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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



As Nevermore enters the battlefield, name a nonland card.

The named card can't be cast.

TitanWalls on Copies of Nevermore

1 year ago

When a permanent enters the battlefield, it is always treated as an entirely new entity with no history attached to it (unless otherwise specified by card text). Your copy of Nevermore will be considered as a unique instance of the effect, and when it enters the battlefield you can choose a differenct target for a card that cannot be cast.

TehGrief on Copies of Nevermore

1 year ago

When I create a copy of Nevermore, will it retain the name of the chosen card, or will it be able to choose a new one?

indieinside on Nevermore

1 year ago

when it comes to Nevermore am i allowed to name a Commander?

SufferFromEDHD on Esika Ad Nauseam Gate Win

2 years ago

Filler? Crop Rotation is a better tutor than Grim Tutor in this list. The sole purpose of this deck is to find Maze's End. For 1 green mana it's in play ready to go.

Chalice of the Void and Engineered Explosives are the stax/control cards that "fit" your strategy. Cost 0 and answer problems that this fragile glass cannon will encounter.

Pact of Negation is in this list to protect Ad Nauseam. This deck folds to Meddling Mage/Nevermore type effects. This is why I suggested Slaughter Pact. Costs 0 and solves inevitable problems you will encounter. I saw you added the Channel removal lands for this reason.

Mathew7-7 on How to Lose Friends and Alienate People

2 years ago

LeonSpires those are some really solid suggestions. If you’re willing could you take a peek at my Oona, Queen of the Fae list and making some suggestions?

Also, aladinnsane I’m digging the deck man! Just be wary of commander removal, like Nevermore and Oblivion Ring. I almost always run several forms of removal in whatever I play for problem cards

AcidicArisato on Principle of Control

2 years ago

For stealing your opponents' cards, I'd recommend Xanathar, Guild Kingpin as a back-up Sen. Celestial Dawn is also an auto-include in Sen decks.

If you want stax pieces, Drannith Magistrate, Nevermore, and Wash Away are great ways to stop your opponent from casting their commanders.

Aura of Silence is handy for taking care of pesky enchantments and can slow down their plans. Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver and Bojuka Bog are handy pieces of graveyard hate, with the latter being a free-roll in your deck.

Scheming Symmetry is HILARIOUS with Aven Mindcensor and Opposition Agent. Leonin Arbiter also goes nicely with it.

Fatespinner is nasty and can functionally lock opponents out of combat. Rhystic Study is an auto-include in these types of decks.


In terms of win-cons, you could go with the Mindcrank combo: Mindcrack + Duskmantle Guildmage. Use Ghoulcaller's Bell to start the process without damage. Syr Konrad, the Grim is also good for redundancy.

There's also any number of combos involving Laboratory Maniac, Thassa's Oracle, and Jace, Wielder of Mysteries. Use Demonic Consultation on your upkeep and name a card not in your deck to win on your draw step.

If you have a high enough density of creatures, Mortal Combat is a very simple way to win. With enough artifacts, Mechanized Production can be a free-roll. Revel in Riches is a very simple way of creating mana, with the upside of occasionally winning you the game (also pairs well with Spell Swindle.) Felidar Sovereign is also a hilarious.


If you're looking to make opponents struggle by dismantling their pieces, you should absolutely have pieces like Swords to Plowshares, Path to Exile, Vanishing Verse, and maybe even Generous Gift in addition to boardwipes like Farewell, Tragic Arrogance, Cataclysm, and Wrath of God.

PHATJER on Edgar Allen Poe

3 years ago

Quoth the Raven Nevermore

DemonDragonJ on Innistrad: Midnight Hunt and Crimson …

3 years ago

So many new cards have been revealed in a single day, there is no way that I can comment on all of them!

First, I am very disappointed that the only reference, thus far, to Emrakul’s invasion is the flavor text of Unruly Mob; are we, the audience, seriously supposed to believe that a reality-warping eldritch abomination had no long-term effects upon the plane? Perhaps the lights in the sky that numerous cards depict are remnants of Emrakul’s power?

Why is it necessary to now have a card that indicates day and night? What was wrong with the previous method of operation? Actually, I supposed that it allows for interesting effects beyond werewolves transforming, so that is not too bad, in my mind.

On that subject, why are the inhabitants of Innistrad afraid of longer nights and shorter days? Does that plane not have changing seasons?

I am always excited to have a new cycle of dual lands, but why did WotC choose to start a new cycle, rather than finish an existing cycle? This would have been a perfect opportunity to complete the cycle of “battle lands” (i.e., Canopy Vista, Cinder Glade, etc.), and, on the subject of those lands, these new lands are almost reprints of them, but they instead count all lands, not merely basic lands, in exchange for not having basic land types, so it is nearly an even trade, in my mind.

Tovolar finally has a card, and it seems that he shall be a great general for werewolf EDH decks, which many players have been desiring. I do also like that Arlinn has three different versions, but I hope that at least one legendary creature gets a full-art card, so that planeswalkers do not monopolize that frame style, in this set.

I wish that the new Sigarda was not so human-centric, but her second incarnation focused on humans, so it should not be a surprise that her third incarnation is, as well.

Brutal cathar can be abused with an effect that transforms it, as it can exile a new creature for each time that it transforms, which is definitely awesome.

I do like Avacyn’s Memorial, as a reference to Akroma's Memorial, but the first memorial was a colorless artifact that cost 1 mana less than the angel whom it honored, whereas this memorial has the exact same mana cost as its matron, which I feel is far too strict, as well as the fact that it affects only legendary permanents, so I highly doubt that I shall use it, unless I am desperate.

Candletrap is a very interesting card, and I like how it can incapacitate a creature initially and then dispose of it, later. Unfortunately, I suspect that this card shall become popular in EDH as a way to immobilize a general while making it very difficult for the controller of the creature to liberate it.

I like the visions cycle, but those cards are nothing spectacular, so I shall likely use those cards in my decks only if I cannot find better alternatives.

I am very surprised that it took as long as it did to make a card named "defenestrate," but I certainly like it; it is overshadowed by Infernal Grasp from the same set, but it certainly is far superior to is Walk the Plank.

Finally, curse of obsession gives a reference to Edgar Allen Poe on Innistrad (specifically, the Tell-Tale Heart)! I suppose that Nevermore could be considered as such a reference, but the lack of a raven in the artwork ruined that opportunity.

Dawnheart rejuvenator is nice, but I would rather have Llanowar Visionary for 1 less mana, as that creatures draws a card when it enters the battlefield.

I notice that this set has angels and evils, but no demons, thus far, so I do hope that it has some of those, soon.

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