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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal


Creature — Plant Hydra

If damage would be dealt to this creature, put that many +1/+1 counters on this instead.

Headers13 on Omnath

1 year ago


austintayshus on

2 years ago

Hydra's Growth and Hardened Scales could help with +1/+1 counter theme.

One of my favorite GW cards is Phytohydra. It fits the theme, but is admittedly not a great card assembling +1/+1 counters, but it usually deters your opponents from attacking you on the ground. Also doesn't really fit the humans theme :(

Love the deck, hope this helps :)

legendofa on None

3 years ago

Do you ever think that your winning percentage is too high, or that you need a bigger challenge? If you think you can pull out a victory with anything, here's a new Secret Lair just for you! I Don't Need to Win showcases five of the most cardboard-and-ink-based creatures in the history of the game. They were, are, and always will be known as genuine Wizards of the Coast creations. Reviews from realistically-portrayed customers:

"This is a... card."

"It even has flying!"


"Combos well with Bazaar Trader ."

"10/10 would sac again."

So don't miss out on this limited offer! (Not to be confused with Limited fodder.) Pre-order the all-new art of I Don't Need to Win today, and show the table who the real boss is!

Flower gardens and forest walks invite peace and relaxation across the world, and the planes of Magic: the Gathering are no different. With the Botanical Gardens Secret Lair, you can spread the beauty of the natural world throughout your own deck. We brought in premier watercolor artists to reimagine five iconic Plant and Treefolk creatures, and the results took our breath away. Sprouting Phytohydra and Tree of Redemption portrayed in full bloom, alongside the lush foliage of Phytohydra and ruggedness of Tree of Perdition , all watched over by Doran, the Siege Tower , are now available in full-art renditions. Pre-order the Botanical Gardens Secret Lair now to feel the floral splendor.

legendofa on None

3 years ago

I Don't Need to Win

Aven Trooper , Zephyr Spirit , Spiteful Bully , Shinka Gatekeeper , Leery Fogbeast

It's pretty much for the fancy new art alone. What would you pay for good art on forgettable cards?

Botanical Gardens

Sprouting Phytohydra , Phytohydra , Tree of Redemption , Tree of Perdition , Doran, the Siege Tower

It's a toughness-based plant theme in . I could actually buy this one, if I like the art.

mitcho78 on

4 years ago

protection Hammer of Nazahn Darksteel Plate Shield of the Oversoul Indestructibility Timely Ward Bastion Protector Boros Charm Heroic Intervention Valorous Stance Inspiring Call Flawless Maneuver Deflecting Swat

wipe boad and boost yourself Subterranean Tremors Storm's Wrath Deafening Clarion Hammerfist Giant Fault Line Warmonger Starstorm Scourge of Kher Ridges Pyrohemia Chain Reaction Ryusei, the Falling Star Lavabrink Floodgates Into the Maw of Hell Shivan Meteor Star of Extinction Blasphemous Act Volcanic Offering

other fun card Coalhauler Swine

fighting for exemple Titanic Brawl Dromoka's Command Khalni Ambush  Flip Inscription of Abundance Ulvenwald Tracker

redirection Spitemare Boros Reckoner Rite of Passage Pariah's Shield Pariah

same effect Vigor Retaliator Griffin The Ozolith Phytohydra

get back monarch Soltari Visionary Zealot il-Vec Loyal Apprentice Lieutenant Kirtar Selfless Spirit Blinkmoth Nexus and all flying creature Academy Raider Haunted Cloak Shadowspear get trample Captain's Hook Cobbled Wings Pyreheart Wolf Trailblazer's Boots Frontier Warmonger Court of Ire Regal Behemoth and creature with trigger

boost and finish Pathbreaker Ibex Thunderfoot Baloth

become huge Inquisitor's Flail Solidarity of Heroes Hydra's Growth Invigorating Surge Furnace of Rath Kalonian Hydra Duelist's Heritage on yours creatures and on a creature attacking you

Block more or become blocked Bloodthirsty Blade and all goad Nemesis Mask Lure Brave the Sands can block 2 creatures with your commander Entangler Goblin Diplomats

juste some exemple, make a choice now :)

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Godzilla/Kaiju Commander Deck

4 years ago

There definiteld are enough existing creatures that fit, and I really like the idea.

Aetherwind Basker might not look exactly like Godzilla, but a giant Lizard that shoots a laser beam gets pretty close. Phytohydra or Genesis Hydra make a decent impression of Biolante. You won't get any closer to Mothra than Moonwing Moth I guess, but the artwork fits perfectly. Traxos, Scourge of Kroog is perfect for Mecha-Godzilla.

That's what I have for now.

Daedalus19876 on Torment of the Underworld: Kroxa EDH [PRIMER]

5 years ago

DemonDragonJ: Thanks! It's tragic I can't run Phytohydra , but at least I can run Stitcher's Supplier (feed her dead things), Painful Quandary (moral difficulties between fame and the right choice!), and Victimize (what happens to anyone who gets in Seymour's way).

It's a stretch, I know, but still XD

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