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God's Forsaken Roombas: The Quest for Black Mold

Commander / EDH BUG (Sultai) Casual Creature Cheat Jank Reanimator Top Deck Matters



Creature (1)

Y'know all those top-end creatures from older Magic sets that came with heavy downsides like sacrificing lands every turn just to keep them from self-destructing? This is a deck built around them. They still aren't very good cards, but that's not the point.

Fine tuned to be a casual battlecrusing mess that I can bring out to have fun and get "wtf"'s with. There are solid core engines like Azusa landfall, but it's all to keep stupid cards like Polar Kraken in play. Anyways, getting elementals from Infernal Denizen > Titania, Protector of Argoth isn't something most folks can say they've done.


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92% Casual


Revision 5 See all

(1 month ago)

+1 Bloodstained Mire main
+1 Counterbalancefoil main
-1 Dark Confidant main
+1 Dream Halls main
-1 Island main
+1 Marsh Flats main
-1 Necrotic Ooze main
+1 Sensei's Divining Topfoil main
-1 Swamp main
-1 Wayward Swordtooth main
Date added 1 month
Last updated 1 month

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

14 - 0 Mythic Rares

63 - 0 Rares

10 - 0 Uncommons

6 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 4.37
Tokens Badger 3/3 G, City's Blessing, Elemental 5/3 G, Emblem Jace, Vryn's Prodigy, Junk, Monarch Emblem
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