Frontline Medic

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Frontline Medic

Creature — Human Cleric

Battalion — Whenever Frontline Medic and at least two other creatures attack, creatures you control are indestructible this turn.

Sacrifice Frontline Medic: Counter target spell with in its mana cost unless its controller pays .

Crow_Umbra on The Allure of Honor

7 months ago

Digging your deck description lol. Definitely a great one sentence encapsulation for playing Isshin. Have you had a chance to play this deck irl yet? Mostly asking to see if there were any areas you were looking to maybe change around, or if you have a general budget in mind. I have a few general suggestions if you're looking to make swaps or upgrades:

  • I think if there's any one area besides ramp or draw, that Isshin decks should look to upgrade first, it's definitely board protection. Isshin is super board dependent, so the more you can protect that, especially proactively, the better you'll be over the course of a game.

  • On the topic of protection, Reconnaissance is a great first upgrade. It was recently reprinted in the Assassin's Creed set with updated reminder text. It acts as like a pseudo-Vigilance that can pull your creatures out of combat at various points. This EDHREC article helps explain this utility in better detail.

  • Dolmen Gate is another excellent board protection effect.

  • Instant speed options like Unbreakable Formation and Scapegoat are decent budget options to help avoid wipes. Alternatively, Plumb the Forbidden is a great way to sac your board in response to a board wipe and refill your hand. Clever Concealment is a less budget option, but great for decks like this that want to go wide.

  • Frontline Medic is also a budget option that's kind of on theme with Battalion. Fanatical Devotion is also another fairly budget option for repurposing your tokens.

Happy to talk shop if you're looking for feedback. I have some additional ideas, but didn't want to write you an essay. Hope you have fun with Isshin, he's a blast to get snowballing.

KongMing on The Surgin' General [Primer]

8 months ago

Legion Loyalist can be a cheap and effective way to get damage through while attacking.

For getting Satya attacking midgame more without dying, how about something like Frontline Medic, Dolmen Gate, Angelic Guardian, or Spirit Mantle?

Also, including Embercleave and Sunhome, Fortress of the Legion could allow you to get some Commander damage kills.

legendofa on How Are Red, Black, and …

9 months ago

White's counterspells are taxing effects, requiring an additional mana payment, and delaying effects, returning spells to the controller's hand or library. The most recent example of this, and the only new one within the last ten years, is Mage's Attendant, and that creates a blue token (but doesn't need blue mana). The other Modern-legal options are Frontline Medic, Lapse of Certainty, and Time Spiral block's Mana Tithe, Rebuff the Wicked, and Dawn Charm. Generally, Time Spiral block shouldn't be considered as a precedent for anything, so that leaves three mono-white counterspells printed since the Modern era. This includes supplemental sets, Commander sets, and other specialty sets.

In my opinion, white counterspells should fall in the "very rare and inefficient" category, and other non-blue colors shouldn't get any counterspells. White is the only non-blue color with any Modern counterspells, with the Time Spiral-block exception of Dash Hopes, and is second behind blue in eternal formats. I think it's worth noting that green takes second place, behind blue, in countering triggered or activated abilities.

NV_1980 on Myrel, Shield of Argive

1 year ago

This looks wonderful. Here's some of the stuff that I use in my soldier-tribal that I don't see here that might be useful to you:

Hope this helped. Keep it up with your nice brews!

cebel3 on Kyler, Sigardian Emissary

1 year ago

Some possible additions would be:

Flowering of the White Tree for buffing everything and giving your legendary creatures some protection.

Windbrisk Heights to help cheat out hopefully something big for doing what you're already doing.

Frontline Medic to help when you swing wide.

Boromir, Warden of the Tower to stop others from getting to cheat out spells in general.

Door of Destinies and Coat of Arms to make your army swol.

Vanquisher's Banner Path of Ancestry and Sylvan Library for some card advantage.

Maybe putting in Throne of the God-Pharaoh and Strixhaven Stadium as additional win conditions to take out players that can guard against you or pillow fort.

It looks like you're also running a counters matter sub theme so maybe Opal Palace has a place too.

Coward_Token on Streets of New Capenna

2 years ago

Whoops, spoke to soon on PA:

Rob the Archives feels like a needless step-down from Reckless Impulse's templating

Ballroom Fighters: I believe this is the third couple dancing-based card since Markov Waltzer and Alluring Suitor  Flip

Mage's Attendant: STANDARD LEGAL MONO-WHITE COUNTERSPELL ALERT! Finally. I believe the last one was Frontline Medic, over 9 years ago. I think it's fair for white to do its counterspells trough non-flash permanents à la Seal of Cleansing rather than Instants, requring non-hidden setup. Looking forward for more in the future. However, the flavor of calling the card an "Attendant" is a little weird seeing as the "Master" is the one which sacrifices its life.

Crow_Umbra on Musashi's Mosh Pit [Primer]

3 years ago

Hey Macaronigrill5150, thank you for the suggestions! I'm glad you've found this deck primer to be helpful.

I like your suggestions and think they could be fun in Isshin builds, but don't think they all quite fit my personal preferences for inclusion. I thin Cavalcade and Restoration of Eiganjo have potential. Since you are newer to MtG, I'll walk you through my thoughts on each suggestion a bit:

  • Haazda Marshal - I got excited when I saw a 1 Drop that can create tokens on attack. It lacks the Battalion keyword like Frontline Medic, but triggers in a very similar fashion. While Haazda Marshal has the potential to create a couple tokens per combat with Isshin, it has the hoop to jump through of needing to attack with at least two other creatures to make a token(s) in the first place. I don't think Haazda Marshal is bad, but I personally don't like the extra hoop to jump through. I like my effects to be as immediate as possible, or needing minimal setup to pop.

  • Chainflail Centipede - I think this would work a bit better in an Isshin build that is more equipment/Voltron focused. A +4/+0 buff with Isshin on board is nothing to scoff at, but I think that token strategies function better with anthems that affect the entire board vs 1 creature.

  • Cavalcade of Calamity - This is a cool one, and one I've considered for my deck given all the creature tokens it can produce. I think I opted to not include it (yet), and instead included Impact Tremors. I've seen Impact Tremors pull plenty of weight in my playgroup, and have both beat my friends with it and died to its effect. In a similar line of thought for excluding Chainflail Centipede, I chose to exclude (for now) Calvalcade because not many creatures in the 99 have power 1 or less, and about 5-6 produce tokens. Impact Tremors is a bit more low-risk than Calvalcade, because the damage hits the whole table just for the creature entering the battlefield. In the right decks Impact Tremors is an infinite combo piece. I like the potential for Calvalcade, but I opted for Impact Tremors due to seeing the potential its capable of firsthand.

  • The Restoration of Eiganjo  Flip - I honestly kind of forgot about this card during spoiler season. When it comes to Saga effects, I try to think of the timing, and how does that timing feel in best or worst case scenarios based on ramp. Most ideally, this gets played on turn 2 (Turn 1 Plains + Sol Ring) and ramps a bit, Isshin turn 3, then this transforms on turn 4 to swing away with Isshin. I think if this gets played on Turn 4, it would still be okay since it gives some mid game gas with upside to maybe recur a small creature, enchantment, or mana rock that was destroyed earlier. I do like that the flipside can make tokens when it blocks as well. I'll definitely keep tabs on this one!

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