Wizard Class

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Wizard Class

Enchantment — Class

IHATENAMES on i like draw card

3 months ago

Wizard Class powerful finisher

Leyline of Singularity unique way to decimate token/treasure/clone decks

Perplexing Test my favorite blue boardwipe

Candlekeep Inspirationpotential game ender w/many instant sorcerys

Minn, Wily Illusionist board state maker. Can put permanents into play like lands

Lorien Revealed 1 mana cantrips for a land. Otherwise 5 mana draw 3. Not bad early or late game.

Immortalys on Card Draw Tag

1 year ago

So I just made a Jhoira, Weatherlight Legends deck, focussing on Legends (of course) with a card draw theme.

With a Card Draw theme I mean cards like Jori En, Ruin Diver, Kraum, Ludevic's Opus and Honden of Seeing Winds for straight up card draw.

Cards like Alandra, Sky Dreamer and Minn, Wily Illusionist for second card drawn each turn (I know this is a tag already).

Cards that pay of drawing lots of cards like Niv-Mizzet, Parun, Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind, The Locust God and Teferi, Temporal Pilgrim.

Cards that pay you off for having lots of cards in hand like Alrund, God of the Cosmos  Flip, Hisoka, Minamo Sensei and Meishin, the Mind Cage.

And other cards with card draw synergies like Teferi's Ageless Insight and Jace, Wielder of Mysteries.

Also cards that grant an unlimited hand size like Nezahal, Primal Tide, Thought Vessel, Decanter of Endless Water, Wizard Class and the good old Reliquary Tower.

So how come there is no Card Draw tag yet?

Beardzilla on Official missing/incorrect card/token thread

1 year ago

Several cards with level up/leveling activated abilities are marked as illegal when Zirda, the Dawnmaker is designated as companion.

Here is a list of the cards I have noticed:

Lighthouse Chronologist, Artificer Class, Barbarian Class, Cleric Class, Druid Class, Fighter Class, Monk Class, Paladin Class, Ranger Class, Rogue Class, Sorcerer Class, Warlock Class, Wizard Class

Phyrexian Dragon Engine  Meld seems to have a similar issue.

thefiresoflurve on Tekuthal Counters and Stuff

1 year ago

This looks really fun! Kappa Cannoneer would be a great addition, I think - but not sure what you could cut for it.

Wizard Class is a pretty easy include here, I think, as well as Rogue's Passage - if your commander has evasion and easily sustained indestructible, I think it makes sense to have both of these for a backup win condition in case your artifacts are exiled.

If you need more creatures: Ominous Seas could be awesome.

Temporal Distortion + Contagion Clasp == everyone else might as well concede.

Iceberg might be nice since your average CMC looks a touch on the high side. I would prefer running more proliferate effects, probably, unless you feel you need the mana.

Tolaria West is a must-have in monoblue since it can tutor any land for you.

Happy building!

Michigone on Trigger Warning

1 year ago

Feels like the deck does a lot of drawing of cards, but most games I don't have a ton of cards in hand. My commander is pretty efficient at playing cards, and Venser's Journal often doesn't gain me much life, and I usually am not running into max hand size issues. So I originally thought Wizard Class would be a good fit, because it keeps my max hand size mod, and benefits me when I draw cards, which is where this deck really seems to be leaning currently. But my big threats are often chump blockable, and so I thought some sort of evasion enabler would be a good idea. As of the moment of typing this, I realize Nylea, God of the Hunt and Kodama of the West Tree might actually be great in this deck. But I have decided for the time being to lean into the card draw mechanic and so I removed Venser's Journal and I'm adding Diviner's Wand. I think this makes sense as there is a mana sink for me to draw cards as well as giving a creature evasion. Plus, with it on a creature that gets a +1/+1 counter from card draw, this seems like it could get really big really fast.

Votecat on Counters Quest

1 year ago

What about Wizard Class for the infinite combo with Fathom Mage? You could also throw in Benthic Biomancer or Mindless Automaton for some secondary options.

Tic12 on Turn 5 - Darth Vadrik strikes back

1 year ago

Next update:

Out: Vandalblast, Thermo-Alchemist, Temporal Cascade, Ponder, Overwhelming Intellect, Wizard Class

In: Seize the Spoils, Finale of Revelation, Reiterate, Frantic Search, Explosive Welcome, Unwind

Reason: Finally get Reiterate, so i'm going more into the combo pieces/finisher options.

LandoLRodriguez on Talrand No-kens

1 year ago

thefiresoflurve First of all, thank you so much for taking the time to look over my list and put some real thought into these last cuts. I truly appreciate it. I understand all of what you had to say, and was having some of the same thoughts myself. As I said before, all these cards made it through several rounds of cuts so I have my reasons for them still being here. That said:

Minn, Wily Illusionist is still here because I like playing the quirky legendary creatures in my colors. There's not much else here that pumps the team the way she does and she would interact nicely with Murmuring Mystic. All this still probably isn't good enough reason to keep her though. Unless I'm drawing 2+ cards on each opponents' turn (which I'm probably not), her token output comes up short. Whispering Wizard is on the block for the same per-turn production limitation. Plus, I don't have much as far as scary permanents to cheat out with her second ability (nor a reliable way to kill my illusions to do so). It'll hurt to cut one of my token producers, but yeah, she's on the block for sure.

Wizard Class because I loathe having to discard for hand size, and I plan on drawing a lot of cards. Taking this one out means I'm left with only Reliquary Tower, Sea Gate Restoration  Flip, and possibly Venser's Journal. I suppose that the amount of draw I hope to produce means I'll come across one of those other options, but it still worries me. Probably still not a good enough reason to keep it in though.

I like Capsize because I love having repeatable options in commander decks, and because it can target any permanent. It's great to have options to bounce a troublesome land if the need arises. Paying 6 total mana to do so (and keep Capsize) is probably not worth it though. I included Field of Ruin and Strip Mine to deal with problem lands, and I have Boomerang and Cryptic Command to bounce any permanent still.

I really like Guile because it does a lot of things for me I think. Besides its mega-menace, I like that it exiles my opponents' spells should I choose not to cast them. I'm guessing that opponents may steer away from casting big splashy spells while Guile is out though for fear of having them turned against them or losing access to them in exile. It also provides just a little bit of mill insurance with its last ability. I hate mill as a strategy and while I'm running a few recursion spells, I'm not going to have much graveyard interaction. I suppose Nexus of Fate does the same thing much better though, since ideally I could cast it every turn if I wound up being milled down to 1 and it would wind up back in the library. Anyway, I was excited about running Guile as I was putting this together but you may be right, might be more than I need.

Ominous Seas I figure will drop its token every other turn on average if the game is going at all the way I want it to. While I should be pumping out an army of small tokens, I figured it would be nice to have some big chonky bodies out there as well. Without trample existing in the deck though, an 8/8 without flying is no different than a 1/1 tentacle as long as you've got a plant to block it. You're right, probably win-more. I do want to win more though...

I certainly understand that Aetherflux Reservoir really shines in storm decks (which no, this one most certainly is not). While I wouldn't be working it as well as storming does, I do plan to cast a lot of cheap spells, sometimes several in a turn in a good game. Something mono-blue is not good at is gaining life, so I really want to include at least one or two pieces that can do that for me for matchups that are pinging down the whole table. So the reservoir serves both as a way to gain life, and as a possible alternative win-con in a pinch. Between reservoir and Venser's Journal though, I probably lean towards the journal to retain as an emergency life gain option. I run it in my Pheldagriff deck and it has proven itself a workhorse.

Finally, I see Psychosis Crawler as another possible win-con. At my LGS where I play at least, I run into a lot of decks that efficiently pump out tokens. This means that if beating face with tokens is going to be my only strategy to win games, there's gonna be some games where that just won't get me there. I can see crawler coming out late-game when life totals have dwindled, and being able to finish everyone off with a big Gadwick, the Wizened or Blue Sun's Zenith cast. I was honestly seeing crawler as a mortal lock to make the final cut, but you've given me something to think about for sure.

Thanks again for your input, I really do appreciate and you've definitely helped by reinforcing some stuff I was already thinking and giving me reasons to think about cutting some stuff I was not.

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