Martial Glory

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Martial Glory


Target creature gets +3/+0 until end of turn.

Target creature gets +0/+3 until end of turn.

Vessiliana on Feather

2 years ago

Have you thought about Martial Glory? It can give you two heroic triggers for the price of one?

forneyt on

2 years ago

Haha I'm glad you realized the power of the Eidolon!! The deck looks good now! Gideon's Sacrifice seems like a cute card, although it is inconsistent and may be a dead card in the deck in some matchups if it doesn't give you the edge you need to get ahead. It really only works with Boros Reckoner or Monastery Mentor on the battlefield, so if you don't have those then it's a dead card as well. If you don't have Boros Reckoner then it is just a Fog effect, and if you don't have Monastery Mentor then you're just sacrificing a creature to save some life. Maybe only run a couple between the main and side to playtest it. A fourth Lightning Helix and/or an extra Boros Charm or Rip Apart (depending on the meta) would serve you well.

Vexing Devil is one of my favorite cards, but I'm not sure it belongs in this deck because your other cards like instants and sorceries (specifically Monastery Mentor and Soulfire Grand Master). Risk Factor seems like it'd be good in some cases, but when you really need it to do damage you will draw cards that you can't play. I think one or two would be good, but three or four may not be helpful.

A card that may be helpful is Martial Glory to replace 2x Risk Factor. On your combat step, it can keep a value creature alive (assuming they try and kill it in combat) and allow an unblocked attacker get in for more damage, or beef up on creature and take on an opponent's blocking beater. On their combat, it would trigger prowess, allow you to block bigger baddies, and/or kill off a troublesome attacker. The only downside is that it doesn't deal direct damage, so it doesn't do well with Soulfire Grand Master. It matches the aikido theme, and is only a 2-CMC spell that can throw off your opponent. A better 1-drop than Vexing Devil in this deck would be Grim Lavamancer, since it can utilize the spells you cast for more damage. However, it wouldn't replace all 4 Devils because they are a little clunky. The new Kamigawa Neon Dynasty equipment could be an interesting add in this deck, although I am partial to Skullcrack.

Let me know what you think of these suggestions, and keep testing out your deck to see how you want it to run!

multimedia on Boros Shitstorm Feather

2 years ago

Hey, nice version of Feather for less than $100 bucks.

Defiant Strike is another instant one drop good card draw with Feather. Sudden Breakthrough, Angelfire Ignition and Blacksmith's Skill are three powerful for their mana costs new budget spells for Feather. Angerfire alone can replace a lot of cards because of so many effects it gives for three mana and flashback is a bonus. Cards Angelfire makes redundant here are Gird for Battle, Desperate Stand, Swift Justice, Sure Strike.

Mavinda, Students' Advocate is nice with instants for Feather letting you cast one on each player's turn from your graveyard and then exile it with Feather. This effect is helpful to cast instants when you don't control Feather to then when you do control Feather get those instants back.

Budget Chain Reaction and more expensive price Blasphemous Act wrecks opponent's creatures and not Feather because you have so much indestructible and color protection. Protection from red prevents damage from Reaction or Act.

Consider more ramp especially staple mana rock Sol Ring? Talisman of Conviction, Star Compass and Sudden Breakthrough will also help with color fixing. Battlefield Forge, Furycalm Snarl and Temple of Triumph are some budget Boros dual lands that could replace a few basic lands.

Some cards to consider cutting are you could cut a few basic lands for more ramp. Aurelia, Exemplar of Justice and Favored Hoplite are the two lesser creatures here. Settle Beyond Reality's effect is not worth five mana at sorcery speed. Martial Glory and Inordinate Rage are subpar pump spells compared to the others here. If you choose to add Angelfire then Gird for Battle, Desperate Stand, Swift Justice, Sure Strike are not really needed.

Good luck with your deck.

king-saproling on Commander Deck

4 years ago

I take it including Martial Glory was an accident right? Also I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Westvale Abbey  Flip can only be included in decks that have Black, because the card's color identity is black.

Also is Sephara, Sky's Blade your commander? You can designate which creature is your commander by putting *CMDR* after their name in your decklist (Sephara, Sky's Blade *CMDR*)

You might like these cards: Hanged Executioner, Midnight Haunting, Rousing of Souls, Spectral Procession, Battle Screech, Benevolent Offering, Spectral Reserves, Triplicate Spirits, Bygone Bishop, Mentor of the Meek, Archon of Sun's Grace, Emeria Angel, Serra the Benevolent, Windbrisk Heights

tkjanacek on Pioneer Feather

5 years ago

I just started working on building a similar deck: Feather Heroic Pioneer. I used to play Akroan Crusader , Coordinated Assault and Martial Glory , it's unclear to me whether they will make the cut nowadays.

Aclaus on Just attack

5 years ago
  1. Nyxborn Shieldmate for Boros Reckoner both better creatures and reckoner works amazing with lightmines if u decide to add it
  2. Palace Guard for Archetype of Aggression


  1. Darksteel Plate for Whispersilk Cloak since your guys are invincible anyways. this also deters them from being targeted.. boardwipes will still work though.
  2. Stoneforge Masterwork for Tenza, Godo's Maul if up u this on ur commander hes a 10/7 menance with trample, seems like a better piece
  3. Armory of Iroas - Sunforger costs a few more mana but u have alot of tricks u can pull out of it for free late game
  4. Staff of Nin for Mind's Eye
  5. Avacyn's Collar for Spear of Heliod upgrades all ur doods and makes people scared to attack you
  6. Manalith for Commander's Sphere an upgrade


  1. Act of Treason for Faithless Looting card draw with flashback seems always good
  2. Mass Mutiny - Mob Rule seems like an upgrade


  1. Miraculous Recovery - Settle the Wreckage amazing board wipe, can really put you ahead. if not interested in a board wipe id suggest maybe a single target removal like Chaos Warp . i feel like you need ways to deal with high pressure threats
  2. Pay No Heed - Deflecting Palm
  3. Righteousness for Fight to the Death i know these two cards arent related, but how hilarious would it be to cast this when someone else is combating another player, basically can wipe two players boards if timed proper. if u would prefer to keep a combat trick here i would suggest maybe Gods Willing or something that does not require the creature to be blocking
  4. Smite - Ride Down
  5. Warleader's Helix - Savage Beating or Ajani Vengeant i feel helix doesnt provide enough value, for removal it is very weak , if u want good removal to replace this instead of a threats i listed, i would consider Oblivion Ring type cards
  6. Martial Glory - Boros Charm charm is must include, so much value! protect from boardwipes including land destruction! removal or maybe boost ur commander after blocks with a double strike if some1 is already been hit once and hello 21 commander dmg

Austin_Smith_of_Cards on

6 years ago

Hobgoblin Dragoon and Martial Glory are both pretty terrible. I used to run a battalion/heroic deck in Return to Ravnica/Theros standard, and there's definitely some aspects I can recommend.

Boros Elite and Legion Loyalist are your 1-drops of choice. They're both on-theme and hit hard and fast.

Firefist Striker is your best 2-drop available. I'd run more of him.

Frontline Medic is great at protecting your attackers to make sure you can reliably trigger battalion, and Boros Reckoner can create some pretty favorable combat situations.

Spark Trooper is the bomb. Perfectly swings a game back in your favor vs other aggro decks with all that sweet lifegain.

In terms of noncreature spells, Boros Charm is so GOOD. Finish off with direct face damage? Check. Make a single, unblocked attacker suddenly scary? Check. Protect from boardwipes? Boros Charm has it all.

Happy brewing!

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