
(Not a doomsday deck I promise!)

I couldn't decide whether to build Prosper, Tome-Bound or Eruth, Tormented Prophet so I built both!

This deck is still a work in progress, so please feel free to leave your suggestions for cuts/improvements. I will be happy to discuss in the comments!

The deck is a spellslinger/non-competitive storm deck, so as one would expect the usual wincon is to "storm" people out by chaining together a lot of spells and finishing everyone off with something like Aetherflux Reservoir.

However, the fun part about this deck is that we are building around Eruth, Tormented Prophet and their older cousin Uba Mask. Normally, your draws being auto-exiled is a big downside, as you need to play that card right away or it's gone forever. However, it has a hidden benefit: you no longer need to care about your hand. This means that when your hand is already empty a card like Faithless Looting now reads: "Draw 2 cards" with Uba Mask in play, or "Draw 4 cards" if Eruth, Tormented Prophet is in play! Spicy. Even an unassuming Windrider Wizard graduates into essentially an Archmage Emeritus once you get your engine going.

So as you would expect, we're playing lots of draw-discard effects to synergize with those two permanents. Additionally, we have some great payoffs for our exiling shenanigans like Prosper, Tome-Bound to generate us treasure and Nalfeshnee to double all our spells. On top of that, we have a generally good package of other spellslinger cards to fall back on like Young Pyromancer, Deekah, Fractal Theorist, and the very gross Veyran, Voice of Duality to supercharge all our triggers. If you can't commit to a full-on storm turn, you can at least generate a big enough board presence to be relevant with Deekah. If you manage to go big and exile your whole deck, you can slam Thassa's Oracle to close things out in style, but it's also just a fine card in its own right for early card advantage.

Kess, Dissident Mage acts as a nice option to cash in some incremental value if we run out of gas and end up with an empty hand, especially with all of our incidental looting. Jeleva, Nephalia's Scourge or Cormela, Glamour Thief would also make fine commanders for this deck, it's really up to personal preference as you do not have any strong dependence on them for our core plan; I just prefer the immediate value of being able to play her and cash in a draw spell from my graveyard immediately.

The basic game plan is to play defensively while we build up resources in the early game. Play some mana rocks, maybe get down a cost-reducer like Baral, Chief of Compliance. We are NOT a control deck at the end of the day, so be cautious not to draw too much hate as you can't handle the entire table yourself. We also don't really play counter-magic as it's not very useful when it's sitting in our exile zone.

When you get to the midgame, you can start to dig more aggressively for your combo pieces or possibly wipe the board if things got too out of hand. If your key creatures got removed, you have a few options like Reanimate or Extract from Darkness to get them back into the action.

Finally, once you've identified the right moment, start going crazy exiling most of your deck; with one or more of Birgi, God of Storytelling  , Prosper, Tome-Bound, Veyran, Voice of Duality, Archmage Emeritus and so on, every spell should be generating mana and digging you deeper into your deck. If people don't scoop to that, you can dig for a finisher like Thassa's Oracle, Aetherflux Reservoir, or a levelled up Sorcerer Class to close out the game!

  • You're a Johnny at heart and have an uncontrollable desire to win in a convoluted manner with lots of triggers going off everywhere.

  • Izzet is your sprit animal: you must spam instants/sorceries until you win somehow, or die trying.

  • You don't mind occasionally getting blown out by removal so long as you got to do the thing.

  • You don't like decks that are more complicated to pilot: If tracking lots of triggers, how much floating mana you have, how many spells were cast this turn, etc. sounds like a chore to you then it's probably not for you.

  • You prefer straightforward wins; there are much easier ways to win a game of magic, so Spikes will likely not want to bother with this one.

  • You tend to play slowly; your combo turn can take a few minutes to get through if people don't scoop. While some opponents will scoop when they see the writing on the wall, others may make you play it out to the bitter end. So, you really need to be able keep things moving on your turn to not get banned from playing the deck with your group after a few games.

  • You like to pack an answer for every situation; sometimes you're gonna get blown out or fizzle out and end up with no cards in hand. There's not a lot you can do about it, we didn't bring counter magic as they play very badly with our key combo pieces. Such is the way of the Johnny.

Uba Mask is symmetrical, meaning if you were to, say, wheel the table while it's in play, then everyone would get one chance to play the 7 cards they exiled from the top at instant speed and then they are gone! That is certainly a direction you can take the deck in as well, loading up on more wheels and grabbing more draw hate cards like Narset, Parter of Veils and Notion Thief to really capitalize on them and make your opponents feel the pain. I personally decided not to play into that side of the deck too much however, with just Echo of Eons as my only wheel in the main currently.

Veyran, Voice of Duality is deceptively strong in this deck. You can think of her as a kind of Spell Panharmonicon. It works off of ANY permanent of yours that triggers on casting an instant/sorcery (e.g. Aetherflux Reservoir), so be sure you aren't missing those juicy triggers!

It's also worth mentioning that if you somehow succeeded in milling yourself out completely but didn't already win the game, you can't actually die from decking yourself while either of Uba Mask or Eruth, Tormented Prophet are still out on the field. This is because the exile replacement effect prevents your draw which means the game doesn't actually see that you "drew a card" with an empty library. However, if you were playing Laboratory Maniac as a backup to Thassa's Oracle, you CAN choose to win the game instead of exiling your draw; this is because when a player has multiple replacement effects that would occur, they get to choose the order they occur in.


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90% Casual


Revision 15 See all

(1 year ago)

+1 Bazaar Trademage maybe
+1 Champion of Wits maybe
+1 Curiosity Crafter maybe
+1 Gale, Waterdeep Prodigy maybe
+1 Keldon Flamesage maybe
+1 Sea Gate Stormcaller maybe
Date added 2 years
Last updated 5 months

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

9 - 0 Mythic Rares

40 - 0 Rares

17 - 0 Uncommons

18 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.91
Tokens Bird 1/1 U, Copy Clone, Elemental 1/1 R, Fractal 0/0 GU, Treasure
Folders Fantasy Commander Decks
Ignored suggestions
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