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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pauper | Legal |
Pauper Duel Commander | Legal |
Pauper EDH | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Squadron Hawk
Creature — Bird
When Squadron Hawk enters the battlefield, you may search your library for up to three cards named Squadron Hawk, reveal them, put them into your hand, then shuffle your library.
sergiodelrio on Any cheap mana permanent with …
1 year ago
Squadron Hawk ftw!
Remember you can fetch all remaining 3 hawks the first time you cast one, then simply "fail to find" and just shuffle for the ones you cast after that.
K4nkato on How to Lose Friends and Alienate People
1 year ago
This is a stompy deck for sure. Setting a fast clock and beating ass with Troll / Gurmag is a great gameplan, especially against my favorite deck (Altar Tron). My big questions is how this matches up against something like Caw-Gates or Mono Red.
Caw-Gates might get their value from lands but the exile based removal and sea of counterspells might run you out of gas. Your deck has a lot of threats but they can chump with Sacred Cat or Squadron Hawk long enough to dig for an answer, and once they get Cat + Basilisk Gate online they can race any threat in your deck with lifelink. Maybe your plan is to side out the dark rituals and Duress until you find an opening? Exhume definitely favors your beefy monsters over their 1/1s but idk how easy it is to resolve.
Mon Red is just absurdly fast. Do you ritual out a blocker really fast and race them or...?
aholder7 on Squadron Hawk in Modern?
2 years ago
I actually have a deck that uses Squadron Hawk in the way you are looking for. Squad Squad. Where it is capitalizing on the card advantage garnered by Squadron Hawk and other cards like it. only card you didn't mention that you might want to look into is Force of Virtue. i went with more of a soldiers theme but you could stick to more flyers utilizing the hawks as blockers and playing more things like Stalwart Valkyrie for aggressive beats.
wallisface on Squadron Hawk in Modern?
2 years ago
One thing that could work well with Squadron Hawk is Martyr of Sands. The extra hawks in hand will provide a bigger life boost, and Martyr decks typically do very well if they can stall out the game long enough, which a horde of 1/1 flyers should be able to help with.
wallisface on Squadron Hawk in Modern?
2 years ago
A loooong time ago I had a deck that utilised Squadron Hawk to ramp up counters on Quest for the Holy Relic. The wincon was then to use that Relic to slap Worldslayer on one of the birds, and with the help of something like Selfless Spirit, keep my own creatures alive while wiping everything else, and edge out a win through a few turns of combat damage before the opponent can find lands and rebuild a board.
That deck also had the old infinite mana combo with Devoted Druid and Vizier of Remedies, with Duskwatch Recruiter Flip then acting as a solid game piece to further both potential wincons. The deck would often go infinite and win on turn 3, or else worldslay everything turn 4.
Saying all this, the meta has shifted considerably since I was running this deck, and i’m not sure such a combo brew would be viable in such a high-interaction meta these days. But I can say that, at the time, Squadron Hawk was great for all of fueling the combo, buying me time with expendable blockers, and thinning the deck in a way that felt meaningful.
Delphen7 on Squadron Hawk in Modern?
2 years ago
This may just be wistful fancy, but I really want to get Squadron Hawk to work in modern.
I can't find a shell though. I come up with Solitude and March of Otherworldly Light, plus maybe Sunscour, and then I get stuck.
I'm just going to run though my thoughts on the list I'm trying to craft and hope someone sees something I haven't.
Direction of the List
- I ultimately want something that utilizes the usefulness of the search effect of the hawks, while ideally being mono white.
- At one point I ended up with a list similar to Death and Taxes at one point, but I didn't like the dilution that Hawk caused in that list as Hawk's not a prison piece.
- Brought Back is a card I keep looking at, but it wants lots of etbs/fetch effects, and that doesn't seem to feed overall into the controlly plan I have thus far with Solitude/March
Pros of the Hawks:
One hawk leads to
- 3 white cards in hand
- 3 creatures in hand
- 3 flyers in hand
- 3 cards with the same name in hand
Same Name
- I couldn't find anything good in modern that cares about shared names or naming a specific card (Aside from Mirror Box, but that requires different setup), so I scrapped this one pretty quickly.
- This feels promising, as Sephara, Sky's Blade looks like an interesting payoff. However she requires a lot of flyers, and she likes the cheaper ones better. Although now I think about it an Aether Vial shell with her would be interesting...
White Cards Matter
- Solitude, March, and Sunscour are the only good cards I could find in modern that cared about white cards in hand. And honestly, Solitude and March will probably make the list regardless
Creature Cards
- I didn't find anything in mono white that really cared about having creatures in hand, but I haven't dived too deep into this one yet.
And that brings me here. Is there a potential home for Squadron Hawk, or is it just a meme at this point? All suggestions/thoughts welcome :)
(Disclaimer: I know Hawks are bad. I just want a functioning list)
AmoeboidChangeling on WG Aggro
2 years ago
BruhYouFarted thanks for the comment. I don't know how I would do that honestly. This is just a kitchentable deck that was turned into an only commons deck to be able to play Pauper with it. The only goal was to have a simple aggro deck, not necessarily a high power deck.
I think that Squadron Hawk is good (btw, the deck didn't have it yet when that first comment was written) because this deck doesn't have much card draw, so it helps me not to run out of creatures too early and the creatures it grants me also fly.
Also, a deck like this really needs some pump spells and I don't know what would be better. Maybe Groundswell, but still, that is only +4 when I had landfall, if I didn't, it's just +2. If you add that in turn 2 I can already hit my opponent with Vault Skirge, that means it will deal 4 damage and I'll gain 4 life. To a simple deck like this, I don't know any other pump spell better than Giant Growth. If you think about it, Lightning Bolt is also 3 damage for one mana, this one is also that except it needs a target of course, but it will make my opponent lose 3 more life or have my opponent lose an attacker or blocker while my creature will stay alive in many cases.
BruhYouFarted on WG Aggro
2 years ago
I'm gonna agree with Spell_Slam on this one, with aggro decks, it's usually go big or go home. For example, most aggro decks want to be very consistent, so they run many playsets of their best cards. And while I agree that Savannah Lions is a good magic card, Squadron Hawk is better used for midrange decks and Giant Growth is very 'meh'. Personally imo you should gear the deck more towards a midrange strategy instead of a clunky aggro one.