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Public stuffing of Animal (Edited moar)

Commander / EDH




There were a few basic ideas that my deck revolves around. One of those things is gravity. The others of those things are a graveyard-fueling madplace and with a dash of +1/+1 counter makers and a touch of whatever the hell MimeoBear is made of.

For the graveyard-fueling part, there's Mulch for some mana-snatching and Tracker's Instincts for creature grabbing, with cards like Breakthrough + Fact or Fiction + Grisly Salvage being somewhere in between. Dakra Mystic allows me to either nill cards that I would like MimeoBear to be or to make everyone else playing flip out over eachother's cards, like a Maelstrom Wanderer at a Presidential debate made entirely of Bill Cosbys. And for any creatures that I DON'T want MimeoBear to be, I can just snag 'em from my graveyard with Extract from Darkness or at any time with either Havengul Lich + Soul of Innistrad . If I'm lucky enough, i can get Mimeo to be a copy of either Invisible Stalker or Woodlot Crawler for a 1 ooze army.

For the +1/+1 counters, I enjoy Corpsejack Menace + Master Biomancer most of all with MimeoBear, along with a Quest for the Gemblades as a nice, cheap touch.. There's also the grave-fueling Gobbling Ooze along with Stormbound Geist, which goes great with Harvester of Souls . Give / Take works well with these and any other +1/+1 counter-related cards in the deck (which there are many of).

It's also fun to use MimeoBear enter as a copy of either Kathari Remnant or Shardless Agent for some cascading chaos (especially after Mimeo dies a few times and gets a higher mana cost). I also enjoy the idea of Haunter of Nightveil + Infinite Reflection for some crippling fun on my opponents creatures and make a sponge strained face on any worshiper of green/white tokens and their baby-making populate, making their power dissolve like phlegm on a hot sidewalk. Loyalty can go to the absolute insta-poop of Erebos's Emissary + DISCARDED CREATURE with Daring Thief and Infi-mirror when I control enough creatures.

All comments/suggestions are appreciated!


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years
Key combos

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 2 Mythic Rares

10 - 1 Rares

37 - 3 Uncommons

24 - 9 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.64
Tokens Horror 1/1 UB, Spirit 1/1 U
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