Wolfhunter's Quiver

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Wolfhunter's Quiver

Artifact — Equipment

Equipped creature has "{T}: This creature deals 1 damage to target creature or player" and "{T}: This creature deals 3 damage to target Werewolf creature." Equip 5

jamochawoke on The Chinese Firemind

1 year ago

Even though he's got horsemanship (basically unblockable) you've already got Hermetic Study and Psionic Gift to give your commander a ping to fire off his ability. But I like to run things in 3's if I can. So you might try Viridian Longbow or Wolfhunter's Quiver (if.. for some reason your meta runs a lot of werewolves? lol).

Also Neko-Te or Sigil of Sleep might be an interesting include since you could get double value with control for your pings since you'll want to be doing that anyways but tapping down or returning a creature might be of more benefit in the moment than drawing a card.

Ophidian Eye might also be interesting to play with to see if you could get even more draw although I see you've already got Curiosity which is strictly better.

NAT0 on Vraska, deathtouch

3 years ago

Thanks! yeah can't wait to try it out. I might have to take out Wolfhunter's Quiver with that 5 mana equip cost

RangersGuild on DeathTouch Pingers ( I NEED HELP Please !!)

4 years ago

I just went through your deck real quickly and tried to pick out some cards I thought didn't quite fit with the theme of the deck. Torbran, Thane of Red Fell, Liliana's Reaver, Hammer of Ruin, Lobe Lobber, Manriki-Gusari, Mirror Shield, Sharpened Pitchfork, Umbral Mantle, Wolfhunter's Quiver, The equip cost is way to high. Terminate, You shouldn't need this card with all your deathtouch. Inferno Titan, Agent of the Fates,

Here are a couple cards that I think will be some of your best cards in your deck. Shriveling Rot, Thornbite Staff, Magus of the Wheel

I saw a lot of cards that would give creatures first strike or double strike. I don't think you need so many. Try cutting some of them out. Also it might be a better idea to focus a bit more on getting -1/-1 counters on creature for the card draw from you commander. Murderous Redcap would probably be able to drawing a couple cards for you. And you might want to look at the persist ability.

Here is a link to a deck I made that is a death touch tribal kind of idea. It's not perfect but it might help you with some ideas. And the commander might work in the 99 of your deck. https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/they-said-it-would-never-work/

rdean14 on Card creation challenge

5 years ago

Btw, in my previous challenge, I meant a card like one of these:


So, if someone wants to do that instead of fateful hour, that's also very cool.

Evidently I need to be more clear on what I mean. I mean, this is twice my challenge was misinterpreted, so clearly it's on me, lol.

MohenjoDaro on Shooting Fish (and Frogs) in a Barrel

5 years ago

Dizzy Spell could help tutor out Wolfhunter's Quiver, or help in a pinch. Definitely a fun idea

BMHKain on Omnath, who Mana Breaks for us all.

5 years ago

(CAUTION: TL;DR Crap AHEAD; Reason: This is a set of opinions of cards of note for this deck.)

@king-saproling: After all this, I'd like a possible Review on this deck, as well as this:

Take all Text for Yourself w/o needing to Steal!

Commander / EDH* BMHKain


This is a 1 Damage KO Deck. Utilizing Card Advantage, a Myriad of threats to slow those down, Heck, I actually put the High CMC stuff in as Atemsis Bantha Fodder. just to win a game; so they're not useless at all as this is how Atemsis, All-Seeing Works as a CMDR; high amounnts of unique CMC Costs for use.

But what about these?

1: Hall of Gemstone : (I guess Omnath Reserve works here?) 2: Frontier Siege (Ramp or Kill... I'd rather ramp; not enough powerful creatures to be a "Dragon"...) 3: Silent Arbiter (Is this why you said "No." to a Teferi Killer? ) 4: Angel's Trumpet (But why use this, W/O Hydra-Kitten-chan? 5: Uba Mask (I, uh,,, How good is this? I never understood how these effects are "Good".) 6: Abundance (It's a Random Pick, but at least you get to choose which pick needed. II keep.)
7: Teferi's Puzzle Box ( Mindmoil ? IN MY ?! Permanent Keep.) 8: Meteor Golem If only what this guy can do IRL is safe; as it's not. Awesome effect; almost like a Bramblecrush on legs; Artifice also. Keep.). 9. Cauldron of Souls (This looks good for my Cromat "No Counters Allowed" Deck. But why the recommendation?
10: Colfenor's Urn (Uh... I'd have an opinion as long as I know Exile Stoarge Plus'.) 11: Lifeline (I'd like to make a list of stuff hates, & recursion is one. Since we're in theme, this Pases.) 12: Mimic Vat (This is secret tech for Superfriends; but what to use w/ here) 13: Mirrorworks 14: Not of This World (This wasn't chopped. This was Planet-Cleaved. How many creatures here have 7 Power?) 15: Pariah's Shield (I guess it's for Omnath? I'd like to change this up after this as well as work on my Atemsis Deck for this.)

As well as the Losers of this deck...

1: Wolfhunter's Quiver (There is a combo involving this, Thornbite Staff , something w/ Deathtouch, & It That Betrays to wipe a whole field clean while going to Value Town. Why the cut?) 2: Akroma's Memorial (I re-entered this in as it's Mana-Pricey, but we've Omnath Anyway; so putting this online is proof of Omnath #1 's HUGE Ramp.) 3: Destructor Dragon (I guess we've already enough flying stuff; & this was just a clunker.) 4: Lignify (Why cut this, & not Song of the Dryads also? Is this for turning a creature into a mere blocker?) 5: Eldrazi Conscription (Is this Aura really that bad? Alright, Tuvasa the Sunlit has it now.) 6/7: Noxious Revival / Reclaim (Reclaim is at least, affordable (Quasi-Recursion via Topdecking; Noxious Revival is basically the same, but on Gitaxian Probe level power. Why does everyone think Phyrexian Mana Cards are so good? I'll never know...) 8: Scour from Existence (Do I Other Ways of Destruction? I guess I'll allow the cut.) 9: Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre (Are Eldrazi that Bad here? It's either This, or Kozilek, & It that Betrays. Should I trust my gut on this?) 10: Chrome Mox : Replaced by Nyx Lotus indefinitely unless it gets banned. 11: Key to the City : (I guess The Quasi-Rummage requiring more mana for one to have a creature unblackable, then untap to Draw. I didn't think I'd be better off w/o Discarding...) 12: Ratchet Bomb (Blowing up Mana Rocks; someone said (Kinda...), But you were right about this as a cut; I thought it as sketchy.) 13: Sensei's Divining Top ((?_?) I mean, even Noxious Revival is understandable, but saying Chopp'd to a Big Staple of all Commander/EDH? I'm at a loss...) 14: Harmonize (Should I put Rishkar's Expertise back in?) 15: Gilded Goose ((Looks at Card.) Why say no? It makes food, & ramps. Just imagine the (Weiß)Versatility this can do. 16: It That Betrays (Why say no to this? is it that average? Remember that Value Town Combo...). 17: Kozilek, Butcher of Truth (Does this attract that much hate? Is that why the Eldrazi are veto'd here? 18: Wall of Tanglecord (Actually, good piont; would rather bust defenses, not use them.) 19: Questing Beast (Are you confident to suggest cutting Kitten Hydra-chan? It's one of the best cards in this case, sadly...)
20: Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger (Doubling Land Mana; & more so, while Halfing everyone else? Is the problem w/ big fatties I didn't know of even?) 21: Bow of Nylea (+1/+1 Counter on a Creature? 2 Damage to a flyer? 3 Life? & Retrieve 4 Cards from the Yard to the Bottom of your library in any order? Attackers have Deathtouch? Damn; I'd actually put this in now if I've a way to Untap Freely for this...)

& the underdogs?

1: Gingerbread Cabin (Is this worth keeping? Seems lackluster...) 2: Nissa, Worldwaker (Searching for all Forests? Why not Landfall like mad? Opinions?) 3: Prototype Portal + Ugin's Nexus Extra Turns w/o Seedtime . Good, or not?)
4: Sword of the Animist Is this good for ramp? I'm wondering...) 5: Umbral Mantle (Yeah, this could've been good, if the Shaman Staff 1 Damage Deathtouch Steal via IT THAT BETRAYS is far better even w/o the last piece!) 6: Yeva, Nature's Herald : (Is another Restricted to just Creatures worth it?) 7: Nylea, God of the Hunt : Already got a way to Trample like MAD, & I've other ways to increase both Power & toughness for my creatures anyway. Nylea, Keen-Eyed ? Worse here, but better in Animar, Soul of Elements all-creature builds. Oh, & the latter demands Topdecking, otherwise, you might just wasted a good card.

Sorry for the immense sized comments; I just want to point out my opinions; & I'm sorry if So, that said, I'll revise my Atemsis, All-Seeing Deck later; It's night where I'm at...

Later! :)

bushido_man96 on The Best Riddle is How this Deck Wins

5 years ago

Have you thought about running more bulk card draw to help win the game? Spells like Blue Sun's Zenith and Stroke of Genius that can fill your hand and possibly help you win? A card like Soothsaying can help you set up the top of your library, too, to find the missing piece to win.

Also, note that Aemsis's ability triggers on damage, not just combat damage. A card like Hermetic Study , or some equipment like Wolfhunter's Quiver , Thornbite Staff , or Pathway Arrows can help you out, too.

Drakorya on Help: Budgetish -1/-1 counter deck

6 years ago

Adding equipment that lets your creatures do damage will allow your deathtouching snake tokens to tap to destroy your opponents creatures.

Cards like Viridian Longbow, Wolfhunter's Quiver and Thornbite Staff (Pathway Arrows and Hankyu work too, but aren't as good).

I would also suggest Grim Affliction, Fevered Convulsions, Skullclamp, Cinderhaze Wretch, Necroskitter, Wickerbough Elder, and Seshiro the Anointed.

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