
Once an underperforming Octavia, Living Thesis deck, now the realm of God-Eternal Kefnet. I don't expect this to be anything outstandingly unique, aside from a low/mid-budget mono-blue draw-go deck.

God-Eternal Kefnet's strengths are self-evident, albeit difficult to base an entire strategy around. An aggressively costed, evasive body that cannot be meaningfully removed makes for an excellent chassis. The Eternal's primary ability is strange and at-times convoluted,but it comes down to a few specific details that we want to see in our deck construction. These details aren't particularly constraining, but are worth being considerate of for maximum value.

  1. Most clearly, we want instants and sorceries with at least 2 generic mana in the cost. Not critical, but preferable.
  2. We want the ability to consistently draw cards on our opponents' turns. The Eternal's ability doesn't care who's turn it is, only that it's the first card drawn in that turn.
  3. We want an unprecedented level of control over the top of our deck. Effects such as Future Sight and Brainstorm come to mind, among many others. The Eternal's ability gives no value unless we're drawing an instant or a sorcery.
  4. We want our interaction to be modal. If there's a counterspell on the top of our deck, we want to be able to get value out of it. An example would be Supreme Will.
  5. Casting spells through this ability ignores timing restrictions. That means you can cast sorceries on other player's turns.
  6. Another application is to create copies of spells that exile themselves upon resolution; Namely, extra turn cards. I won't be pursuing this path because I don't find it particularly fun, but I can understand the sentiment.

Tentative Ratios: 36 Lands 10 Mana Acceleration 5 Board Wipes 12 Interaction Pieces 14 Card Draw (Primary function card draw; Cantrips don't count) 23 Minor Aspects

This is the first iteration of the deck. I expect to see points of weakness and alter accordingly. Feedback is appreciated.

Other ideas to pursue later: Cycling? Looting? Graveyard synergy? Clones? Pillowfort? Eggs? Clues?


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96% Casual


Date added 1 month
Last updated 1 month

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Mythic Rares

27 - 0 Rares

23 - 0 Uncommons

19 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.84
Tokens Boar 2/2 G, Copy Clone, Drake 2/2 U, Elemental 4/4 UR, Manifest 2/2 C, Zombie 2/2 B
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