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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Sudden Demise
Choose a color. Sudden Demise deals X damage to each creature of the chosen color.
dingusdingo on Yuriko Reality and Consultants - cEDH
4 years ago
"Incorrect, DD pass is a legit line. "
Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha holy moly I never thought I'd see the day. Yeah you are not a competitive player. This is just about the most dumb thing you can do while running Doomsday.
"No, it does not. Again, you can DD and pass or just Oracle/Consult/Pact. There are more ways to win than just DD. I focused my primer on the DD side of things because that is what I am experimenting with currently."
Unless you're starting with a hand that has your entire combo, my point is that your card draw is so low outside of getting a god tier top deck you aren't going to draw into your second piece fast enough before someone else wins. The point of layering combos is so that after your first combo is negated via stax or interaction you have a different approach that slips through the interaction or stax pieces. While Oracle + Consult is hard to stax and interact with, if you don't even have the cards in hand it doesn't do anything for you. That's the point. You don't run Mystic Remora or Rhystic Study or Dark Confidant or the suite of 1 CMC blue cantrips or good draw pieces. When Yuriko is shut down, you're simply going to be buried in card advantage from the other 3 players.
"Ruric Thar or Keranos - What? This is not cEDH, not even a little"
Tournament winning list for Ruric
Non tournament winning list but still a viable competitive list for Keranos
While outdated, both of these lists were viable in cEDH and could still easily be considered tier 2 or tier 3 decks, especially when running against some clown Yuriko list like this one.
"These are better examples, but still not ones I see very often if at all in cEDH."
All the green ones see play in Yisan as well as Selvala as staples. Do you even play competitive?
"Again, better examples but outside of Deluge, Rolling, and Covenant they are not seen much."
Sudden Demise literally sees play all over the place. You're joking me, right? Your entire response is a joke, right?
"It's quotes like this. Show some humility. Those were 6 examples of the most played decks that I see. Every pod has at least 1 of those. I play budgetless cEDH, so these are the most prevalent."
Do you really need me to link you budgetless cedh lists that include these exact cards? How many more lists must I link before you trust that there are lists outside of the 6 you have seen and tested against? Show humility yourself. You've been fighting tooth and nail against everything I've said because I said your deck struggles in certain match ups and because I called you a clown. You've deleted comments that were "too mean" because you got called a clown for making clown deck building choices. Who actually passes after casting Doomsday?
"I play a ton of cEDH and have never once seen Xantcha. This is not locally, this is via cEDH Nexus so there is no meta and it's a VERY large pool of players and I still have never once out of hundreds of games seen this commander."
Anecdotal. Just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it isn't run. I have played competitive EDH in paper in a 30+ person shop for multiple years and seen all these lists. Does that alone mean you will change your stance? No, because its anecdotal. These lists do appear and you should be mindful of them when brewing. I also have 0 way to verify how many games you've played, but if you legitimately 100% think you can win regularly by using DD then passing, you have probably only played kitchen table with your clown friends. Do you trust that ShaperSavant and friends are good and competitive brewers? Because these cards and these lists show up on their dedicated cEDH database.
Browse through these decks then come back and talk.
"Incorrect, I've DD and passed plenty of times. DD isn't my sole win-con either. DD, Oracle/Consult/Pact, or Triggers."
So after telling all 3 opponents in your pod that you're at half life and about to win on your next turn, they don't kill you or hold up interaction for you? Wow something tells me you don't play competitive Magic.
Also do you think you always have Consult + Oracle in hand? Myopic.
"I have no interest in "carving a name out for myself" but you're obviously offended that my deck has positive feedback so I must be doing something right. I have humility and I don't care about my name, I just care about brewing Yuriko, having fun. I don't get my jollies on shitting on people. Encourage people and support them, don't immediately, in your very first message to them, be condescending. You could have approached me in your first comment and said something like "Nice deck! I am wondering why X or X is not in your deck, can you elaborate on those omissions?", instead of immediately resorting to condescending tones."
I'm under no obligation to tell you "Nice deck" before I give feedback, especially if it isn't a good deck. However, my first comment was "Why don't you run X". Instead of responding, you took the passive aggressive bitch behavior of deleting + writing me a note in your primer instead of just responding and tagging me. Are you seriously triggered by someone asking "Why don't you run X?" Do you consider it condescending when someone questions your deck building choices? Are you literally 15 years old?
dingusdingo on Yuriko Reality and Consultants - cEDH
4 years ago
I'll cede the Nevermore point to you, the commander does indeed slip through it and yes I also know the card isn't played. The larger overall point though is that at any table you only have control over 100 of the 400 cards that see play and being vulnerable to a single card that shuts down your entire strategy is a liability. Especially when you play paper, people don't have 100% powered lists and often substitute hoser or situational cards. Regardless, the deck is still 100% dependent on the commander sticking on the table, and its practically your only source of card advantage. Any deck that handles the commander easily is going to shit all over your pile of 99. Replace Nevermore with Lignify or Kenrith's Transformation or Darksteel Mutation or Song of the Dryads or Imprisoned in the Moon and you have the exact same problem, your deck is shut off when your commander is handled. Rather than engage the actual logic of what I'm saying, you and your buddies are getting caught up on specific cards instead of overall types of interaction.
This deck crumples if it can't get commander triggers. That is the point I've been making. Stop misconstruing it.
You'll notice how when I talked about alternate costs, I even said you don't cast it for the regular CMC normally. I did say that in some situations, especially in grindier games, you may find yourself in a position where you end up casting the actual CMC of cards like Force of Negation as you don't wish to -1 card advantage your hand and you're packing the mana. Once again, why do you ask me if I'm reading your primer when you aren't reading my replies?
Yeah its neat that misdirection handles spells, I never said it didn't. I said it doesn't handle the 3 most important spells resolving in the format right now. I am well aware how it interacts with uncounterable cards. Once again, are you reading what I'm writing? Losing a permanent to Abrupt Decay sucks but losing the game to Tainted Pact is 100% worse. This is extremely easy comparative logic for anyone who is trying to win games.
I never spoke badly about Dark Ritual except to note its a consumable piece of mana, and doesn't help you in creating turn loops. I have no problem with its inclusion.
You must be seriously new if you don't understand that when I say Pyroclasm and variants, I'm talking about cards besides simply Pyroclasm. Every time I've mentioned it I've talked about pyroclasm effects, I'm talking about Anger of the Gods Earthquake Toxic Deluge Rolling Earthquake Fiery Confluence Sweltering Suns Fire Covenant Sudden Demise and Subterranean Tremors. There are also all kinds of "Destroy all creatures" effects that I didn't list. Yes, I am highly aware that 2 damage from pyroclasm doesn't kill Yuriko, but it sets back your board state, and all the other pyroclasm VARIANTS do kill Yuriko. This strategy is also seen in decks like Ruric Thar or Keranos. Its more usually seen in tier 2 decks that are able to engage the meta due to how creature heavy the current meta is. Being proud for playing cedh but only playing against 6 different decks doesn't really give you a huge representation of the viable decks in the format. It means you're still new. Yes its good to be aware of the tier 1 decks and the commonly played decks, but if you're running into more fringe decks that are able to leverage these kinds of cards against you, your deck is going to lose in more places than it should. Especially since many tier 1 partner decks are able to utilize these creature blow out cards with things specifically like Sudden Demise.
This leads into Xantcha being a competitive deck. It is 100% a competitive deck, there are decks besides Flash Hulk you need to be aware of. Especially in the current creature heavy meta, continuously blowing out the board turns your Pyroclasm effects into 3-for-1 or 4-for-1 trades to keep ahead of Blue and Green decks. It isn't a tier 1 deck, but if you play cedh you'll run into this deck or another deck that trades specifically on big creature hate.
Similarly, you'll run into a planeswalker commander like Animatou that is able to run big creature hate effects like Humility that once again, completely blow this deck apart.
I am not friends with SolelySelesnya and I don't know him personally or online. I just find these lists haven't explored new territory with Yuriko.
You guys can spend all day saying I'm rude until you're blue in the face, but I made a simple comment on both lists asking why they didn't run a specific card. Rather than respond, or tag me, or answer me, they deleted the comment and wrote a note about it that I received no notification for, and had to dig to find. Me posting on their lists is not passive aggressive, not being able to even respond to a comment and deleting it is passive aggressive. Also why complain about my tone when you use the same post to engage in the exact behavior you're so mad about? If you had just taken 3 minutes to respond giving your very basic reasoning for card justification instead of deleting comments, we could have had this conversation without you getting upset.
Now to respond to Rad Dummy specifically
If you don't think pyroclasm is cedh playable you need to reevaluate. Look at the proliferation of green due to the 7 mana different turn 1 mana dorks available to the color. Players keep 2 land hands because it includes a Llanowar Elves. Look at the amount of hatebear strategies that are significantly chipped away at from Pyroclasm and variants. Look at value enablers like Edric, Spymaster of Trest or even just Dark Confidant that are blown out by Pyroclasm. For real, the card definitely sees play. Board wipes ARE relevant for Yuriko because without a creature on the board you must cast then pass, not getting the immediate card advantage trigger. You also lose further card advantage from not being able to land other ninjas on players too for additional triggers. Your inability to see this makes me think little of your critical faculties.
Diving Top is indeed a grindier card, but you're missing the point I've been making the entire time. Your ONLY pile cracker outside of your commander is Brainstorm or Thought Scour. When your commander isn't available, your DD is a dead card in hand. Rather than respond to this point, you keep sidetracking about how its too much mana investment or only good for grindier games. Not every game is going to curve perfectly into a turn 4 or 5 win. Running DD and only running a pilecracker via your commander is short sighted. Rather than respond to that point, you keep sidetracking. Have you considered that maybe Doomsday isn't the exact same strategy as the rest of the Yuriko deck? Maybe by choosing to slot DD, you have to include build around cards to help find it and resolve it smoothly?
Its neat that you're getting real upset and want to patronize me about math. I only talked explicitly about mana costs, and didn't misspeak. The ability to start the time warp with 5 mana and take the extra turn into the land drop for the 6 mana for the loop is neat and should be included in the primer for the combo, but the combo has far bigger problems. You also never responded to my point about assuredly getting to 6 mana reliably with 29 lands and 4 pieces of ramp, only 3 of which can execute the loop. You're assuming a lot of Yuriko triggers that are not guaranteed. Once again, the back up combo still relies heavily on getting Yuriko triggers. It isn't helping you in match ups where Yuriko struggles.
- Breezecaller is a creature and can be removed by LITERALLY any color at any point to disrupt the combo
- Mystic requires 3 other islands in play, meaning you absolutely 100% cannot start the combo before turn 4 at the earliest
- Mystic requiring 3 other islands means you are vulnerable to Strip Mine or Wasteland or MLD while setting up
- Mystic returning from GY means literally any piece of targeted grave hate stops this combo. Any deck can run Tormod's Crypt, while many opt for more efficient pieces of GY removal or GY hate
- Time Warp requires a cast every time and can be disrupted. It can also be Misdirection'd lol
- Extra turn hate is present in some decks especially in the form of Stranglehold.
The combo is basically hoping everyone is tapped out or has 0 instants in their hands. While it may be slot efficient with other things that you wish to run, it is by no means efficient or fast overall.
I know you're trying to carve out a name for yourself, but you are clearly inexperienced. Playing against 6 decks that are copies of Shaper lists doesn't encompass the entirety of the competitive scene. Both this deck and your own list are extremely vulnerable to a handful of cards and a couple overarching strategies. Rather than engage critically and employ your big boy thinking pants, you would rather split hairs over "Xantcha could NEVER be competitive viable" or "Go watch casual YT video". My point stands. Rather than engage with honest critique, your ego is much too fragile to imagine that maybe the list you made has problems and isn't perfect. @ me if you wish to continue further discussing these points, otherwise lets save both of us any future headaches and leave this be.
cannibalfood on Numerical Dyslexia is a Bitch...
4 years ago
I've begun swapping
Mizzium Mortars out for Sudden Demise
Goblin Electromancer out for Niblis of Frost
Deny Existence out for Syncopate
Curious Homunculus Flip out for Bloodwater Entity
griffstick on engine out, painters servant in
5 years ago
Wash Out . Or Sudden Demise or maybe Protective Sphere . Idk Compost . I really can't think of anything broken.
abenz419 on I need help cutting cards, …
5 years ago
Yeah I feel like Ancient Stone Idol may be the worst of my big fatties, but I do like it in the meta I play in a lot. I play EDH all the time but usually its just me and my buddy so I play a lot of 1v1 and his Edgar Markov deck likes to attack. It'll regularly be 5 mana or less for me to cast it. Saheeli, the Gifted can also greatly reduce the cost as well. It wouldn't be hard to cast it for free on my turn off of her plus alone, but I can use her plus in combination with it's natural cost reduction when I attack. For now, until I pick up some needed cards like Blightsteel Colossus I would probably leave it in.
I really want to give the Journal a try here. Free artifacts every upkeep in an artifacts matters deck seems good, plus it's card draw, and a tutor so it has some utility. Even if my opponent can answer it before I get the third clue and can tutor, I'm left with 1 or 2 artifacts that draw cards. So unless they answer it the turn I play it, it never just does nothing and it's basically going to require them to have artifact removal in hand that they haven't used already on a board full of artifacts. It may be something I eventually take out, but until I get some games under my belt with this deck I'mm not sold on it being terrible here yet.
Spine of Ish Sah is another card that can be cast for free or cheap regularly with Saheeli's +1 and it can answer any permanent. Plus, off the top of my head, I can think of 7 ways to sacrifice it so I can return it to my hand. Most of which are repeatable effects.
Spin into Myth will probably become Cyclonic Rift when I'm able to get my hands on another one but for now, it's an instant speed answer than can deal with a problematic creature or even get my creatures back after they're stolen.
I don't quite understand the hate for Hour of Devastation . It's a 5 mana board wipe most of the time that will also hit any planeswalkers in play. Most effects like this cost much more in these colors (i.e. Sudden Demise or Magmaquake , or they only temporarily deal with problems (i.e. Devastation Tide or Evacuation
Raging_Squiggle on Can I deny a response …
5 years ago
Rules about priority from the Comp MTG Rulebook:
116.3b The active player receives priority after a spell or ability (other than a mana ability) resolves.
116.3d If a player has priority and chooses not to take any actions, that player passes. If any mana is in that player’s mana pool, they announce what mana is there. Then the next player in turn order receives priority
116.4. If all players pass in succession (that is, if all players pass without taking any actions in between passing), the spell or ability on top of the stack resolves or, if the stack is empty, the phase or step ends.
As you can see from these, once your
Sudden Death
resolves, the active player (your opponent) immediately receives priority again, allowing him to cast his
Giant Growth
to save his creature.
The proper play here would have been to target the mana dork your opponent controls with Sudden Death , triggering the Emperor Crocodile 's ability forcing your opponent to sacrifice it before ever dealing any damage. Or if your opponent had more than those two, target Emperor Crocodile with Sudden Demise after damage had been dealt.
Esbilon on Avacyn/Boros
5 years ago
Having a lot of cards isn't going to help you a lot against mill, I think. You could consider getting something to shuffle your graveyard into your library again. The best would be something like Kozilek, Butcher of Truth , but that's quite an expensive card to have just so that you can get your library back, but it has the upside that you don't need to cast it. More reasonable options would be Elixir of Immortality .
I also strongly recommend that if you're not going for a Commander deck, or a commander feel, that you consolidate your deck and play multiple copies of most cards. If it's nice having one copy, it's usually nice having three.
I'd also recommend having some ramp to actually get to play Avacyn, Angel of Hope once in a while ;) Mind Stone , Gold Myr , Boros Signet , and Knight of the White Orchid are things to consider if you don't want to splash green for Avacyn's Pilgrim or some of the pricier mana-dorks.
Some just all-round good cards you may want to consider are Thalia's Lancers to get Avacyn when she's hanging out on the bottom of your library, Angel of Sanctions for getting rid of the opponent's nasty cards, and of course no angels deck is complete without Lyra Dawnbringer these days.
Sudden Demise and Tooth and Claw aren't modern legal, but if you're only playing casually, I guess that doesn't matter much.
shwanerz88 on Prossh, Skyraider of my Friends
5 years ago
Update 3:
- -1 Forest
- -1 Llanowar Reborn
- -1 Wight of Precinct Six
- -1 Reincarnation
- -1 Sudden Demise
- -1 Inferno Titan
- +1 Bojuka Bog
- +1 Tectonic Edge
- +1 Beast Within
- +1 Reclamation Sage
- +1 Acidic Slime
- +1 Quietus Spike
Have (2) | metalmagic , TheRealSpecialK |
Want (0) |