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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Standard Brawl | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Rules Q&A
Murderous Rider
Creature — Zombie Knight
When Murderous Rider is put into the graveyard from the battlefield, put it on the bottom of its owner's library.
(You may cast Murderous Rider from exile if you sent it on an adventure.)
Swift End
Instant — Adventure
Destroy target creature or planeswalker. You lose 2 life.
(You may cast Swift End for from anywhere that you have the permission to cast this, then exile it on an adventure instead of putting it into your graveyard. When you have not chosen to cast Swift End, this card is treated only as Murderous Rider in whatever zone it is in.)
(When not exiled on an adventure, Adventure cards function identically to modal double faced cards when regarding to the interactions of cards that look at them or attempt to cast them.)

Profet93 on
Toshiro Umezawa
1 month ago
ChocolatePuma +1 for your name alone.
Seems like you have a lot of wincons. How has your deck been functioning as a result of your various wincons, do you feel if you were to remove 1-2 you might be able to streamline the deck? What kind of suggestions are you looking for?
I agree with the user saying you need draw. I count about 4-5 pieces of draw. An effective budget option like Syphon Mind is worth considering given you draw 3, each opponent discard 1. Another option is Read the Bones
Murderous Rider/Hero's Downfall and Spreading Plague are good removal to consider as well.
wallisface on
Esper reanimator
9 months ago
Some thoughts, keeping in mind your budget:
I would swap both Cut Down and Murderous Rider for Bone Shards. Rider is too slow, and Cut has too-few options for targets. Bone Shards deals with almost any threat, while letting you discard a reanimation piece into the graveyard.
I would suggest running the full playsets (4-ofs) both Faithful Mending and Tainted Indulgence. To make room for those five cards i’d suggest ditching Gifts Ungiven, Lively Dirge, (both too slow), and a single land.
I think your land count can go down to 23. In addition to the land removed above, i’d suggest getting rid of another, as well as the Terror of Towashi, to run 2x Unmarked Grave and a single copy of Unburial Rites. The Unmarked Grave can put anything into your graveyard for just 2 mana, which could include the Rites to flashback, if you already have a creature target.
Profet93 on
Kill, Kill and Kill some more.
11 months ago
Cabal Stronghold/Cabal Coffers - Former budget, latter not. Big black mana producing lands. Contamination does shut them off though. Should that be an issue, note Infernal Darkness as a potential alternative.
Crypt of Agadeem - Ramp
Bojuka Bog - Personally, not a huge fan of tapped lands. But with fetches, you can use at instant speed. Not needed but worth considering depending on amount of GY decks in the meta.
Shizo, Death's Storehouse > Rogue's passage - Once budget opens, this is an upgrade. Not needed but worth considering.
Contamination - Sacrifice synergy. High synergy with bitterblossom, reassembling skeleton and any other creature that can return to field.
Syphon Mind > Dark Tutelage - While you have a relatively low avg cmc of 3.00, black has better draw that doesn't hurt you as badly. Not to mention it's steady draw, which can be good, but sometimes burst draw is preferred. Syphon mind is draw 3, each opponent discard 1. Budget friendly too.
Skullclamp - Speaking of draw, this goes well with all your sac synergies.
Murderous Rider > Murder - Can hit Walkers, is versatile as a creature with lifelink that can recoup your lifeloss. Almost a strict upgrade.
Feed the Swarm - Removal that hits enchantments. Black has difficult with artifacts and enchantments. I can provide you with some potential artifact removal should you wish depending on your meta. But this might be worth considering given that a Rest in Peace can mess u up.
Maybe Corpse Dance - With your sac outlets, you can ignore the negative aspect of the card. Also do note that after a wipe, you can choose the order in which your creatures enter the GY if they go together simultaneously.
Dark Ritual - Simple ritual ramp
Mind Stone - Ramp when you need it, draw when you don't.
Oubliette - Commander hate
At the risk of being too risky and pricey, Hatred - Do note life loss is additional cost to cast but it can be fun with use with your commander, either with it's ability or commander damage. Not to mention the political aspect of using it on your opponents attacking each other (Bonus points if you use it on their commander).
Profet93 on
Vito Life Swing (EDH)
11 months ago
I would have recommended Cabal Coffers but given your budget, perhaps a Cabal Stronghold in place of Piranha Marsh. Marsh isn't impactful, at least maybe try a Bojuka Bog should you wish for something more budget but relevant.
Another great but expensive card is Alhammarret's Archive to double your draw + lifegain
Bubbling Muck - Ramp!
Murderous Rider - Removal that can target PW's and can be a creature with lifelink
Profet93 on
Steppen Ratchet
1 year ago
OK got you, that helps me. To stay on theme, Pact of the Serpent for card draw?
Is Coat of Arms appropriate for your theme or is it too winmore for your taste?
Perhaps a Murderous Rider > Murder? While not a rat, it is more flexible and even has a creature mode than can be used for your sacrifice spells. It also hits PW
Deserted Temple - Untap coffers and politics?
Malakir Rebirth Flip - To bring back your commander/bypass commander tax while getting another ETB value out of him. Imagine the leader of the horde rising from the dead if oyu will
Would a Skullclamp be out of the question?
I hope the suggestions I'm giving aren't too mainstream and apologize in advance if they are.
Profet93 on
Black Sheep of the Sawyer Clan [$30 Voltron]
1 year ago
Syphon Mind - Draw 3, each opponent discards 1
Burnished Hart - Ramp. Fuels defile, blackblade reforged, etc...
Solemn Simulacrum - Unsure of price, but potentially a consideration.
Bubbling Muck - Super ramp
Dark Ritual - Ramp
Deliver Unto Evil - Recursion, especially important for artifacts which are hard to recur
Extinction Event - Sometimes things need to be gone, forever
Feed the Swarm - Few ways to remove enchantments
Hero's Downfall/Murderous Rider - Walker removal
Mutilate - Gets around indestructible too
Oubliette - Commander hate
Nevinyrral's Disk - Artifact + Enchantment removal
Profet93 on
“Mono-B” Oona.
1 year ago
Murderous Rider > Murder
Necropotence to get past chains
Buried Ruin - Recursion
dnthymamai on
Smeagol will guide you | **Primer v2.0**
1 year ago
Some cards to consider that can replace Murder: Poison the Cup , Murderous Rider , Putrefy, and the strictly better Hero's Downfall.
Love the LotR theme of the Deck!
Have (1) | metalmagic |
Want (2) | Yahtzee55 , ACrispyTaco |