Rune of Might

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Rune of Might

Enchantment — Aura Rune

Enchant permanent

When this enters the battlefield, draw a card.

As long as enchanted permanent is a creature, it gets +1/+1 and has trample.

As long as enchanted permanent is an Equipment, it has "Equipped creature gets +1/+1 and has trample."

Niko9 on Elves lovers...HELP!

1 year ago

Nice deck : ) I guess my only question is, what do you want to do as a wincon? There are a lot of options to go infinite if you want to, but I completely understand if you don't. But things like Fauna Shaman or Green Sun's Zenith or Vivien, Monsters' Advocate can really make creature based combos very reliable.

Another take would be to go the enchantress route. Green has a lot of ways to get incidental card draw off enchantments, like Rune of Might and Kenrith's Transformation. Those together with Argothian Enchantress or other enchantresses, including Setessan Champion and Eidolon of Blossoms can be a very effective draw engine in green. And enchantress decks love Arasta of the Endless Web who can really help with flying problems. Everyone feeds her : ) No one respects spiders.

But at the same time, enchantress might also make it less of an elf deck. So, I guess, what are you most interested in doing with the deck? It looks like a really good elf combat deck as is, it could be powered up by infinites like Umbral Mantle or Quirion Ranger and Ashaya, Soul of the Wild or Staff of Domination to power a Wren's Run Packmaster or Umbral Mantle pump win. Ezuri, Renegade Leader is also a great mana outlet. But it all depends what you want to play I guess : )

TheoryCrafter on Card creation challenge

2 years ago

Epicurus, I should have been clearer that it was any combination of Praetor creators and creatures with infect. But yes, you can activate it with a Vorcinclex and a bunch of 1/1 creatures with infect or with four Phyrexian Juggernauts and an activated Vector Asp or With each of the original 5 Praetors. Their total power is 26, so the crew requirement has flavor significance.

I don't think it's steep because once you throw a Rune of Might on it with a go wide deck its practically a board wipe. For 4 generic mana with all those keyword abilities its just too powerful without it.

And now for the Wild Card...

Tir, the Living Land

Legendary Planeswalker Land

Mythic Rare

~ Enters the Battlefield Tapped.

: Add one mana of any color to your mana pool. Spend this Mana only to cast Elf Spells. ~ cannot activate loyalty abilities until your next turn.

0 Create a 1/1 Elder Elf creature token with "Whenever an ability this creature has is activated, put a loyalty counter on it" and "when this creature dies, put all counters it has onto ~.

0 ~ becomes a 21/0 Elemental Land Creature until the beginning of your next turn. Prevent all damage to it until the beginning of your next turn.

-20 Add to your Mana Pool.



HeyItsYoshe on Galea: Age of Voltron

2 years ago

(Yeah hey I'm Reece's friend and I had nothing else happening so I thought I'd take a peek at the deck. First of all, it's a pretty sweet deck, I love this commander and how you decided to build it. Everything I'm saying here are just suggestions to help you enjoy your deck more. Do with it what you will.)

  1. Due to the final activated ability on The World Tree, it actually has a color identity of all 5 colors, so it can't be run in this 3-color deck. If you want a great resource for finding better lands, I'd recommend looking on
  2. Enlightened Tutor is pretty expensive money-wise, but of you're proxying or playing online it is a fantastic tutor that also sets the card to the top of your library to let Galea cast it with her ability
  3. This deck is pretty heavy on board wipes in my opinion, but if you like them, keep them. It might be worth running more ways to give your commander indestructible or totem armor such as Hammer of Nazahn or Eel Umbra so that she's not caught in the crossfire. These can also replace instants doing a similar thing for just 1 turn, such as Heroic Intervention
  4. Have a backup plan for if your opponents decide to kill Galea, Kindler of Hope every time she comes out before she can get protected. You may want to run more creatures to have other targets for your buffs. Many good options in the Maybeboard
  5. You have plenty of defensive interaction to protect yourself (maybe even too much), but not nearly as much offensive interaction to stop others. Cards like Beast Within or Generous Gift are incredible tools to deal with any problem. Or, consider more cards that have multiple modes such as Selesnya Charm or Primal Command so that you can choose when to help yourself or slow down opponents as needed
  6. Generally speaking you'll probably want more card draw. Spidersilk Net feels great when you cast it off the top of your library for free, but if your hand gets filled with cards like that you'll feel like you can't do anything. Sram, Senior Edificer is the perfect kind of card draw engine this deck wants to see, more things like him will help immensely.
  7. Since your deck isn't racing as fast as possible to get Galea out, ramp like Avacyn's Pilgrim and Llanowar Elves become a bit more of a liability. If you want more reliable ramp, consider switching them for more effects that put lands from your library into play. These effects have the added benefit of shuffling your deck afterwards, so once Galea is out you can use them to get a new card on top.
  8. Be very careful with "protection from color" effects in this deck. Giving a creature "protection from white" will cause any white auras attached to it to fall of and be sent to the graveyard, as they can no longer target the creature.
  9. Assault Suit is very funny. Use at your own risk...
  10. If you like Trophy Mage, you'll love Tribute Mage and Trinket Mage. Similarly:


Hope this helps! ~Yoshe

LynxGoddess on Mighty Morphin' Aura Rangers Battlecruiser

2 years ago

Cool concept! It's clear you're telling a story with your deck and I think you've done really well in representing it through your card choices. I'm not to familiar with the Power Rangers myself, so I'll give some advice but I'll also expect you to only listen to what makes sense to you! ;)

Your plan seems to be to get Siona on the table and start playing big auras to suit up several creatures and make them scary threats - fitting the theme you're going for. That's gonna be pretty hard and costly in many games since you will need to spend a lot of mana to play these auras and won't have much resources (mana, cards, protective spells) to keep your rangers alive, while those rangers dying to a kill spell will cost you several cards if you've played the auras on them. I'd look on a few options to give your rangers more chances to shine.

  1. Cheaper auras that you can play earlier. They will not have as much of an impact, but they will give you everything you need most of the time and will do so many turns earlier. (Angelic Gift, Alpha Authority, Daybreak Coronet, Gryff's Boon, Bonds of Faith etc.)
  2. Auras that don't lose you resources. By drawing a card on entering the battlefield, letting your creature draw cards or returning from the graveyard you can keep your momentum goingeven if a ranger bites it (this also makes it less attractive to kill them in the first place). (Rune of Might, Rancor, Conviction, Keen Sense etc.)
  3. Introducing more interaction, mainly in the form of protection. (Veil of Summer, Heroic Intervention, Rootborn Defenses etc.)

Perhaps losing the bigger spells would feel like the deck loses its identity - and then they should stay in. But if it feels like they arrive too late or get stuck in your hand, then maybe the card in your hand should be some other card that does more for you when you need it? Try things out and see what sticks, perhaps something I said has caught your eye! :D

mobizque on Squirrel are the best creature type (budget)

2 years ago

I like Team Pennant over Rune of Might. It doesn't have card draw, but it stays on the field after you lose a squirrel, and it fits the mob theme of your deck.

SkoomaCat89 on Deathtouch, Trample, & Poison Counters

3 years ago

Have you considered Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider in there as well? I have a similar deck that I play paper tournaments with and some people that are able to spam blockers can get the edge if your not careful. Having Vorinclex takes lethal down to 3 hits rather than 5 and allows you to win with only 3 attackers. Also I can recommend Shadowspear in the main deck as Rune of Might is able to enchant it which makes it cheaper to add trample in the event of an enchanted creature dying.

DanMcSharp on Deathtouch, Trample, & Poison Counters

3 years ago

Hey there, I used to play a lot with your friend Raging Regisaur back then. Glad to see you're doing much better than Rotting Regisaur btw, not sure what happened to him.

Anyway, that's an interesting take on the poison counter deck. It's a clever idea to use Rune of Might and Setessan Training to get through blockers with deathtouch. Actually I don't want to nitpick too much but an enchanted Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire would actually do 1 damage to the blocking creature and 2 damage to face because of the +1 attack. This means that it would work nicely with any 1/1 deathtouch creature, not just with Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire as you seem to imply.

Speaking of 1/1 creatures, this is a deck that ideally wants to win quickly by throwing as many deathtouch creatures at your opponent as possible to reach that 10 poison counter with Fynn, the Fangbearer asap, and just a quick look at your curve tells me that you would benefit a lot from having more 1 drops. You should definitely run 4 Foulmire Knight and probably even some extra Moss Viper . It would also improve your chances of having a target for your enchantments on turn 2, just in case.

I don't think you want too many Chevill, Bane of Monsters since he's legendary, and while Nighthawk Scavenger can be a powerhouse in the right decks, it's not really at home here since it's expensive, slow, and the amount of damage it deals should be mostly irrelevant. Vengeful Reaper in comparison seems like a great call to get that surprise finishing blow, I would run more than 1.

I'm not sure what you're trying to achieve with Garruk's Uprising since you already have the trample plan covered and giving trample to 1 power creature doesn't do anything for you. If you want card advantage, you might as well just run Call of the Death-Dweller instead to bring back 2 creatures from the graveyard, especially since giving one of them menace can be a big deal. Then if you get to enchant that creature it would really become a nightmare to block.

For your sideboard, running 4 Heroic Intervention under any circumstances will always be too many, it's too situational on top of taxing your mana. If you want boardwipe protection you might as well just remove like 2 of them in favor of more recursion spells again like Call of the Death-Dweller .

Another card you might want to consider is Binding the Old Gods because it's an amazing card already even in decks that ignore the 3rd chapter, but for you it could make your Toski, Bearer of Secrets even more annoying to manage.

Hopefully these are useful, cheers!

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