sea and Sky, Windswept Heath
I am not sure what to exclude and what to include.. (fyi I am playing for half a year, Thank you in advance!
Guerric on
[Primer] Unleash the Dragon! *Updated*
2 years ago
KBK7101 I totally forgot about The World Tree! I meant to add landmatic lantern as soon as I heard of it! I'll make sure to add that one. Also, go for it with the primers! It just takes a lot of thought and time. You can do it! I am writing one for my elf deck right now that should hopefully be on the level of my original Inalla primer. Hopefully I'll have it done soon!
kookoo Ceta Sanctuary is on another level! I'll almost certainly add it, I had no idea that card existed! What's especially good is that we often have dragons in our hand that we'd rather have in the graveyard. So, its basically like drawing three cards a turn and getting a free Scion activation. Great find! Primal Empathy is also good though I'm not sure I need both. Let me know any fun stories from playing with Sakashima. He ends games really quickly in my Yuriko deck.
_Kane_ on
Adrix & Nev
3 years ago
Some suggestions; Koma, Cosmos Serpent Ezuri's Predation Combine Chrysalis Cultivate Double Major Triumph of the Hordes
Possible Removals; Mimic Vat Primal Empathy Biomass Mutation Crafty Cutpurse Quandrix Cultivator Coiling Oracle Curse of the Swine Replication Technique
multimedia on
Quantum Quandrix Upgrade
3 years ago
Hey, you're welcome, nice changes.
Is the +1/+1 counter theme worth it here? Bane is a good card in multiplayer, but it doesn't need a +1/+1 counter theme to be good, it just happens to use +1/+1 counters. Champion of Lambholt also uses counters, but she gets counters from creating creature tokens, interaction with Twincasters. Fractals also have counters, but that's just how they're created, the additional +1/+1 counter theme isn't really helping Fractals. +1/+1 counters don't have interaction with making token copies of creatures since the token copy doesn't get the counters when it's created.
A good counter interaction here is Primal Empathy + Fathom Mage , but how consistent is it that you get both these cards without having tutors to get them? Not sure if Fathom is worth playing as a draw source when it wants a more expanded counter theme to get the most out of it. Empathy, you don't have a consistent high power creature to take advantage of the draw.
Fae Offering has a good token effect with Twincasters, but only if you can trigger it which consistently seems too difficult here. Khalni Ambush Flip, fight is good with Hornet Nest , but I don't think I would play a card that all it does is fight just to have this interaction. You don't really have powerful enough creatures until later in the game that can fight an opponents creature, kill it while also having your creature survive.
Some budget changes to consider based on my last comment:
- Tireless Provisioner --> Rishkar, Peema Renegade
- Meloku the Clouded Mirror --> Deekah, Fractal Theorist
- Kodama of the East Tree --> Managorger Hydra
- Champion of Lambholt --> Master Biomancer
- Spawnwrithe --> Fae Offering
- Risen Reef --> Fathom Mage
- Double Major --> Khalni Ambush Flip
- Fierce Empath --> Nissa's Expedition
- Mystic Reflection --> Turn Aside
- Reconnaissance Mission --> Eureka Moment
razelfark on
3 years ago
Hello. Looks like you are just getting into the game with an intro deck and want some suggestions on how to upgrade your deck. I will try to give you some upgrades that will hopefully not be outside your budget.
First suggestion for your deck would be to focus on being either a deck that wants to mill or be an aggressive deck. Since the only card you are running that allows you to mill is Jace, Wielder of Mysteries , we should probably consider focusing on the +1/+1 counter theme you have going.
Considering you are running cards that have a relatively high mana cost on average, I would suggest adding some ramp cards. There are three cards I would highly suggest.
Cultivate - Searches for two lands and puts one into play right away making it so you will be able to play a majority of your cards from then on. Suggest adding 4 copies to the deck.
Llanowar Elves - is a great 1 drop creature that will help boost your ability to cast spells.
Nissa, Who Shakes the World - A strong planeswalker that will make your "Forests" tap for extra mana giving you a large boost in your mana generation and allow you to transform your lands into aggressive creatures that use +1/+1 counters. These lands will now also benefit from your proliferate functions. If you create a copy of it with Spark Double then the mana production passive is increased even more. This rare does cost about $6 as of this post and is the most expensive card I will try to recommend. Would suggest 2 copies at least but would say you would be fine adding more for the deck as it can runaway with games by itself sometimes.
To make room for all the suggested cards I would cut both your Jace planeswalkers, Jace's Ruse , Benthic Biomancer , Merfolk Skydiver , and Primal Empathy
I would also suggest trading the Simic Guildgate out for Rimewood Falls if you get decide to pickup Nissa, Who Shakes the World for the deck as they do count as forests. This means that even if you do that them for blue mana, you will still get one green mana when used for mana. You will also be able to search your deck with Nisa's final skill to add them to the battlefield which can be convenient.
Hope these suggestions help. Feel free to let me know if you have any questions about the suggestions or might be looking for different style of cards to adjust your deck for the mill angle.
Side note - You should mark your deck as casual format instead of standard for the site if you want to make it so your deck list doesn't light up in red as standard is a format for the most recent sets of cards.
Ardees on
Zaxara mannara
4 years ago
Green Sun's Zenith, Sol Ring a must.
Triumph of the Hordes can work as an additional wincon.
Commander's Sphere, Primal Empathy, Villainous Wealth, Phyrexian Arena to consider.
Nature's Claim over Krosan Grip.
miracleHat on
Personal Kruphix Ramp Draw
4 years ago
1: There are many weaker card choices. Not having access (or getting over time) is obviously apart of the collection-building aspect of the game; but your decks should avoid the weak cards that are not on theme. Focus on including cards that actively help or are benefited by your theme of heavy ramp with a secondary set of heavy draw. Cards such as Fblthp, Gurmag Drowner, Silumgar Sorcerer, and jace, are primary examples.
2: Finding cards that fit both themes: draw and ramp, is relatively easy and will increase the adaptability and efficiency of the deck. Commander's Sphere is the obvious example currently in the deck. Potential additions (that you should be able to more easily acquire) include Edge of Autumn, Explore, Krosan Tusker, and Seer's Sundial. Harder to get pieces would be Kiora, the Crashing Wave, Aesi, Tyrant of Gyre Strait.
3: This deck has 2 duplicates. Heir of the Wilds and Primal Empathy.
4: Having lots of mana is only useful it's spent casting scary game-winning threats. Threats you may not be aware of that might be fun for you to playtest: Soramaro, First to Dream, Prime Speaker Zegana, and Clockwork Dragon. The first and last cards specifically benefit from the amount of colorless mana you will generate with your general.
d_greene on
Atraxa +1/+1 counters
4 years ago
KibaAlpha: Primal Empathy is just too slow. :(
Cainhegis: I'll discuss each of those one by one.
Forgotten Ancient & Master Biomancer are both in the 100. You must have overlooked them.
Spark Double seems a bit underwhelming. It's just a clone that adds to it a way for Atraxa to buff it. It's not bad, but I feel not exceedingly good enough to make the cut. However, it should have made it to the list of evaluated and cut cards. I'll make sure to add it there.
Steelbane Hydra is a gem I definitely overlooked. I'll be looking hard for a place to fit it in.
Despark was considered and cut for better removal. It may have been cut in favor of Abrupt Decay back when this deck was leaning more high tier. It might actually go back into the 100 either with or over Abrupt Decay.
Walking Ballista recently graduated off of cut and onto "maybe." But it's in maybe just to garner more attention. It seems good, but also seems slow. Is a 10/10 that'll get targeted with removal and end up killing one other thing good enough? I just don't know.
Simic Manipulator was on the cut list, not sure why it isn't there anymore. But I do recall why it didn't make it into the 100. It's effect is kind of slow. It's getting between one and two +1/+1 counters put on it a turn, which doesn't feel impactful enough. It's not bad, just kind of slow. I'll add it back to the cut list.
Magistrate's Scepter was cut around the time Lux Cannon was cut, and which was also around the time all additional proliferate support was cut. The focus of the deck narrowed to +1/+1 counters, resulting in additional fun cards seeing the ax.
In order of what I would be more inclined to add, Steelbane Hydra is at the top of that list. Walking Ballista is already under re-review. Despark deserves more consideration. Spark Double, Simic Manipulator, and Magistrate's Scepter would need a strong argument to make me reconsider.
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