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Vampire Revenant
Creature — Vampire Spirit
tiffanyann on Unique Commanders
3 years ago
Oh God here we go.
Dire Fleet Ravager YES.
Elaborate Firecannon MUST INCLUDE
Fathom Fleet ANYTHING
Forerunner of the Coalition COP DFR
Gyruda, Doom of Depths SHOULD WE DO ALL EVEN HAHA NO
LordBlackblade on more
5 years ago
I'm going to lay it all on the table here to make my train of thought as clear as possible, and back up my statements with source material. I spent way too much time on this already, so I might as well post it!
Here's a Scryfall search showing all creatures with the Vampire subtype. Of them, thirteen (a mere 5.8% of all vampires) have an additional race subtype. Of those thirteen, three are undead Vampires ( Vampire Revenant , Nirkana Revenant , and Skeletal Vampire ), four are from the Eldritch Moon block and are Vampire Horrors ( Weirded Vampire , Voldaren Pariah Flip, Stromkirk Occultist , and Stromkirk Condemned ), and four were printed before the Grand Creature Type Update (hencefore GCTU) ( Vampiric Dragon , Vampire Hounds , Mirri the Cursed , and Irini Sengir ). The final two are Aetherborn Vampires from Kaladesh ( Yahenni, Undying Partisan and Gifted Aetherborn ).
All of this points to Vampires with two races being the vast minority (again 5.8%) of all Vampires ever printed. Aside from the pre-GCTU Vampires, they all have set-specific reasons for having two racial subtypes or are undead (which seems counter intutive as I've always considered Vampires to be undead already...but I digress).
Here again (for posterity) is the link to the GCTU Announcement. This clarifies what the stance is or R&D in their approach to creature subtypes. From the article, "...we implemented the "race class" model for Magic creatures..." This establishes a baseline for every single MTG creature from September 2007 onward. Elf Druid, Human Warrior, Zombie Knight, etc. This is a framework for card design.
I want to be clear, its a guideline, not a hard and fast rule. In general, they wanted to keep it simple as part of the New World Order of MTG which you can find in an article here. While the article doesn't explicitly state that creatures typing is part of the NWO, it can be inferred from it that simplicity is important in MTG going forward. With that in mind it only makes sense that they would try very hard while designing cards to keep to the "race class" system for both consistency and simplicity. Are they never going to print a card with two races? Of course not, as you mentioned Frilled Mystic and as I mentioned Vorel of the Hull Clade . Wizards isn't afraid to work outside their own general guidelines if it suits their purposes, fits with the lore (this one is important for this argument), and doesn't unbalance the game.
By your argument, every Vampire would have the "Pre-Vampire-Race Vampire Class" e.g. Elf Vampire Druid, Human Vampire Warrior, Vampire Zombie Knight. Could they do it? Sure, but it goes against R&D's stated goal for what they want for MTG going forward by adding needless complexity (and letterhead) to cards.
Your example of Ahn-Crop Invader brings up an interesting point though and I have a thought about it. Let's use some cards with current links as examples. For you side I produce Marauding Boneslasher . A Zombie Minotaur 'Race Race" just like your example. For my side I produce Merciless Eternal . A Zombie Cleric "Race Class." I think what this shows is that when Wizards does put two races on a card it is unlikely be two "Common" races. E.g. Zombie Human, Elf Goblin, etc., unless there are extreme circumstances (Looking at you Vorel). Again I think it comes back to complexity. If every undead or mutated creature had to state its pre-death/mutation type, there'd be way too many of the core tribes in the game. The vast majority of Vampires and Zombies were originally humans judging from their art. By giving cards like that the Human subtype, Humans as a tribe would become overly powerful simply from having a large pool to draw cards from. Keeping the number of races/classes on a card to a minimum could potentially be balance related.
1) Multi-Race Vampires are small percentage of all Vampires ever printed.
2) Wizards wants to consistent in its product and has chosen the "Race Class" model for subtypes
3) Wizards wants to keep the game simple when possible. Extra subtypes go against this and as such are only used when crucial mechanically (e.g. Horrors for the Eldritch Moon block) or from a lore perspective (e.g. Yahenni, Undying Partisan )
LordBlackblade on None
5 years ago
So I posted my big response here by accident. Since I'm here anyway I just wanna say that for what its worth, I see where you are coming from and agree with you 100%!
7 years ago
Nice deck! The would add Elenda, the Dusk Rose and Vona, Butcher of Magan. as they are the 2 strongest vampires, in my opinion. Have you considered Sanctum Seeker? I would remove Vampire Revenant and Adanto Vanguard. Keep up the good work, hope my suggestions help! Also, I see you're new to Tapped/Out, so let me know if you have any questions. See you around, KINGofORESKOS
x12721 on
B/W Vampires
7 years ago
What is your budget for this deck? I can provide better suggestions with a budget in mind. But as it is right now, I would remove Vampire Revenant, Duskborne Skymarcher, Exultant Skymarcher, Glorifier of Dusk, Skyblade of the Legion, and probably Voracious Vampire. You definitely want a playset of Legion Lieutenant, Adanto Vanguard, and Skymarcher Aspirant. Also, go with a full playset of Dusk Legion Zealot. Again, with a budget in mind I can provide better choices.
Joumba on Rivals of Ixalan Art and …
7 years ago
-Trapjaw Tyrant : specifially for the art. To me its both beutiful and funny how serene and calming the moment seem, until you notice a scrambling vampire in its jaws.
-Path of Mettle Flip : the ation gets me, you can feel the strain.
-Fanatical Firebrand : Reynolds always gets me. I just love the shard, comical and powerful traits of his characters.
-Fathom Fleet Boarder : it made me laugh happily when I oppened my first pack. Makes me think of a mad Shrek.
-Vampire Revenant : for similar reasons to above, made somekind of weird and funny instant link to my memories.
-Deadeye Brawler : now that's a cool and inspiring character. Esjsing is a hero.
-Highland Lake : I second its beauty.