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Nebuchadnezzar & Phenax's Wheel and Deal Funhouse

Commander / EDH Discard Enchantment Mill Theme/Gimmick UB (Dimir)


Nebuchadnezzar is a by all stretches of the imagination ; a terrible card. Most people who read him cannot even pronounce his name let alone take his ability seriously. Discard by tapping out and only netting 1 card if you are lucky and running on no information. After I made Taniwha playable in some way in a viable STAX deck, I needed a new challenge.

So how did I make Nebuchadnezzar playable? In short, I did and I didn't.

His ability is too narrow to be even remotely useable since its only limited to my turn. It can hit lands but by turn 6 or 7 its unlikely to do much. So I took the essence of the effect and made it work in a enchantment matters disruption build focusing on Liliana's Caress and Megrim effects. But this proved to be too narrow as there are not enough cards to really put in the deck that warrant a spot in a group discard package ; let alone making a viable win condition out of it. Very few of them deal damage to the opponent and even when you dig deeper into the worse of the bunch they often require you to discard a card from on your upkeep not every opponents upkeep limiting the wide reach of the effect I wanted. The deck needed an extra kick to boast itself into a multiplayer format and the answer I found was Mill.

Phenax, God of Deception was a perfect fit since it was in the right colors and offered more to the creature package than some lackluster creatures that don't do much in the long game. More over, the card's inclusion added a dimension of synergy to the deck that I never thought was possible along with combos I never knew existed.

Such combos include

One of the 7 Wheel of Fortune Effects + Evacuation / Devastation Tide / Cyclonic Rift / Whelming Wave = Say goodbye to your board state. A real risk reward play if you plan to hit either Wrath effect off of Memory Jar but if it works, it feels real good.

Helm of Obedience + Leyline of the Void = RIP - Legacy Infinite Mill Combo

Duskmantle Guildmage + Mindcrank = RIP - Modern Mill Combo - Infinite DMG.

Traumatize + Fraying Sanity = RIP - Another Mill Kill Combo

Liliana's Caress / Megrim + One of the decks 7 Wheel of Fortune Effects = Make Everyone Cry as the table takes 2 Dmg for every card they discard when they draw their new 7.

Jace's Archivist + Thousand-Year Elixir + Liliana's Caress = Deal twice as much Dmg as you want with as much mana you have open. More destructive if you have an unlimited hand size outlet on board.

Duskmantle Guildmage + Nemesis of Reason = 10 point life and 10 cards for a 3 mana activated ability. Gets better with Mindcrank or Fraying Sanity as it potentially means double or triple the Damage taken.

The Mill aspect offers much disruption wise as well as gives us access to hefty list of creatures to play to stay on the defensive as we draw into more of our discard and shenanigans. The deck can flip focuses on a dime but neither truly interfere with each other in a negative way as far as I can see.

I am still tuning the deck and I'm always open to suggestions.


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92% Casual


Date added 6 years
Last updated 4 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 0 Mythic Rares

42 - 0 Rares

24 - 0 Uncommons

7 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.50
Tokens Morph 2/2 C, Zombie 2/2 B
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