Death Denied

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Death Denied

Instant — Arcane

Return X target creature cards from your graveyard to your hand.

HeavenlyAxe on

4 months ago

indieinside, without play testing my immediate thoughts are, not enough ramp/draw...

I'd take out a few creatures, 37 is a lot for some more utility.

In the maybe board specifically...

Adaptive Automaton is good but again you have a lot of creature

Bloodline Pretender only buffs himself not worth imo

Crypt Rats - again if you can give this infect its a great wincon

The other rats are all ok and on theme but if anything can replace a relentless rat...

Lightning Greaves is a great call but i see you have already added it.

Necrogen Communion seems strong and worth an include

Death Denied seems to inefficient. your paying to return them to hand then still have to recast...just use Yawgmoth's Will

My valuation could easily be off since this is 1v1 focused and I am used to building with multiplayer in mind, but that's my thoughts.

gavriel1136 on Does Bane have a reflexive …

1 year ago

Bane, Lord of Darkness's second ability states "Whenever another nontoken creature you control dies, target opponent may have you draw a card. If they don't, you may put a creature card with equal or lesser toughness from your hand onto the battlefield."

If an opponent chooses NOT to have me draw a card, is there a moment where I have priority before I need to put a creature from my hand out? I'm thinking of using a card like Death Denied to instant-speed put a creature into my hand in response to the reflexive trigger. If Bane does NOT have a reflexive trigger, then I won't have priority before the ability resolves.

CamraMaan on Nashi, Moon Sage's Scion and …

1 year ago

We can use Death Denied as a simple example.

Also, would I be able to cast Consume Spirit with it and pay life for X...? Or am I strictly limited to paying X with black mana?

GangstaFranksta on Red Green Black EDH

2 years ago

These are the things I don't think are very strong in the deck at the moment.

Death Denied just takes them to your hand and most of the ones you want are big, it would probably be better if it put them on top of your library. The same could be said for Darigaaz's Charm, Phyrexian Reclamation, Necromantic Thirst, and Disentomb.

I don't think Charmbreaker Devils, Xira Arien, Staff of Nin, or Yurlok of Scorch Thrash add anything to this deck at all.

I'm not sure Hoarding Dragon and Lathliss, Dragon Queen is that good; are these really worth it? This doesn't seem like a dragon focus deck really, even though you do have a few dragons. I think the energy is better spent focusing on another theme like big creatures and sacrificing, ramping, or jund control.

Jund Battlemage puts tokens onto the field but it costs a mana I'm not 100% sure it's worth. Something like Dragonlair Spider or Grave Titan like I mentioned in my last comment are more worth it imo.

I don't like Shreds of Sanity because there aren't that many instants or sorceries in the deck to begin with and I feel that the deck would be stronger if it focused on it's creatures anyway.

Silly-Go-Round on But I wanna play Hydras [Help Needed]

2 years ago

Stuff I'd consider in no particular order.

Nature's Lore

Voracious Hydra

Steelbane Hydra - this one in particular has what you're looking for in enchantment hate, but I'll have a section specifically for that too.

Curse of the Swine

Hydroid Krasis - a little above your price range, but a fantastic hydra.

Elementalist's Palette

Lifeblood Hydra - just under 10 bucks, definitely a solid upgrade.

Vorel of the Hull Clade

Evolution Sage

Death Denied

Three Visits

Skyshroud Claim

Explosive Vegetation

Exponential Growth

Greater Good

Unbound Flourishing

I'd also consider looking up all the different duals that show up in sultai and picking up some of the cheaper ones? I google "word for the color identity of the deck I'm playing and dual lands" and theres a few sites there generally with prices. Also going up like, 3/4 more lands since 33 seems slim and you don't have a lot of mana rocks/dorks to shore that up.

enchantment removal I've used/like/I think would be good here.

Krosan Grip

Gaze of Granite

Pest Infestation

Sultai Charm

Maelstrom Pulse


Windgrace's Judgment

As for stuff I'd cut.

Edge of Autumn - theres better ramp cards and I suggested a few above

Grow from the Ashes - see above

Font of Fertility - see above

Frontier Siege - this seems kinda medium if all were doing with it is adding 2 extra mana, I like that it's modal but you're never going to pick that mode since we don't have a lot of flyers in hydras.

Icy Blast - I see where you're coming from with this, and I think it could definitely put in work, but I also feel like theres probably either hard removal that you could play for the same amount of mana that would make this useful, or something similar.

Personally I'd also cut the counter spells for more stuff that draws/removes but I understand why they're here.

I hope this helps, sorry if it's long winded, and good luck with the list!!

metalrayn on Morbid Opportunist PDH

2 years ago

this looks like fun! why no Consume Spirit ? is Songs of the Damned just for Death Denied ?

now that black has Biblioplex Assistant you can infinite loop Songs of the Damned as long as you have Spark Reaper , Stinkweed Imp and Tortured Existence which is really sick we used to need red or blue. its a lot of cards but if you get imp and tortured you should just be able to combo off.

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