Hieroglyphic Illumination

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Hieroglyphic Illumination


Draw two cards.

Cycling (, Discard this card: Draw a card.)

kimosabe on Izzet Instants and Sorceries

2 years ago

Hello. I'm Considering ways to fill your graveyard up faster since you run Enigma Drake and Crackling Drake.

Instead of Opt replace with Consider

Instead of Divination consider Hieroglyphic Illumination

Instead of Chart a Course consider Curate

Unexplained Disappearance and Sweltering Suns are both interesting as well.

Grubbernaut on

2 years ago

I would def use some filterlands, in this deck. I also think Lili feels out of place in a deck with counters and card advantage; maybe a Karn package could be interesting? Not sure.

Also, Hieroglyphic Illumination is a pet card of mine, and I have to plug it here :p

Grubbernaut on

2 years ago

I like Vapor Snag a lot for low-curve delver decks like this. I'd also definitely sub out Deprive for Counterspell. You'll almost never kick Into the Roil in a low-land-count deck, so it's worth the switch.

Also: regarding your description, just wanted to point out that Test of Talents cannot, in fact, counter an un-counterable spell.

I also think Pteramander is better than Serpent, especially if you swap to Consider over Opt once it's released and legal.

I also like a few cards for actual advantage, like Chart a Course or even Hieroglyphic Illumination. You could also consider Disrupting Shoal as a budget "force."

Another good consideration is Spellstutter Sprite.


EpicBox75 on

3 years ago

Hi. I love UB control archetype so I would like to give my 2 cents. So I'll hope that this helps/gives new ideas ^_^

I think your deck at the moment has unnecessary tap lands. Halimar Depths Vivid Marsh and Polluted Mire and Lonely Sandbar. I would recommend trying Mystic Sanctuary, Sunken Ruins, Field of Ruin, Fabled Passage or Castle Vantress. Karakas is also viable option even though it acts like colorless land in UB.

I also need to recommend Search for Azcanta  Flip because it can win control mirrors almost by itself. Shark Typhoon and Omen of the Sea are my personal additions usually because both of them are 2 for 1 effects.

For sorcerys I have not been impressed with Yahenni's Expertise and I have played Shadows' Verdict and/or Dead of Winter instead of it. Also Bloodchief's Thirst and Baleful Mastery are cards that I can't stop recommending because they are just that good, the ability to get rid of an creature or planeswalker while being cheap removal if needed is just so good.

For creatures I will recommand Murderous Rider it is another hero's downfall with 2 for 1 thanks to adventure, I have never been impressed by Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir because he usually doesn't do enough for 5 mana. For planeswalkers if your meta has decks that have creatures Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver is surprisingly effective and talking about Ashiok Ashiok, Nightmare Muse is a real game closer because both +1 and -3 are extremely good and an army of 2/3 will win the game at some point.

For instants I will just write recommendations because there are so many: Archmage's Charm just does everything you would want, Commence the Endgame uncounterable threath + card draw and is especially good mirror breaker, Cryptic Command it also does everything, Disallow the stiffle can save games sometimes (like countering planeswalker "ultimate"), Erebos's Intervention I personally like this card very much because it can buy so much time against aggro decks, Hieroglyphic Illumination works as early game can trip and mid/late game divination, Spell Snare on draw this is amazing and usually the best cards are 2-3 costed so this usually hits something important and last but not least Force of Negation because it is another force. I would recommend little bit more targeted removal because edict effects are worse against decks that play mana elfs or other low impact 1 drops.

I personally wouldn't play your artifact package but because I haven't played with artifact package I won't say anything about that because I don't know how good it is.

These are just my recommendations and these aren't absolutes. Here is also list if you would like to compare different building choices

I hope that you found this helpful ^_^

Icbrgr on

3 years ago

I really like this deck and might be why I built my own blue moon brew lol. (I've seen and upvoted before)

Do you have any thoughts or preference for Behold the Multiverse ? I have seen Hieroglyphic Illumination in this slot before for other brews but I think I personally like Fact or Fiction ... especially with Snapcaster Mage there is a ton of room for value.

trocroi on Budget Modern Izzet Spellslinger

3 years ago

Personally I’d replace Snapcaster with Arclight cuz I’m cheap haha

Another thing is that you are playing 4x Goblin Electromancer but only 5 of the 23 instants and sorceries you’re playing benefit from the goblin’s ability. I’d go for some higher-cost damage or card draw... perhaps Hieroglyphic Illumination or Supreme Will ?

I also really like Quicken — it allows you to play sorceries off-turn, increasing the pool of valid answers, and worst case it just cycles.

TriusMalarky on Black & Blue Graveyard Mill

3 years ago

I think you'd be better off going far away from mill.

A lot of newer players make the mistake of thinking "wow, it's a way to win that denies my opponent resources". It's not. It's a way to win that actually gives most of your opponents resources.

Even if you're playing casual, if your friend has their own Gravepurge then you just gave them a huge advantage.

However, there's another archetype that you definitely have some of the cards for and the rest is cheap: blue black control.

Try this basic list:

Then add in your Dragonlord and that Liliana as well as some other big fun blue/black cards that win. Not the Abberations tho. The Necromasters will do fine.

Then, I recommend picking up some better untapped fixing and replacing those Refuges with River of Tears.

That list should cost you about $30. I've included budget options for the cards that may be more expensive, but if possible use the first in each line rather than the second.

I think you'll like that list a lot more, and do pretty well with it. With some slight tweaks(mostly replacing Preordain and Ponder with Opt and Serum Visions), it'd be playable in Modern, and, if you're skilled enough, you should be able to pick up some wins and do fairly well.

But that's just me -- if you don't like that direction, that's fine. Mill can be pretty fun sometimes.

ThisIsMyAccount on Mono U Ninja Faeries

3 years ago

I think running Hieroglyphic Illumination or Serum Visions instead of Of One Mind and Preordain instead of Brainstorm would just be better.

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