Otherworldly Journey

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Otherworldly Journey

Instant — Arcane

Exile target creature. At the beginning of the next end step, return that card to the battlefield under its owner's control with a +1/+1 counter on it.

jamochawoke on What, Exactly, is Wrong with …

3 years ago

Mono-White does 3 things well in Commander:

  • Alternate wincons, it has two lifegain wincons that are extremely easy to hit and one spell-based.
  • Pillow fort with angel or other flying beaters. Protect yourself, then hope the board has picked apart itself enough you can win with those big fliers.
  • Equipment. Currently white and red are kind of tied for best equipment based decks, but white does it slightly better.

What it doesn't do well in commander, ironically, is its token go-wide strategy that works in Modern and Standard decks usually. That's because the board is getting wrathed by red/black/and white itself constantly. If you're generating tokens in white commander you are for sure putting protection or indestructible on them through equipment or enchants or you're losing.

There is also one other thing that white does better in all formats than any other color, and that's flickering/blink. Yes blue has some of it and thus if you combine them into Azorius colorings you get access to all the blink tech but white just has way more. With Flickerwisp and Eldrazi Displacer for 3 mana you can disrupt so many people's combos and plans. That's not even including Restoration Angel , Cloudshift , Eerie Interlude , Otherworldly Journey , Sun Titan , Felidar Guardian , et cetera.

Block, blink. They don't have trample? Tough time for them. Especially tough if what you're blinking has a powerful ETB effect. If it does have trample? Just blink the offending creature instead of your own. With wisp you can blink lands and artifacts and enchantments and have them come into play untapped. There's a ton of stuff you can mess with using that tech. It's just unfortunate that even though white has the best blink tech out there, they don't print too much of it any more. Possibly because of how powerful ETB effects have become in the latest few sets... especially when you combine it with red.

Serabelle on Avacyn Worldslayer

4 years ago

Hey, nice to see someone else is trying to make Avacyn competitive! Here are some thoughts from my own Avacyn deck, I’m still in the process of building it as well. :)


Card Quality:

Protecting Avacyn:

  • Avacyn is a huge threat and most people will definitely try to stop you from using her by: countering her summoning, exiling her, -x/-x, sacrifice, copying or stealing her.

  • Teferi's Protection is complete board protection. Probably the best defense white has.

  • Effects like Otherworldly Journey or Long Road Home allow you to save her from exile board wipes, Cyclonic Rift and the like.

  • Arcane Lighthouse is useful in circumstances that someone copies or steals your Avacyn.

  • Whispersilk Cloak can also combo well with Worldslayer (just be sure to equip Worldslayer first).

Spot Removal:

  • Oblation (shuffles back into deck)

  • Condemn (puts attacking creature at the bottom of its owner’s library)

Counter Spells: (Not that there are many in white).


Potential Planeswalkers:

Good Luck! I hope the deck building goes well! :)

rumpy on

4 years ago

Hey there, you've got a pretty good thing going on here, especially for a first deck. A lot more cohesive than my first EDH attempt many moons ago, which was a horrible mishmash of netdeck and "super secret tech" that in fact did not work as intended. Your secret sauce of mild pillow fort actually makes sense!

That said, here are a few pointers that should help you smooth out some rough edges:

  • You should run all seven one-drop instant speed cantrips. They're just good, no matter your specific Feather game plan. You're missing Heal and Panic. They don't get you an instant card, but they're still good.
  • Dowsing Dagger  Flip is really good ramp that flips quite easily because Feather has wings, and you can make use of the big mana shot with your red-centric pump quite easily.
  • I agree that Scroll of the Masters is very nice for ending people with voltron damage, I ran it until taking it out recently to focus more on the whole storming out angle. This is a bit of a sad truth, but decks tend to work better when you zoom in on an particular angle of attack. In your case, keep an eye on how the cast payoffs work. You run quite few rocks, so you won't have obscene mana to keep a crazy number of spells in constant circulation. The token guys are still gonna be good for gumming, but the various Guttersnipe variants might end up lacking. I expect Aetherflux Reservoir in particular to do little for you.
  • Some voltron stuff I always thought could be good is O-Naginata and Leering Emblem.
  • Emerge Unscathed does nothing for you as you don't care about its rebound. You should have enough repeatable protection stuff to not care about Deflecting Swat. Sheltering Light is nice as it's a form of protection while scrying for 1 mana. Faith's Shield is like a second Apostle's Blessing in that it can also protect a non-creature in a pinch. Not sure how vital that will be for you. My personal protection suite is the one-drop insta-flickers (Cloudshift, Ephemerate), two-drop EOT-flickers (Liberate, Long Road Home, Otherworldly Journey), a few colour protection options (Gods Willing, Apostle's Blessing, Faith's Shield, Shelter) and a bit of indestructibility (Ajani's Presence, Ephemeral Shields, Sheltering Light).

Kogarashi on Flip Cards removed from the …

5 years ago

When Kaiso, Memory of Loyalty is exiled by Otherworldly Journey , it "forgets" its flipped status and returns to being Faithful Squire while in exile, and it is Faithful Squire that returns to the battlefield.

  • 709.2. In every zone other than the battlefield, and also on the battlefield before the permanent flips, a flip card has only the normal characteristics of the card. Once a permanent is flipped, its normal name, text box, type line, power, and toughness don’t apply and the alternative versions of those characteristics apply instead.

  • 709.4. Flipping a permanent is a one-way process. Once a permanent is flipped, it’s impossible for it to become unflipped. However, if a flipped permanent leaves the battlefield, it retains no memory of its status. See rule 110.5.

ShivanForce on Flip Cards removed from the …

5 years ago

If Faithful Squire is in play, and let's say it gets two ki counters so it gets flipped at end of turn into Kaiso, Memory of Loyalty . If I cast Otherworldly Journey on Kaiso, when it comes back into play at end of turn is it Faithful Squire or is it Kaiso with zero ki counters?

VaalVanir on The Pie Raker's Army

5 years ago

TwinStags Here are the cards you want opinions: Oblation Stuffy Doll Silverclad Ferocidons Crack the Earth Misguided Rage ( Phalanx Leader Anax and Cymede tokens with Young Pyromancer Launch the Fleet Monastery Mentor Akroan Crusader Vanguard of Brimaz ) Goblinslide Tenth District Legionnaire Burning Prophet and I'll give you my opinions.

Oblation : This is a great card! For 2 and a White you exile a token and get TWO LANDS!! VALUE!! Until you run out of basic lands to fetch. Then you're getting rid of 1 creature threat at a cost of giving two lands to only ONE of your opponents. ChibiNature's explanation for getting rid of Oblation is higher up on this thread. But Oblation only does so much for 3 CMC. Compare to other spells that is in this deck, that is also 3 CMC, Oblation is a clear choice to cut. BUT, if you are going the TOKEN route for your EDH deck then this is good. Not great, only good.

Stuffy Doll Silverclad Ferocidons : These two are basically the same effect, hurt them and they hurt our opponent. So the question becomes 'How many 'Direct Damage' spells are we going to run? The answer: Not enough. These two cards do not justify the amount of direct damage spells we need to run to kill our opponents.

Crack the Earth Misguided Rage : These cards have no synergy with Feather, the Redeemed , there is no value because we can't replay these cards unless we do graveyard recursion which is a host of other cards that is NOT in Boros colors.

Phalanx Leader Anax and Cymede tokens with Young Pyromancer Launch the Fleet Monastery Mentor Akroan Crusader Vanguard of Brimaz ) Goblinslide : This is actually a good idea, make a bunch of tokens and just spew all over our opponents faces. This is probably the 2nd best way to play Feather, the Redeemed . It does need a lot of setup and luck in drawing your creatures and spells. I can see an aggro deck that snowballs very fast. You'll be enemy #1 very fast. But can you bounce back after a boardwipe? How many turns will it take for you to rebuild your army of tokens? What about the balance of number of creatures to number of pump spells? How are you going to protect your tokens from being wiped?

Tenth District Legionnaire Burning Prophet : Scrying is nice. Drawing is better. For example you cast a spell onto Tenth District Legionnaire and you scry and decide to keep that card on the top. What happens to the next spell you cast onto Tenth District Legionnaire . If it is a pump spell, then it's better to cast it onto Zada, Hedron Grinder and pump ALL your tokens instead of only Tenth District Legionnaire . The same argument goes for Burning Prophet as well. My opinion is that Burning Prophet is better than Tenth District Legionnaire

You are missing two other ways to play Feather, the Redeemed . Have you looked into Flicker playstyle using Cloudshift and Otherworldly Journey ? Have you seen Zealous Conscripts and Stonehorn Dignitary ? Imagine casting Cloudshift onto Stoneforge Mystic ! ProTip: Use Zealous Conscripts to grab an enemy creature, then cast Cloudshift onto the creature you stole... that creature is now yours until it dies, not until end of turn!

VaalVanir on The Pie Raker's Army

5 years ago

ChibiNature Thoughts on Thalia's Lancers ?

Can tutor for Zada, Hedron Grinder , Paradox Engine , Linvala, Keeper of Silence , and Inventors' Fair (Can't believe Mox Diamond is not a Legendary).

And you can Cloudshift , Otherworldly Journey the Lancers for repeat value.

VaalVanir on The Pie Raker's Army

5 years ago

ChibiNature What and how have your interactions between flickering and Dualcaster Mage been? (Keep in mind I started playing Magic around 3 weeks ago after a 12 year hiatus).

I will switch out Momentary Blink with Otherworldly Journey even though I thought it can double as a dodge for board wipe.

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