Serene Master

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Serene Master

Creature — Human Monk

Whenever Serene Master blocks, exchange its power and the power of target creature it's blocking until end of combat.

9-lives on Aikido Archetype

1 year ago

Serene Master would work very well! Not to mention it's a badass monk card! Monks and Wizards are my favorite creature type. One reason I want to get rid of Hindering Light is that I don't want to draw on my opponent's turn, as Irencrag Pyromancer wouldn't work in that case. I'm thinking about replacing Hindering Light with just 2x Counterspell and 2x Mana Leak.

Barbarian_Sun_Pope on Aikido Archetype

1 year ago

No problem =). Tormenting Voice is not bad, though I would suggest Thrill of Possibility or Cathartic Pyre instead. The first one is the same card, but at instant speed and the second one gives an option of burn when you need it. If you're looking for something similar to Hindering Light, you can try Outwit or Turn Aside, which are a bit more specific, but cost less. If you don't mind the double blue cost you can try Redirect, which also fits the theme and is particularly good against burn. I really wish Serene Master was modern legal, he looks like would've fit perfectly here.

9-lives on Card that Punishes attacking/dealing combat …

2 years ago

seshiro_of_the_orochi I really wish I could use Serene Master, but it's not modern legal, I don't think.

McToters on Drop A Train On 'Em

2 years ago

Hey there! Awesome brew! Some recs in case you haven't already thought of them:

Cursed Mirror same reason as Mirage Mirror

Hamletback Goliath janky but fun

Reiterate since you are already running Mana Geyser with the right amount of lands untapped this can net you infinite mana. A secondary rec with this combo in mind would be Sword of the Paruns as a mana sink to continually untap Brion.

Serene Master janky but also fun

Inspiring Statuary to help you with casting spells

Simerix on ContrOloro

2 years ago

The deck is more of a life gain deck than it is a control deck. You have a lot of removal, but that's all that makes it controlling.

Highest recommended card: Vile Consumption. This card is brutal in this deck if you don't have too many creatures.

Hallowed Burial is a highly underrated board wipe.

Card suggestions: Sphere of Safety, Approach of the Second Sun, Aura of Silence, Austere Command, Cleansing Nova, Damn, Darksteel Mutation, Doomskar, Epicure of Blood, Erebos's Intervention, Ghostly Prison, Infernal Grasp, Liesa, Shroud of Dusk, Narset, Parter of Veils, Propaganda, Rest in Peace, Righteous Cause, Rule of Law, Telepathy, Time Wipe, Trespasser's Curse, Utter End, Venser's Journal, Witch of the Moors

Mean/weird cards that I would probably play: AEther Barrier, Archmage Ascension, Death Match, Lightmine Field, Meishin, the Mind Cage, Overburden, Porphyry Nodes, Spreading Plague, Tainted AEther, Portcullis, Magus of the Moat, Magus of the Tabernacle, Silent Arbiter, Serene Master

*Obviously play what you want

Steelspike on What are the best defensive …

3 years ago

I present to you Serene Master.

If you want better a defensive card, I don't know what to tell you...

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