Phalanx Leader

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Phalanx Leader

Creature — Human Soldier

Heroic — Whenever you cast a spell that targets Phalanx Leader, put a +1/+1 counter on each creature you control.

Chasmolinker on

2 years ago

This has some real potential. Phalanx Leader with some additional buffs could make this deck sing. I would cut some of your higher costed cards for a playset. Check out Mana Tithe or Silence for some added protection.

sameraii007 on Equipment Deck

2 years ago

I recommend Phalanx Leader Fabled Hero mostly with Auras, Instants, and Sorceries. For draw, I recommend Towashi Guide-Bot Puresteel Paladin Akiri, Fearless Voyager Sword of Fire and Ice and maybe Skullclamp

rekkim on Heroic

2 years ago

Changelog v2.0:

  • Changed Lagonna-Band Trailblazer to Simic Initiate and quantity from three to four.
  • ・It's functional and also frees up a slot for basic land by replacing a Llanowar Reborn.
  • Reduced Phalanx Leader to two copies.
  • ・Strictly better than the generic heroic effect, but it costs WW, and waiting on that can gimp an entire match. On top of that, all of my combat tricks're green, so having access to say, one of those per turn is going to slow down what you got out of it, anyway.
  • Increased Ainok Bond-Kin to three.
  • ・Deck is otherwise lacking in things that enter the field with proportional size to their cost, and, first strike aside, it has a lax 1W casting cost.
  • Increased Akroan Skyguard to three.
  • ・Easy-to-achieve casting cost for reliable creature, assuming you can get it to grow.
  • Reworked mana: dropped vivid lands, reduced Llanowar Reborn to three, added Fortified Village, added five forests and reduced plains by one.
  • ・Much better without waiting a turn. I guess you can use the vivid stuff for a poor man's five-color deck.

KongMing on

2 years ago

Akroan Skyguard and Arena Athlete might be good ways to get damage past blockers.

Phalanx Leader buffs wide, but makes your field more vulnerable to removal. can be expensive, too.

Every deck needs a good late-game finish/boardwipe too - what about packing two Chandra's Ignitions? You could even include a couple Tajic, Legion's Edge - the combination of Mentor and Haste along with the First Strike option makes him a very potent aggro card to use alongside Double Strike 2-drops. (Also, if you target him with the Chandra's Ignition, only your opponent and their creatures take damage)

Control_Train on Feather Redeems Boros in EDH [Primer]

3 years ago

KayneMarco - They do get exiled, but they make excellent attackers with any of the buff creatures (Leonin Lightscribe, Anax and Cymede, Phalanx Leader) and they can be made on opponents' turns so they can function as blockers against things without trample, I'm really excited for this card actually lol

TheVectornaut on Heroic white Soldiers

3 years ago

Strive is an excellent way to ensure you're not missing out on heroic triggers on your other creatures when spells inevitably get diverted to Phalanx Leader . Launch the Fleet and Ajani's Presence are the best two options in white. If you don't mind running nonhumans, Vanguard of Brimaz and Tethmos High Priest could make Fight as One viable instead. More generic instant/sorceries could be Gird for Battle , Hope and Glory , and Tandem Tactics . Finally, if you prefer the Hero of Iroas , Kor Spiritdancer type of play, Spirit Mantle + Daybreak Coronet is a great way to push damage and Karametra's Blessing is a nice trick.

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