Top Ten Popular Standard Cards You Hate To Play Against (But Love To Use)



5 April 2012


Helllllooooooooo Tappedout!

Generally the decks that get the most attention on the site, online, and otherwise are standard decks. Standard, along with other formats, have their staple cards that everyone uses. They're cards that you see all too often because they're:

A.) That good.
B.) They frustrate your opponents just as much as they make you squeal with joy.

Here are the best 10 examples of Jekyll & Hyde.

Honorary Mention:

Phantasmal Image

Inkmoth Nexus

#10: Acidic Slime

Most seen in: Birthing Pod decks.

How many times have you seen Acidic Slime come down and wipe out your Inkmoth Nexus or Seachrome Coast? I'm betting more then you'd like to see. With Delver, Zombie and Wolf Ramp decks getting the vast majority of the attention nowadays, Mr. (Sl)Mime has seen a decrease in play in competitive decks but it still doesn't get any less annoying in your friend's casual ramp deck. I've had him kill my Steel Hellkite more often then Snookie gets made fun of, and I just hate this card with a passion.

Why would you wanna play it? It can nuke any specialty land or a pesky artifact. With curses and cards like Call to the Kindred out there, it has only gotten more useful for sideboards.

#9: Liliana of the Veil

Most seen in: Solar Flare (Sun Titan), Mono Black decks.

Just the second(but most powerful) 3 CMC Planeswalker made, Miss Vess stormed back into fine standard form with the release of Innistrad and saw her price get to the $50 range in her prime. Not only does she support the traditional black themes of discard and sacrifice permenents, but at that convenient mana cost of 3, Sun Titan once again had a wonderful new weapon, and along with Unburial Rites, gave many players the motivation to build a deck around them. Having Lily pop up multiple times in a game should explain itself as to why it can be annoying, having to sacrifice multiple creatures or losing valuable cards out of your hand can lose you the game.

Why would you wanna play it? The ability to shorten your opponent's bench and clear out a valuable creature T3, such as a Grand Architect, can really turn a game around.

#8: Hero of Bladehold

Most seen in: Token decks and WW decks.

Now, I debated giving this slot to Geist of Saint Traft due to his current relevance in the meta but I decided to give it to Hero of Anorexia, I mean, Bladehold. The reasons? Giving two separate tokens that it buffs along with any other attacker you're sending your opponent's way, having a bigger body, and fitting well in a color that supports the ever loving shiz out of tokens. Besides, spirits will be getting some love on this list yet.

Anyways, playing against Bladehold is frustrating. The odds of your opponent having several damaging creatures such as Mirran Crusader and Champion of the Parish on the board, or a bunch of tokens from Lingering Souls are very good and to with Bladehold's boost, it can be difficult to deal with.

Why would you wanna play it? It can put up the extra damage you need to overrun your opponent and help get you more tokens on the field to benefit from Intangible Virtue.

#7: Delver of Secrets  Flip

Most seen in: Delver/Pike decks and, well, most Blue decks.

Along with Ponder, Delver of Secrets  Flip has been a favorite 1 drop of blue 'walkers since Innistrad's release. The ability for a potential 3/2 flyer on turn 2 in huge. Most of the time you'll be showing them a Thought Scour, Think Twice, or a counter spell, which they more or less know is coming anyways. Have to chump it or waste removal on a 1 mana creature is a big advantage and unless you haven't noticed, blue likes to take advantage of you. Also, seeing Delver means there's a good chance of seeing a Runechanter's Pike. Great.

Why would you wanna play it? A 3/2 flyer ready to attack on turn 2 is a good way to put pressure on your opponent and put 'em on a clock. Control the rest of the game and you're giving yourself an excellent chance to win.

#6: Dungeon Geists

Most seen in: Spirit decks, U/W Control

Quite possibly my favorite standard card to use right now(with Grand Architect right there as well), Dungeon Geists is a 3/3 flyer that taps balls out of that nasty Phyrexian Obliterator or creatures that benefit from attacking such as Predator Ooze. When that Ooze is yours, what a fother mucking piss off. Odds of them having a Drogskol Captain right there with him? Fairly high. Dammit.

Why would you wanna play it? Dungeon has an added bonus of being a strong control card while also having a very very useful body to go along with it. It has proven to be a powerful card used by the pros, and for good reason.

#5: The Swords of Mirrodin
Sword of Body and Mind, Sword of Feast and Famine, Sword of War and Peace

Most seen in: Successful decks

How powerful are these swords? They, along with Batterskull, got Stoneforge Mystic banned from standard along with He Who Shall Not Be Named. They were the Cher to Squadron Hawk's Sonny. With the rotation of Zendikar, it's home deck was destroyed but hope remained. B&M doesn't see much play anymore, but F&F and W&P still see play, especially War and Peace. It currently sells for $45 at my shop and is a 1-of in my spirit-of-innistrad deck(Who needs feature tokens? J/K. Support the site guys!). Each sword has a relevant ability, whether is be making wolves, untapping lands or dealing damage where it hurts. Above all else, protection from 2 colors. Pretty damn solid.

Why would you wanna play them? Because if you're looking for some equipment, you won't find much better.

#4: Wurmcoil Engine

Most seen in: Artifact decks

I can just see it. WotC's Scars of Mirrodin design team sitting around a table in the early morning with a deadline looming. They've been given a mandate: Create the singular artifact the artifact heavy SOM block will be known for years from now. Struggling to create a balanced, creative card, they unite is saying "eff it", and created Wurmcoil Engine. A 6/6 body with two relevant keywords for 6 colorless mana, meaning that any deck can use it. Control decks, ramp decks, reanimator decks, pretty much anything. What? That's not enough? How about when it dies it splits into a 3/3 wurm with lifelink and a 3/3 wurm with deathtouch? It can be buffed by Tempered Steel, cheated with Grand Architect on turn 3, or ramped into. Nothing screams frustration like seeing a Wurmcoil come down on your opponent's field. It more than earns it's 4.6 rating on Gatherer.

Why would you wanna play it? WHY WOULDN'T YOU? Maybe if you're butt hurt from getting owned by it. At least you can Mana Leak it...

#3: Mana Leak

Most seen in: Control deck, Blue decks

Although Dissipate has stolen a bit of Leaker's thunder in the current standard, Mana Leak is still the go to counter spell for blue mages. The ability to safely(?) counter any spell your opponent can cast turn 2 or 3 and also when they tap out for only 2 mana is a great resource. It's also a popular target of another card that will be showing up later in the list. Your opponent play a Liliana? Leak it. Inferno Titan? Leak it. Birthing Pod? Leak it. There is nothing worse then wanting to play that card vital to your combo when your opponent has 2 mana open. It can single handidly prevent you from playing near anything in your hand, and we hate it.

Why would you wanna play it? "Yeahhhhhhhh, I'm gonna Mana Leak that." is pretty satisfying to say. If you're splashing blue, you're putting one or more of these in your deck.

#2: Dismember

Most seen in: Any god damn deck now.

Remember back in the day when kill spells were only black? Yea, those were grand days.

Hey, remember when the safe toughness for a viable mid game drop was 4? Not 6? Yea, those were grand days too.

When Dismember hit the scene, it shattered the stereotypes. With the help of phyrexian mana, it changed what many players would consider standard viable and gave every color a means to wipe nearly every 5 or less drop off the map. For an example, Phyrexian Obliterator is considered a very strong card for 4 mana. A white weenie deck can rid itself of that curse paying 4 life and a mana. IS NOTHING SAFE WIZARDS?

Why would you wanna play it? If you're running a color that normally doesn't have access to removal, like say green, Beast Within not withstanding, it gives your deck access to that extra weapon that can seriously hurt your opponent that you wouldn't normally have. Nothing is safe until that mofo rotates out.

#1: Snapcaster Mage

Most seen in: Flashback decks, most Blue decks.

Here's a question for you! Whats worse than seeing any threat on this list? Seeing it again. Snapcaster Mage essentially makes any non permenent in your graveyard a Commander general. Just pay 2 extra mana and recast. It justifies it's hefty $25 cost by giving your deck extreme flexibility and with flash, can give you that instant speed you crave. Just an excellent card and if my opponent flashes back just one more Mana Leak, I'ma smack a bitch.

Why would you wanna play it? It can be the difference between letting that Primeval Titan hit the table or not, or bringing back that sorcery essential to your combo. For two. Mana. If you can afford them, get them.

This of course is just my personal opinion, if you guys disagree, sound off in the comments! Till next time.

"I'ma smack a bitch" lol I don't know how many times I've used that phrase against someone playing snapcaster

April 5, 2012 3:18 p.m.

Epochalyptik says... #2

Primeval TitanMTG Card: Primeval Titan could also qualify for honorable mention because of its absurd power and immunity to lots of removal (out of range of DismemberMTG Card: Dismember, SlagstormMTG Card: Slagstorm, ShockMTG Card: Shock/Galvanic BlastMTG Card: Galvanic Blast, etc.), but other than that I think the list is accurate.

April 5, 2012 3:20 p.m.

What, no Grave TitanMTG Card: Grave Titan? I hate few cards as much as I hate that damn titan.

April 5, 2012 3:28 p.m.

Deco_y says... #4

Grave titan was a HUGE pain when it first came out, not so much now just because he just doesn't get used.

April 5, 2012 3:47 p.m.

You seem to be implying that Snapcaster MageMTG Card: Snapcaster Mage can flash back creatures. Thankfully, he cannot.

The day they print a snapcaster that can also bring back creatures is the day that I quit Magic.

(Havengul LichMTG Card: Havengul Lich doesn't count)

April 5, 2012 4:03 p.m.

rckclimber777 says... #6

Kessig Wolf RunMTG Card: Kessig Wolf Run itself has altered standard and probably deserves at least an honorable mention.

Although I agree with your number 1. Easily the best card in standard. He defines utility and is why control is probably the strongest archetype right now.

Dungeon geists and liliana seem out of place though. Both are used sparingly right now. Gut ShotMTG Card: Gut Shot is played more than dismember it seems as well.

Anyway those are my thoughts.

April 5, 2012 4:08 p.m.

Deco_y says... #7

@landgrafb balls I meant sorcery. I'll change that ASAP.

April 5, 2012 4:10 p.m.

harrydemon117 says... #8

What about Phyrexian MetamorphMTG Card: Phyrexian Metamorph? for 3 mana copy a creature OR an artifact (hem hem SWORDS) and a blue phyrexian mana that you DON'T have to sacrifice when it's targeted?? not to mention it's phyrexian mana allows it to be played in ANY deck

I gotta say the most annoying thing EVER is seeing someone top deck a Phyrexian MetamorphMTG Card: Phyrexian Metamorph when I have MAJOR board advantage with Wurmcoil EngineMTG Card: Wurmcoil Engine or Sheoldred, Whispering OneMTG Card: Sheoldred, Whispering One and have them negate the whole thing with one card....UGGH!

April 5, 2012 4:29 p.m.

Dismay says... #9

April 5, 2012 5:44 p.m.

CrushU says... #10

Primeval TitanMTG Card: Primeval Titan is the number 1 most annoying card in Standard, imo.

Thalia, Guardian of ThrabenMTG Card: Thalia, Guardian of Thraben gets honorable mention just for being annoying, not destructive.

And yeah, Snapcaster MageMTG Card: Snapcaster Mage gets top slot. And I use a playset of him! :D

April 5, 2012 5:47 p.m.

KorApprentice says... #11

is pretty ridiculous, definitely worth his price.

April 5, 2012 6 p.m.

KingofSpain says... #12

What, no Lingering SoulsMTG Card: Lingering Souls?

April 5, 2012 6:27 p.m.

harrydemon117 says... #13

@Dismay: So what? I didn't say it was better than mana leak...only that it should have an honorable mention.

If you're referring to ME using mana leak to counter it, yes I could if I had one. But by the time I have MY bomb out I've probably spent 1/2 of my counter spells and may not have another in my hand lol.

I'm just saying it should have a bigger value than it does.

April 5, 2012 7:36 p.m.

Shrodinger says... #14

Day of JudgmentMTG Card: Day of Judgment didn't make the cut? You're insane.

April 5, 2012 9:43 p.m.

omgyoav says... #15

April 5, 2012 9:49 p.m.

koenig says... #16

The one card I cannot stand seeing played right now is dungrove elder. There's just not much that white aggro can do about him.

April 5, 2012 10:39 p.m.

@koenig: side in some Day of JudgmentMTG Card: Day of Judgment or Ratchet BombMTG Card: Ratchet Bomb. White has some great mass removal in standard right now. It'll hurt you too, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

April 5, 2012 10:47 p.m.

Timbo says... #18

Hey, I got a good one that not many people use, but coupled with Intangible VirtueMTG Card: Intangible Virtue or even Honor of the PureMTG Card: Honor of the Pure= "holy-f-ing-sh*t, you bastard!!!!!" That card would be Increasing DevotionMTG Card: Increasing Devotion. I HATE seeing that thrown down in those circumstances, and since any reasonably intelligent player who has this in their deck playing against someone like me (a blue control whore) would opt to not let this be Mana LeakMTG Card: Mana Leaked, they have a HUGE late-game advantage. UGGGGGHHHHH!!!!! :)

April 6, 2012 2:15 a.m.

RekWan3534 says... #19

Elesh Norn, Grand CenobiteMTG Card: Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite Lady GaGa should be given an annoying mention as well.

April 6, 2012 3:51 a.m.

CrushU says... #20

Dungrove ElderMTG Card: Dungrove Elder has answers in a white aggro deck: Mirran CrusaderMTG Card: Mirran Crusader

April 6, 2012 12:07 p.m.

Shrodinger says... #21

I've made people swear out loud in FNMs with Ranger's GuileMTG Card: Ranger's Guile

April 6, 2012 12:07 p.m.

KBash says... #22

Hero of Anorexia? I guess looking at FNM's usual crew, you could call her that.

April 6, 2012 3:14 p.m.

Minousmancer says... #23

are the only cards on this list I like to play with.

April 6, 2012 3:33 p.m.

CrushU says... #24

KevinBasham: It's because her artwork makes her look really skinny/bony. Take a close look, it's kinda disturbing.

April 6, 2012 4:49 p.m.

Minousmancer says... #25

Her name is Ria, and both her Hero of BladeholdMTG Card: Hero of Bladehold and Hero of Oxid RidgeMTG Card: Hero of Oxid Ridge are sitting on Chrome SteedMTG Card: Chrome Steeds.

April 6, 2012 5:05 p.m.

sowen says... #26

I would throw in Invisible StalkerMTG Card: Invisible Stalker imo... although he may be underplayed - to me he deserves a top 10 spot in a list of the annoying to play against. A turn 2 hexproof unblockable when paired with Silver-Inlaid DaggerMTG Card: Silver-Inlaid Dagger on turn 3 makes for a turn 7 clock. Pretty brutal and extremely annoying to answer.

April 6, 2012 10:12 p.m.

jhaydee34 says... #27

This list should be revised to top 20 because there are a lot of annoyingly powerful cards right now.

April 6, 2012 10:59 p.m.

Timbo says... #28

I have another one that just is nothing but suck. FogMTG Card: Fog. To hell with that card. :)

April 6, 2012 11:15 p.m.

rjg110 says... #29

No Huntsmaster??????

April 7, 2012 1:55 a.m.

Minousmancer says... #30

rjg110 I hear more groaning over than .

April 7, 2012 2:07 a.m.

rjg110 says... #31

You Got A Point There

April 7, 2012 2:49 a.m.

skyb0rg says... #32

My most annoying card has to be Mental MisstepMTG Card: Mental Misstep. I don't use it 'cause I'm more aggro, but countering a blue deck's PonderMTG Card: Ponder can really set them back. It also "kills" BoP!

April 7, 2012 8:24 a.m.

Valentine35 says... #33

seriously no one hates playing against Surgical ExtractionMTG Card: Surgical Extraction? your thinking "oh well, so my first huntmaster died(or was discarded), i still have 3 more"...Surgical ExtractionMTG Card: Surgical Extraction hits, and now you have no more...ever.

April 8, 2012 10:05 a.m.

Pingulo says... #34

1 mana drop land producers anyone? Birds of ParadiseMTG Card: Birds of Paradise Llanowar ElvesMTG Card: Llanowar Elves Avacyn's PilgrimMTG Card: Avacyn's Pilgrim

you can have a 3 cmc sob on turn 2

April 8, 2012 8:58 p.m.

Fiend HunterMTG Card: Fiend Hunter and Oblivion RingMTG Card: Oblivion Ring can be annoying. I've seen people throw crap when a Mirran CrusaderMTG Card: Mirran Crusader hits the board. Lol.

I'd like to see a Modern and Legacy list of the same fashion. My number one hated card to see is user:Jace,%20the%20Mindsculptor. I abhor that card.

April 9, 2012 12:09 a.m.

OrgasmAndTea says... #36

Unburial RitesMTG Card: Unburial Rites and Mirran CrusaderMTG Card: Mirran Crusader get my vote. Surgical ExtractionMTG Card: Surgical Extraction is not a card I hate, it's a card I LOVE because it is such a fantastic answer to other bullshit cards. I'm surprised control players haven't mentioned Thrun, the Last Troll MTG Card: Thrun, the Last Troll yet. Maybe with all the copycats he's just not that big of a deal.

April 9, 2012 6:56 a.m.

zandl says... #37

DismemberMTG Card: Dismember isn't seeing any play anymore. <_< Have you seen any decklists over the past month?

April 9, 2012 5:19 p.m.

I agree with aeonstoremyliver, I would also like to see a modern/legacy version of this article.

A little surprised that Oblivion RingMTG Card: Oblivion Ring wasn't in here though. I would have expected it or Primeval TitanMTG Card: Primeval Titan over Dungeon GeistsMTG Card: Dungeon Geists and DismemberMTG Card: Dismember. But still, thoughtful article with a nice idea :).

April 10, 2012 12:04 a.m.

Delkus says... #39

i pay 3 mana.

feel bad.

April 11, 2012 3:42 a.m.

gheridarigaaz says... #40

wizards will rue the day they decided to print that timeturning 2cmc miracle card and that 1 drop 4/3 devil, It's gonna screw up the meta MAJORLY

April 13, 2012 3:05 p.m.

olowleye says... #41

Wonderful article indeed brotha!

April 14, 2012 5:08 a.m.

Valentine35 says... #42

i already hate playing against Vexing DevilMTG Card: Vexing Devil and he isnt even released yet, lol.

April 15, 2012 3:39 a.m.

Emrakool says... #43

Holding on to every Snappy I can, and waiting to watch him fly up the price lists when they decide to restrict him in Vintage.

April 15, 2012 12:16 p.m.

wayngchung says... #44

I've lost so many close calls to a playset of Vapor Snag s

September 7, 2012 5:33 p.m.

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