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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Return target creature to its owners hand. Gain control of all Auras and Equipment that were attached to it, then attach them to another creature.

carpecanum on You Dropped This

2 years ago

You should include Fumble just because it matches the Deck title and artifact theme.

Stolen Identity and Replicating Ring

Hazankob on U/G Anti-spike Commander (EDH)

3 years ago

2021 update:

While thanks to the commander the deck doesn't run out of steam very often, unfortunately on occasion because of the commander, an opponent can have more steam than you are able to keep up with. Due to this I've decided to cut a couple of cards that "do nothing" outside of specific situations.


Psychic Surgery , which is basically a cheaper/weaker mindlock orb.

Leyline of Anticipation , I'm a huge fan of this card so it was a difficult cut, however with Teferi and Alchemist's Refuge in the deck, and also considering the large ratio of instants or cards with flash therein, its not a massive loss.

Archmage's Charm , Not gonna lie, I've never liked this spell, I just wanted to steal someone's Sol Ring with it and since I have a couple of 4 mana counterspells I figured it was a justifiable inclusion. I never did steal a Sol Ring and there even was a time where it was a dead draw because I was stuck on 2 blue.


Decisive Denial , The most obvious inclusion. In general this card just seems powerful. Removal? Check. Counterspell? Check. It also fits on a scepter. Much better than Archmage's Charm.

Fumble , Another scepter target. My dream is to steal an Eldrazi Conscription or a Kaldra with this. Another unseen use of this card is how it interacts with control magic effects. Powerful on paper, lets see how it holds up in practice.

Scroll Rack , This card speaks for itself. I didn't cut Leyline because I dislike leyline, I cut it because I needed to make room for this.

chilbi on Harry Potter and the Hunger for Flavour

4 years ago

Love it, +1 from me. Possibly Stun for Stupor? Also, i'd go with Magnetic Theft or Disarm for Expellarmus, maybe Fumble if those two don't offer enough playability.

Monomanamaniac on Can creatures with shroud be …

5 years ago

There are some instances that get past this, anything that doesn't target with its ability would work. Quest for the Holy Relic can get around this, because it doesn't target. Fumble Armory Automaton Stonehewer Giant are interesting examples of ways to put equipment onto creatures with shroud.

Caerwyn on Card interaction; Willbreaker

6 years ago

Control Magic :

You cast Control Magic , targeting an opponent's creature. Willbreaker 's ability triggers and goes on the stack. Willbreaker 's ability resolves first, and you gain control of the creature until Willbreaker leaves the battlefield.

The creature is still the same card, and thus is still a valid target for Control Magic . Control Magic resolves, enchanting the creature you now control as a result of Willbreaker .

If you lose control of Control Magic , while Willbreaker is in play, you will still control the creature until Willbreaker leaves play. If Willbreaker leaves play first, you will still control the creature until Control Magic no longer enchants the creature.

Fumble :

You will target the creature triggering Willbreaker . It resolves and the creature is now under your control. At this time, you do not have control over the auras and equipment attached to it.

It is still the same object, so Fumble will resolve and bounce the creature to its owner's hand (not you). You will gain control of the auras and equipment attached to that creature.

Curse of the Swine :

You target X creatures. Willbreaker will resolve, and you will gain control of those creatures. Curse of the Swine will resolve and exile those creatures. You will get 2/2 green Boar creatures, as you controlled the creatures at the time of Curse of the Swine 's resolution.

Wolfpig on Card interaction; Willbreaker

6 years ago

How does Willbreaker affect the following spells;

Control Magic Fizz?

Fumble Fizz?

Curse of the Swine I get pig Tokens?

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