Gideon's Avenger

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Gideon's Avenger

Creature — Human Soldier

Whenever a creature an opponent controls becomes tapped, put a +1/+1 counter on Gideon's Avenger.

multimedia on Liesa, Liesa, they so flying...

2 years ago

Hey, you're welcome. Nice, those are good changes to make :)

Think bigger when it comes to your gameplan and card quality? Gideon's Avenger and Vampire Scrivener are low power level creatures who need other cards to make them good and to fit with the deck's strategy. Their game impact is very low. Vampire Scrivener being a five drop 2/2 flier is worse because it doesn't do anything for five mana. Which is not good when you have other five drops like Liesa, Stinging Study, Liesa, Forgotten Archangel, casting + equipping Sword of Feast and Famine, etc. can impact the game for five mana right away.

Your best attacker and life gaining is Liesa since she has flying, lifelink and she's your Commander meaning she does Commander damage. If you need a blocker then give Liesa vigilance which is what Loyal Unicorn does and it's a good card to keep for this reason. I don't think attacking with lots of creatures or building creatures to be attackers should be your game plan here. Liesa as attacker yes, but instead the creatures you play should support the life gaining strategy for value, draw, protect Liesa, make Liesa a better attacker, be sacrificed to keep Leisa alive, etc. Creatures with lifelink are preferred since if they get to attack they might gain life, but think of that as a bonus.

Liesa, Forgotten Archangel is your second best attacker/life gaining and her other abilities are excellent. Markov Purifier is a good example of a quality budget support creature with Liesa since he can be repeatable draw and if you get to attack with him then he might gain life, but you really play him because of his repeatable draw not because he may do combat damage to gain life.

You have a lot of budget filler creatures here who you don't need to play because they aren't helping gameplay enough to take up a deck spot. As a lesson in Commander deck building try to limit to only quality creatures here. This is not about adding/upgrading creatures, except a few that are in the precon, but instead about choosing only the quality creatures you're currently playing.

What we are looking for in creatures is how they interact or support with the deck strategy. If they're good enough support keep them, but if not then cut them. Even budget filler creatures such as Infantry Veteran can be quality, Veteran is not quality.

This list I've made below is not a knock on your deck building, you're using cards you have available to you, that's great and everyone has this same start. This advice is to how to improve the cards that you play to fill in the rest of the deck spots to have a full deck. Filler cards can also be quality, but you first have to know which cards are not as good as others so that you can improve them within budget.

I have reduced the creature base down to 11 of the quality creatures your currently playing. We are looking for good impact from creatures to make when they are played the first turn which means they have some kind of helpful abilities. Less high end creatures because both Liesa are your best high end creatures who are five drops.

If you're still interested I can continue with advice in another comment. Shall I continue?

ThinMargin on Liesa, Liesa, they so flying...

2 years ago

multimedia great feedback! All of those cards were on the maybe list for me for sure. The deck was feeling a little creature heavy.

There are a few mechanics I would like to keep though. I am using Gideon's Avenger and the Vampire Scrivener to counter up and give them life link with one of the 3 enchants I have for that. Makes them good blockers or attackers and a tempting removal burn to keep Liesa out longer. They fit in line with the punishment theme of Liesa. If I had something that did both, that would be better. If Liesa is out, each combo costs me 4 life. It is a side road I need to consider if I can get my Loyal Unicorn out and haven't found my Victory's Herald .

Also, it pains me to let go of my infi-chump blocker. Blinking Spirit is one of my favorite cards for watching peoples heads explode, it probably should have been blue, really. But I can see the sense in getting rid of a recasting creature in a Liesa deck. Good call.

What do you think of this:

I appreciate the help! Cheers!

Legendxp on YEET! [[Primer]]

3 years ago

Gideon's Avenger and Scourge of Geier Reach are both cards that can be pretty ridiculous power-wise.

Necrosis24 on Tap/Untap Adavantage

3 years ago

Well if you want to tap/untap your own creatures the inspired ability goes well, but there are not many worth using. You could also look for cards with similar wording to Renegade Wheelsmith and Stonybrook Schoolmaster.

Otherwise there are a couple cards like Azami, Lady of Scrolls that allows you to tap your own creatures to draw cards and then you could untap and repeat.

If you are targeting your opponent's creatures here are a few cards you could use:

Yotian_Soldier on 75% Tajic - Boros Soldier Tribal

4 years ago

23 Jul 2020 Updates:

Shared Animosity > Radiant Destiny

Call the Coppercoats > Hedron Archive; reduce clunky a mana rock

Fireflux Squad > Gideon's Avenger; the avenger tends to be tall while our deck tends to go wide

Trynn, Champion of Freedom > Icon of Ancestry

Arcane Signet > Commander's Sphere; an upgrade of another clunky mana rock

Flawless Maneuver > Mobilization; our deck has other source of getting our creatures vigilance and the cost of creating a token is not economical compared to other token producers in the deck

Joe_Ken_ on Gideon holds the Front Line

4 years ago

I think you can cut some of the following cards for more lands.

Aurification since if it gets blown up then the counters it put in don’t really do that much.

Oath of Chandra is good for flavor, but really wont do all that much.

Ajani Steadfast should be cut since you really don’t have that many creatures for his plus to be put to work.

Fumiko the Lowblood since she won’t be that great for a creature.

I think you can cut Time Wipe since you have an abundance of board wipes.

Deafening Silence really seems like it will put you in a bind just as often as your opponents.

Koth of the Hammer isn’t that great since you aren’t running that many mountains.

Gideon's Avenger isn’t a really great creature since he can still be blocked by a 1/1 and everything would be fine.

HalbrechtHalbrecht on "Impeding Skies" (Tap, Destroy, Attack)

5 years ago

Harbruin — Thanks for the suggestion! I added it to the maybe list. I think I'd prefer Icy Blast to Gigadrowse , though. Yes, it's less mana-efficient, but between Sunblast Angel and Gideon's Avenger , I'm likely to trigger Ferocious.

Flooremoji on Tap-Down Control

5 years ago

Personally, I feel Gideon's Avenger is fodder, but I haven't played with him yet.

I feel that the less creatures you run in a deck, the more likley they are to be fodder :)

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