
Enchantment (2)

Instant (2)

Sorcery (1)

It's time to go deep with Kami of the Crescent Mooning! This self-mill deck lets you enter deep into Kami's library until you're all the way through and finish with a loaded hand!

Disclaimer: I build my decks with the main goal of having a good time while playing and not necessarily optimizing them to win. Regardless of what you are looking for I hope you enjoy the deck!

Part 2: Because I only play casually, no group I play with uses commander damage as a win condition. Please keep that in mind while looking at the deck.


But actually though, Kami of the Crescent Mooning lends itself perfectly to a self-mill strategy where you are trying to avoid provoking your opponents. You can just sit back and draw everyone cards while they target each other for being threats. Then you are all set to win out of nowhere with Laboratory Maniac or the like. Other commander options include Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur who is a little high on CMC and not so opponent friendly or Azami, Lady of Scrolls which can also make people wary with the combo potential, whereas Kami of the Crescent Mooning is a little more pleasant. Before Kami, Tomorrow, Azami's Familiar actually led the deck but was swapped out because Tomorrow doesn't actually draw cards which means you can't win with Laboratory Maniac.

Short story: draw all the cards, that's it.

My favorite way to play this deck is as a friendly grouphug deck that just wants to draw cards for everyone with no real payoff until we are through our library.

The first thing we want to do is release Kami of the Crescent Mooning and proclaim our goodwill. All we want to do is draw cards, and you get to too! So just let me sit here and I'll keep up the extra card draw!

Just in case our opponents are a little more aggressive than we appreciate we can throw down some cards like Overburden, Ivory Tower, Fog Bank, or Propaganda and keep other threats at bay with counterspells when needed.

It's nice to have infinite hand size, which can be achieved a few ways, whether that be Reliquary Tower or Thought Vessel.

Then it's off to the races! We draw all the cards we can in any way we can. Dropping Howling Mine to further increase the number of draws we have then others like Teferi's Ageless Insight or Thought Reflection to increase the draws per draw.

Now we just wait til we are ready to win, drop Laboratory Maniac and then cast something like Windfall or Tolarian Winds with a large hand to draw out your library and thats game!

Personal choices:

  • Tutors: I get that tutors are good, I very occasionally use them however because it feels cheaty to me and I prefer the randomness of drawing off the top, uncertainty is all part of the fun for me!

  • Infinite Combos: They are allowed in my playgroup and it varies how often they show up in my decks. Winning with one is kinda boring though so I prefer to limit them (another reason I don't prefer tutors - sometimes they just say "grab a combo piece and win the game"). However, in this case, this is a slightly more combo-oriented deck.

  • Compulsive Research: Card draw.

  • Deep Analysis: Card draw.

  • Divination: Card draw.

  • Ideas Unbound: Card draw.

  • Mana Severance: This used to be a Goblin Charbelcher deck when it was first conceived, and this relic of the past actually still retains value! Given I have enough lands/mana rocks and the current game state, this often lets me remove all the lands from the deck. This both decreases the cards I need to draw to win and gets rid of nearly every dead draw from here on out.

  • Sift: Card draw.

  • Sleep: Protection from large token decks and the sort.

  • Treasure Cruise: Card draw.

  • Windfall: Another game winning card depending on your hand size and draw doublers.

With infinite mana, we can basically just keep casting draw spells until we get through the whole library. That said, here the few combos I've got. Any suggestions appreciated.

The original version of this deck was created in mid 2019.

Thanks for checking out the deck! Y'all can check out my other decks here! Draw well!


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Revision 44 See all

(2 weeks ago)

+1 Dissipation Field main
-1 Thought Reflection main
Date added 5 years
Last updated 2 weeks
Exclude colors WBRG

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 0 Mythic Rares

28 - 0 Rares

19 - 0 Uncommons

18 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.14
Tokens Ape 3/3 G, Bird 2/2 U, Frog Lizard 3/3 G
Folders decks, Adios
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