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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal


Creature — Human Spellshaper

(Black), Tap, Discard a card: Return target creature card from your graveyard to your hand.

legendofa on augment/mutate commander deck

1 year ago

You can link decks with


for shouldnt have to be an un deck or



For non-creature cards (and non-mutate/augment creatures), Congregation at Dawn and Fauna Shaman let you find cards from your deck, Undertaker is a pet card of mine that lets you pull from your graveyard, Primal Command does everything, and Shared Summons is a double tutor. All of these will help assemble the right creature for the job. What are you looking for in your noncreature spells?

As far as mana goes, look for five-color lands like City of Brass or Mana Confluence.

legendofa on Lets Shape the Spell

2 years ago

I would suggest an option that includes and , with as a possible third color.

isn't great. Mageta the Lion is a repeatable board wipe, and the other two I would consider are Avenger en-Dal and Devout Witness as targeted removal options.

has a couple of interesting control options. Waterfront Bouncer, Trickster Mage, and maybe Alexi, Zephyr Mage are passable tempo options, Stronghold Biologist and Stronghold Machinist are more color-heavy, and Dreamscape Artist hits color fixing and ramp, unusual for blue.

Spellshapers are generally mana-heavy, but Undertaker gives you a lot of freedom in what you discard, allowing you to switch cards in your hand and graveyard as needed. Notorious Assassin and Greel, Mind Raker are further control options.

offers mostly burn and evasion. Seismic Mage is repeatable land destruction, and Hammer Mage eats artifacts.

is, as always, the best at color fixing, with Greenseeker, Harvest Mage, and Silverglade Pathfinder. Rushwood Herbalist and Dawnstrider protect your creatures, and Jolrael, Empress of Beasts works well with the red options.

DreadKhan on Teysa pale booby

2 years ago

If you want a cheap source of bodies, Haakon, Stromgald Scourge can reanimate any knights, including Changelings. If you Final Parting for Haakon into the Yard and Nameless Inversion you can recast Inversion for 1B as many times as you want, potentially killing lots of stuff. If you use Haakon, you should look at ways to discard him incase you draw into him. I have run Avenger en-Dal to decent effect. Bloodsoaked Altar is a sneakily good card if you can stand to discard. Body Snatcher isn't super-cheap, but it's a ton of value and can discard Haakon. Bog Witch can turn any card into a Dark Ritual, which helps since your deck has a lot of Black costs. Devout Witness is handy if you don't want to run Disenchant because you need more creatures. Icatian Crier makes 2 bodies fwiw. Skirk Ridge Exhumer makes nifty bodies. The Restoration of Eiganjo  Flip not only makes bodies and discards, it also can recur something small, it can even ramp you if you recur a land. Undertaker is much cheaper than Tortured Existence, it's not as good but it's still solid. This isn't an exhaustive list, but these are some options if you want to try out Haakon.

If you use Haakon and something like Pawn of Ulamog or Sifter of Skulls, a sac outlet and Universal Automaton to get infinite death triggers. If you use a Knight that costs B to cast, there is Bog Initiate to fix. There are better things you can do than this, but this is pretty budget. If someone tries to exile your combo pieces, you can always sacrifice them to send them to your graveyard instead.

Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire is a pretty reasonable tutor, and if you need to, you can find an effect for someone else to use (hopefully to your benefit, like a board wipe or removal spell). Eye of Vecna is nice cheap card draw. Strands of Night is a cheap repeatable recursion source, something that is worth a look. Casting of Bones is pretty solid draw if you can count on having creatures you want dead, 3 cards is a lot for 3 mana.

wallisface on Combo Frog

3 years ago

Some thoughts:

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Warweaver's Chant

3 years ago

legendofa: Thank you for the comment and the suggestions. This is a pretty good idea in general. I'm not the biggest fan of Undertaker here, as small creatures tend to die pretty easily thanks to Thantis's ability, and Undertaker's ability needs a target, so itvcan't always be activated to prevent it from dying. The other two are great ideas.

legendofa on Warweaver's Chant

3 years ago

Your small creatures, especially Spore Frog might do better with some more creature recursion, maybe something like Malevolent Awakening , Undertaker or Phyrexian Reclamation , to keep a Fog effect at the ready.

EDH isn't my forte, though, so I'm not sure how good my advice here is.

RNR_Gaming on Toggo + deathtouch = skull & crossbones

3 years ago

SirQuixano thanks for the compliment! I really like your suggestions. Especially, Undertaker according to gatherer it has "special" as its rarity but it is pauper legal. We'll have to mull over what to cut to make room but both of your suggestions will probably make it into the deck :)

SirQuixano on Toggo + deathtouch = skull & crossbones

3 years ago

Oh, and you can sacrifice the rocks to Keskit too, quite a neat pairing. Maybe the whole deathtoucher plan might work in RG too, if you can get them out out of your graveyard.

Back on topic, you might want Undertaker as a repeatable way to get your important creatures back. Scaretiller can also get your Panoramas back so that you can generate even more rocks. Im also curious about your transmute cards, which can only really grab monarch cards as their big cards, which seems kinda weird, but I guess it can work. I quite like the deck.

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