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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pauper | Legal |
Pauper Duel Commander | Legal |
Pauper EDH | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Choose one —
- Creatures you control get +2/+0 until end of turn.
- Creatures you control get +0/+2 until end of turn.

triproberts12 on
5 years ago
You, sir. I admire your earnestness.
For getting more counters, I HIGHLY suggest Yawgmoth, Thran Physician. Golgari is an excellent color combination for getting a ton of cards in your hand and a ton of mana, so you could easily go from a couple of counters to 10 in a turn. Same logic for Planewide Celebration. 7 mana for 4 counters each isn't a bad deal. Lean into green ramp. You can definitely afford to fire off 1-for-1 2-mana green ramp spells, so long as you're drawing with Tymna.
You can amplify the effects of your infect and proliferate cards with Winding Constrictor and Corpsejack Menace. Hand of the Praetors and Phyrexian Swarmlord are infect lords, so they should probably see play. Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons means that all of your infect creatures explode into deathtouching snakes when they trade in combat.
Swamp Mosquito doesn't say infect, but it has non-keyworded Infect. Suq'Ata Assassin has non-keyworded Fear, but also gives poison counters with evasion. If you want to load up on the cheapest, most efficient bodies with infect, then it might be worth running Pit Scorpion, too.
The reason why I would go for a bigger spread of bodies is that it will ultimately be more efficient to load up on instant-speed mass pump spells, rather than having to draw and cast poorly-suited cards for Commander like Giant Growth. In priority order, I'd go Return of the Wildspeaker, Overrun, Pride of Conquerors, Make a Stand, Dark Triumph, Borrowed Grace, Zealous Persecution, Fortify, Sigil Blessing.
McJakub on
Badass Boros (Pauper Standard)
7 years ago
Replace Fortify with Borrowed GraceIt is a striaghtforward upgrade
fearphage on
Doran, the Siege Tower EDH
7 years ago
I've built a very similar deck. Here are some suggestions based on my build.
Dusk / Dawn is (almost) a completely one-sided wrath. I only have 2-3 creatures it can hit in my build. At worst you lose one or two creatures while you wipe all or most of their board. It seems like a definite include and it provides late game card advantage by recurring most of your squad.
Elspeth, Sun's Champion also provides a (mostly) one-sided wrath effect. The great thing is you can play it and "wrath" in one turn and she lives. Also since you killed several of their creatures. It's likely she'll be able to setup to wrath again in a few turns.
I really like Humble in this deck. It's a single-use Vhati il-Dal that I treat as removal and let's you do fun battle tricks even when you're not attacking or defending. Good times.
Thrill of the Hunt is a good replacement for Iron Will. It doesn't pump as much, but you can use it twice on two different creatures if desired.
Team pumping seems better overall than the targeted variant. Bar the Door, Fortify, and Solidarity all feel that Overrun-esque role. Also Overrun, albeit a sorcery, can punch through those last points of damage ignoring their board state. I don't have it in my build, but it wouldn't hurt.
- Asceticism - protection from targeted removal.
- Conclave's Blessing - game breaking in this deck. It's our Cranial Plating of sorts.
- Castle gives all your defender creatures and those with vigilance a nice pump.
- Sylvan Library should be in every green deck that doesn't have access to blue in my opinion.
- Spidersilk Armor slight pump, but gives everyone reach.
shaistyone on
Stand Your Ground!
7 years ago
I have had great results with Fortify. It can definitely push the speed up by quite a bit, no one ever sees it coming, and in a pinch it has saved me from Anger of the Gods et al.
greatdevourer on
Human Soldier deck
7 years ago
Great soldier themed deck. I see what you are going for and I think you've got a good idea. However there are some cards in this list that aren't that efficient.
Creatures that tap for a temporary +1 bonus for a single target are nice in a draft or limited format, not so much in commander.
-1 Anointer of Champions
-1 Infantry Veteran
The following creatures aren't that great either, but for different reasons.
-1 Benalish Veteran, 3 mana for a 2/2 that only gets a bonus when attacking. Nice but there are better options.
-1 Guardians of Akrasa, the exalted ability works against your battalion ability. Also, can't attack due to defender.
-1 Serene Master, not a soldier, has a kind of cute combat ability, but there are better creatures.
-1 Truefire Paladin, not a soldier, only pumps itself.
I'll start with your maybe board and then some cards you may have over looked.
+1 Catapult Master, really good removal.+1 Daru Warchief, makes most of your other creaturs cheaper.
+1 Field Marshal, like Kongming, "Sleeping Dragon" pumps most of your creatures.
Other creatures to consider:
Doomed Traveler, Loyal Cathar
Flip replaces itself when it dies.
Elite Vanguard, a solid 2/1 for 1 mana.
Fencing Ace, Iroas's Champion, Boros Swiftblade are cheap creatures with double strike.
Gideon's Avenger, just keeps getting bigger.
Knight-Captain of Eos, not a soldier, but turns each of those soldier tokens a Holy Day.
Mentor of the Meek, for the card draw ability. Works well with the Daru Warchief and other cheap creatures in your deck.
Precinct Captain, cheap creature with first strike and keeps making more soldier tokens.
Soldier of the Pantheon can be really good in commander games, lots of multi-colored creatures, including commnders.
Thalia's Lieutenant, has a lot of synergy with everything else.
Enough about the creatures. Lets take a look at the support spells. Consider taking out the following:
Curse of Bloodletting, only affects a single opponent. Weak in multi-player games.
Pacifism, only temporarily removes a single threat
Fortify, Martial Glory, Show of Valor, War Flare, Desperate Stand are all weak temporary bonus cards. Not something you want to draw after a Wrath of God resolves.
Accorder's Shield, there are so many better equipments. Trusty Machete, Silver-Inlaid Dagger, Basilisk Collar, and Loxodon Warhammer immediately come to mind, especially for the aggressive nature of this deck.
Have you looked into any ot these:Blaze Commando, not a human, but, makes instants like Lightning Bolt, Lightning Helix and Warleader's Helix more effective.
Door of Destinies, since most of your creatures are soldiers.
Martial Coup, is a great board wipe that can also let you play 'catch up'.
Mobilization, to make an army after a board wipe.
There are some cards in your maybe board that i don't think would be that good for your deck.
Ancient Tomb, really good for fast mana in competitive formats, expensive card to buy if you don't have one.
Ancient Ziggurat, nice in a five color creature deck, not really good in this one.
Mystifying Maze is kinda tricky, you could end up helping your opponent when you don't want to.
Gemstone Caverns has the same problem as Ancient Ziggurat and is less consistent.
Aftr taking those land cards out, every other land card in your maybe board should be in the deck if you have them or are planning on getting them.
Please keep in mind that, most of the time, Commander/EDH is a format about endurance not speed. Don't be afraid to drop big threats.
As always, temper these suggestions with your collection and your budget. Feel free to take a look at my decks and let me know what you think.
HerculesMorse on
the horde of humans
8 years ago
I love Human Tribal, +1. I'd add some Brave the Elements if it were mine, probably by removing the Fortifys.
shaistyone on [Community Discussion]: What makes a …
8 years ago
For me, it is far more about the situation than anything else. The number of truly 'bad' cards is actually very low, and (barring formats with deck restrictions) the number of 'unplayable' cards is even lower.
I took first in a prerelease, and the card that turned the most games around for me? Skull Rend
I have played absurd amounts of EDH, and in pretty much any blue deck the card most directly tied to win%? Telepathy
I had a standard deck a few years ago that went undefeated through 3 consecutive FNMs. After he lost one guy wanted to look over my deck. All he could talk about was how bad Fortify was and how I shouldn't play it. In the first game, I had surprised him with quick damage to win. In the second, his damage based removal got blanked, making a fairly tight game super lopsided. You can guess which card was responsible... :)
bazaku on Help With budget soul sisters
8 years ago
Hello there! A few weeks ago i bought my first deck, a budget soul sisters, and was playing since then. Last saturday i played a two headed giant tournament with a friend and while didnt went wrong against expensive ones, the games where so slow that we barely played 1 and a half games in the hour designed to play best of 3. Thing is i want to improve it a little bit and i dont know what path should i take. My current deck have this cards:
Plains x20
Soul Warden x4
Catars Crusade x1
Fortify x2
My pocket cant afford thing like serra ascendant or ranger of eos so here are my budget options to improve it a bit.
Option 1:
(Focus on the chalice)
Lone Rider Flip x4
Sky Hussar x1
Option 2:
(More aggro oriented)
Lone Rider Flip x4
Spirit Bonds x2
Here odric is good combo with evolved Lone Rider and the hawks or the spirits and the ajannis
What do you think?