Soltari Guerrillas

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Soltari Guerrillas

Creature — Soltari Soldier

Shadow (This creature can block or be blocked by only creatures with shadow.)

: The next time Soltari Guerrillas would deal combat damage to an opponent this turn, it deals that damage to target creature instead.

Last_Laugh on Nahiri - Equipment goes wide!

8 months ago

Anduril, Flame of the West for some flying tokens and Anduril, Narsil Reforged for some go-wide counters would be nice here.

Mithril Coat and Champion's Helm are good protective equipment.

Kusari-Gama is a pet card of mine that'd be pretty good here... block and lose your board or take a bunch of damage to the face. You're conveniently in Boros, so consider Soltari Guerrillas. It's repeatable removal for creatures and it carries equipment rather well... but when paired with Kusari no one can block ANY of your creatures without losing most of their creatures (if not all).

Last_Laugh on Marisi's Goad Club

10 months ago

Bothersome Quasit and Bedlam allow you to goad unimpeded. Bedlam is a bit ballsy and has the potential to backfire but the quasit is worth its weight in gold here.

Vengeful Ancestor is a stud here.

Beloved Chaplain, Soltari Foot Soldier, Soltari Champion, Soltari Visionary, Spirit en-Dal, Spirit Mantle, and Champion of Lambholt will ensure you get through in combat to goad someone.

Authority of the Consuls in addition to Urabrask makes it so every hastey boy isn't sent your way and makes it impossible for your opponents to play fresh ungoaded blockers.

I've also had really good results out of 'deals combat damage to an opponent' effects due to a lack of blockers once a goad chain gets going. Stuff like Aerial Extortionist, Ancient Gold Dragon, and Scepter of Celebration.

A pet card of mine that's hilariously effective here is Kusari-Gama. It'll get your big boys through or wipe their board. Equip it to Soltari Guerrillas to ensure no one can block ANY of your creatures without immediate retaliation.

Anyways, feel free to check out my list for ideas. Upvotes on any of my decks are appreciated. Marisi the Pimp - (Combat) Trickin' Hoes

Last_Laugh on Naya's Art of War

11 months ago

Nice deck. I do have some suggestions for you though.

Loyal Apprentice's hastey flying tokens are great for goading.

Luminous Broodmoth puts in some work here and addresses the decks lack of flyers and being a removal magnet.

Dhalsim, Pliable Pacifist is a weaker Toski variant, but still draws plenty of cards.

Skyhunter Strike Force is a cheap way to get a +3+3 boost for all your attackers on an evasive creature.

Kusari-Gama dares your opponents to block. Pair it with Soltari Guerrillas for extra hilarity.

Urabrask the Hidden provides haste while shutting off your opponent's hasty boys (that always get sent Marisi's direction).

I've also had great results out of effects that need to connect with an opponent like Aerial Extortionist, Ancient Gold Dragon, Scepter of Celebration, and The Reaver Cleaver.

Feel free to check out my list for more ideas. Upvotes on any of my decks are appreciated. Marisi the Pimp - (Combat) Trickin' Hoes

Last_Laugh on Your favorite, wait this works! …

11 months ago

I'm not much of a combo player... so synergy it is!

Soltari Guerrillas + Kusari-Gama says "block ANY of my attackers... I dare ya!"

Archangel of Thune + Authority of the Consuls is a disgusting combination of cards to have out together.

KIRK77 on Feather, Jank Redeemed

4 years ago

Hey just stumbled across your deck while I was looking at cards. I was looking at Soltari Guerrillas and wondered how many feather decks were running it, seems like none though. Is it just me that thinks it's funny but good enough to be considered? It can remove a creature every turn if you need it to, or it can just swing in unblocked 99% of the time

xaarvaxus on Goading to Victory

4 years ago

I really like Soltari Guerrillas to be able to pick off annoying little creatures that opponents can tap to prevent from having to attack due to goad, Deathrite Shaman , Birds of Paradise , etc.

Maybe Hydra Omnivore ?

Myriad Landscape and/or Blighted Woodland , more ramp but on lands so you don't have to cut any spells.

LordBlackblade on Help beating the s**t out …

4 years ago

I'm going to throw out Soltari Guerrillas as some seriously random, anti-illusion tech. The oracle text makes it a free, targeting, activated ability. It is traditionally combined with Horobi, Death's Wail or Cowardice to great effect. Play your cards right and it could easily be a one-sided board wipe.

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