Farhaven Elf

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Farhaven Elf

Creature — Elf Druid

When Farhaven Elf enters the battlefield, you may search your library for a basic land card and put it onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle your library.

WItC on Budget Beginner Teach Decks (#1 Green) w Puzzles!

2 months ago

I'm back.

Sauluz: I'm a big fan of the Guay art for Wood Elves, and the price is only a little higher, but Farhaven Elf is a great alternative.

michales: Thank you.

hypotheek: no changes other than shown, but I am going to make a few changes to the red deck soon in an update.

Flarhoon13 on Fiery Sacrifices: Embracing Ziatora's Flame

4 months ago

Having completed my quest to play all 52 of my decks, I decided to try getting a win with all of my decks

October 4

Ziatora demands sacrifices, now more than ever: won. Drew into Living Deathfoil and Primal Surge. Got two Farhaven Elf plus two Eyeless Watcher triggers by chump attacking with them--Cody should not have blocked but fell for one of my oldest tricks, chump attacking before the Living Deathfoil. My losers' record goes up to 8-15

hyalopterouslemur on Going beyond 40 lands if …

4 months ago

A good ratio is 40 lands, and then 10 for mana accel, 10 for instant answers, 10 for card draw, and one boardwipe which will favor you. But it's just a guideline.

In green, you have five mana ramp spells for . All green decks should presumably use all five if possible. (Monogreen gains nothing from Farseek, and Three Visits is a very rare card because Portal: Three Kingdoms. Hermit Druid decks are advised to just use mana rocks.) Toss in Sol Ring and Arcane Signet and we're at 7. The rest can be diamonds, signets, Mind Stone, Thought Vessel (if you're drawing a ton of cards), or Coldsteel Heart (which is strictly better than diamonds because you get to choose your color).

At three mana, you get Cultivate, Kodama's Reach, and Chromatic Lantern. Wood Elves and Farhaven Elf can be good, if you have ways to sacrifice them or otherwise abuse the 1/1 body.

At four, Skyshroud Claim and Migration Path are my favorites. I also like Hedron Archive.

legendofa on Gruul commander deck: mana ramp …

5 months ago

I think you should add in the 1-mana Elves. You don't have very many options on turn 1 right now, and the potential card advantage you get from deck thinning with Thirsting Roots and similar cards isn't very meaningful. Cultivate is good, but Explosive Vegetation is probably a little too expensive. Your deck has a lot of high mana costs, so I would recommend ramping aggressively on turns 1-3 so you can start getting your big creatures out on turn 4. This also means that cards that put lands into play like Farhaven Elf are going to be more useful than cards that put lands into your hand like Sylvan Ranger.

RockIV on Gruul commander deck: mana ramp …

5 months ago

hi everyone, latley i been playing commander with my friends every weekend. i been using my gruul commander deck, that i build recently. im having a lot of fun and getting very good results, but im thinking that i can optimize my mana ramp.

So i want to know what do you guys think.

thats the deck : Clans Savagery :Beasts ,giants and dragons!

in this moment im using cards like Goblin Anarchomancer, Nightshade Dryad, Sylvan Caryatid, Zhur-Taa Druid, as my mana dorks, i also have Somberwald Sage that is a little more expensive in mana, but give me 3.

i also use cards like Farhaven Elf and Sylvan Ranger as my mana tutors among others.

i have also spells like Rampant Growth, Cultivate and Explosive Vegetation to help me.

my doubt came because i have cards like Llanowar Elves, Elvish Mystic and many others that are 1 mana, mana dorks, but i didnt add them to the deck. and also mana dorks and tutor that are more mana expensive like Wood Elves or Ondu Giant that didnt make it to the deck (i also have alot of gruul mana rocks, but i didnt add them because of my commanders hability)

i didnt want to add more mana tutoring spells like Migration Path, because my commander Ruric Thar, the Unbowed will punish me if i have more non creature spells.

i think that, i may optimize my mana ramp if i add the Llanowar Elves like creatures ,but i feel that i will make the mana ramp slower, if i take out cards like Cultivate, Thirsting Roots and Explosive Vegetation even if they arent creatures (because they take mana out of my deck and i will have less chance to draw mana). I also think that the 3 mana or 4 mana tutoring options that i have will make the deck slower.

what do you guys think? thnks everyone for reading :)

DreadKhan on Going beyond 40 lands if …

5 months ago

I think I largely agree with lukecwolf, you need a very good reason to want to run more than about 35 lands, depending on your colour you almost certainly have SOME options for cheap card draw effects, and in most games you'd rather see these than extra lands later, stuff like Sign in Blood and Spirited Companion/Elvish Visionary/Humble Defector help grease hands where you drew either a bit fewer or a bit more land than is ideal, these will make sure you're not stuck when drawing another land in it's place would only help when you have too few lands (and would be brutal if you had extra).

If the Jund deck you're talking about is your Mr Orfeo deck, I think you have too many lands for your average MV, I'd definitely run more land ramp spells (to generate faster/more consistent hands, land ramp can fix too), there are even some janky options like Dire-Strain Rampage and Road / Ruin that offer you combination ramp and removal, there are others that provide blockers (like Wood Elves and Farhaven Elf), just running this many lands makes me fear land floods. For the record, if you've got access to Green you probably shouldn't bother with most of the artifact ramp, Nature's Lore and Three Visits are much better than any of those, especially since they can find non-Basics. The other thing your deck should look at is stuff like Night's Whisper, Sign in Blood, Humble Defector, and Llanowar Visionary/Elvish Visionary, these often play better than more lands. I guess the final thought would be you can sneak some MDFCs in to replace generic lands, the new Stump Stomp  Flip would probably be handy in your list for example, and I think most decks that can run Bala Ged Recovery  Flip and Valakut Awakening  Flip should do so, ymmv on others. At 40 lands I'd straight up shave lands for MDFCs.

I like Bounce Lands in decks that have shaved a few lands, they give you another land drop, but they do make you VERY vulnerable to anyone crazy enough to run Dwarven Miner/Dwarven Blastminer, so keep that in mind I guess? Most people don't use stuff like that in Commander, it's considered anti-social by a plurality of the format, but you might see a Strip Mine, but most people would rather keep their Strip Mine for something like Gaea's Cradle than spend it on a Guildless Commons. I would say with some confidence that you can probably shave a land for every 2 Bounce Lands you replace normal lands with, but I doubt I'd go over 4 or 5 in a deck.

Nunu312 on Bealoth elfball

7 months ago

This deck is pretty cool, I love me some goad. It does run pretty good as well.

But I do feel it's also quite fragile, lacks card draw and has a bunch of deckbuilding traps in it. The only real way to protect your commander is Swiftfoot Boots, Tyvar's Stand Wrap in Vigor and two of those are instants that mean you need untapped mana. Given you are going to be getting him out on turn 4-5 and then pumping him up turn 5-6, he will be quite vulnerable to any form of damage or control. And given his ability, he is going to be a target for the whole table.

There are quite a few more instants that are good for protection, the standout being Heroic Intervention that will protect your whole board state. For ongoing protection Asceticism is a little expensive but it comes online at about the right time and is quite strong. I don't think you need much more but that goes hand in hand with the next thing.

Actually getting to these is going to be pretty unreliable though as you have 3ish sources of card draw. Given an average game might go 15 turns (lot of variance I know), that's 23 cards. You will be seeing about 1 source of card draw every 3 games. The deck thinning from dropping extra land helps, but I would recommend about 10 cards that have some form of drawing, meaning you should bump into one by at least turn 3 every game. These might just be things like Commander's Sphere, War Roomfoil or Collector's Vault, but red has some good ones like Cathartic Reunion. There are a lot of options here and it's just good to get up to a certain critical mass.

You might also be able to make yourself a little more resistant to control with some recursion (people are going to be killing Raised by Giants), Eternal Witness being the green standard but I'm sure you can find an elf like version.

As for the traps I mentioned... Those are things like:

Guild Artisan, Which requires you to attack with your commander, and gives you two mana. Your commander might attack 2-4 times after turn 8? It's not hard to replace, but its surprising how slow some cards that seem good can be.

Farhaven Elf is similarly pretty good, but your deck doesn't benefit from having it over Llanowar Elves, which only costs 1. The only difference is that land doesn't die easy... but unless someone is trying wipe the board or you really need a blocker, neither do the 1/1 elves.

Same for Kodama's Reach and co compared to the 2 cost versions like Three Visits. The extra land in hand is nice, but the one land in play a turn earlier is often nicer. These could speed the whole deck up by at least a turn.

Hope this helps

king-saproling on Sultai Landfall

11 months ago

Looks like a solid list so far. Personally I would make these swaps:

Muldrotha, the Gravetide -> Kodama of the East Tree
Notion Thief -> Stone-Seeder Hierophant
Ramunap Excavator -> Awaken the Woods
Courser of Kruphix -> Tireless Provisioner
Doubling Season -> Spark Double
Roil Elemental -> Quantum Misalignment
Parallel Lives -> Irenicus's Vile Duplication
Crucible of Worlds -> Sakura-Tribe Scout
Harrow -> Elvish Rejuvenator
Roiling Regrowth -> Sporocyst
Cultivate -> Farhaven Elf
1x Island -> Field of the Dead
Meloku the Clouded Mirror -> Animist's Awakening
Trade Routes -> Genesis Wave
Life from the Loam -> Nissa, Resurgent Animist
Zuran Orb -> Squandered Resources

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