Root Snare

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Root Snare


Prevent all combat damage that would be dealt this turn.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on

3 years ago

Balaam: It's because I have a playset of Root Snare, but not a single copy of Fog. You're perfectly right ;)

Balaam__ on

3 years ago

Why not Fog instead of Root Snare? Is it because the tendrils in the artwork are reminiscent of snakes?

nathanielhebert on

3 years ago

I've been out of the loop for some 20 odd years, but the challenge of putting together a Fog/Burn deck sounds enticing! The "turbo fog" archetype, typically has a card-draw engine in place, and a bunch of fogs to stall out your opponent — as for a burn version, it might make sense to use some direct damage spells that synergize with the extra cards you and your opponents will be holding, due to the draw effect.

Some ideas of cards that play off each other:

DRAW ENGINE: (the card drawing should allow for more consistency, since you'll have more fogs ready for each turn)

Font of Mythos , Howling Mine , Rites of Flourishing

FOGS: (add more fogs, but preferably not "frogs" — they're vulnerable to damage and removal)

Fog , Haze of Pollen , Defend the Hearth , Root Snare , Commencement of Festivities

BURNS: (here's a list of burns that take advantage of the extra cards both you and your opponents will be holding, and punishing the opponent for drawing as well)

Runeflare Trap , Molten Psyche (an interesting burn, since you should have enough artifacts in play, and works with the Runeflare Trap), Spiraling Embers , Sudden Impact , Conflagrate , Fateful Showdown , Gaze of Adamaro

ARTIFACT: (lastly, some artifacts and lands that allow expand your hand size, so you can hit for more with cards like Spiraling Embers and Conflagrate )

Spellbook , Reliquary Tower , Skullcage (another source of damage to punish opponent for holding cards), Elixir of Immortality (so you don't potentially mill yourself)

Balaam__ on Ramp em up!

3 years ago

I realize it’s just a sideboard card, but I’d wager Fog > Root Snare .

mschaefer241 on Wait, why did you just draw your entire library?

4 years ago

Thanks, I will take out Root Snare and Goblin Cannon. Not Naturalize though, because I need it for cards like Rule of Law. I am thinking of putting in 2 Laboratory Maniacs, what do you think about that?

r0Wn on Wait, why did you just draw your entire library?

4 years ago

I disagree, but that’s ok; it’s not my deck.

A few other suggestions: Naturalize main deck isn’t a great choice

Harmonize is good card advantage (better than Greater Good)

Root Snare, Gaea's Blessing, and Goblin Cannon are all bad choices imo

multimedia on Naya Tokens

4 years ago

Hey, nice budget upgrade of the precon. Good upgrade of Kiki.

Budget cards to consider adding:

Cards to consider cutting:

Examples of some changes to consider:

  • Jungle Shrine > Jungle Hollow
    I'm guessing you meant to type Shrine instead of Hollow since Hollow is not a legal card in Naya colors.

  • Breath of Fury or Zealous Conscripts > Burning Anger
    Fury or Conscripts are win condition combos with either Ghired or Kiki, they will have a lot more impact than Burning.

  • Quartzwood Crasher > Desolation Twin
    Crasher at five mana can be repeatable Dino tokens that can be 10/10s or higher that have trample. The 10/10 Eldrazi that Twin creates is not good enough for 10 mana.

  • Ogre Battledriver > Samut, Tyrant Smasher

  • Congregation at Dawn or Shared Summons > Vivien's Invocation
    Invocation at seven mana can miss in the top seven and not reveal a creature. Dawn at three mana or Summons at five don't miss.

Good luck with your deck.

DimitarK on Four Color Turbo Fog - Pioneer

4 years ago

I agree with almost everything Magnanimous suggested except Fevered Visions being a poor win condition. Sure, RDW can dump a bunch of burn on us. I'd suggest running a some main deck + some sideboard Swan Songs which would help with that + protect combo pieces vs control and has virtually no downside due to the fogs.

For Fateful Showdown I agree it's a little clunky. This card will sit dead in your hand most games and the double red is really taxing your 4 mana base with no fixing. I'd also consider cutting down on white, save for the Approach of the Second Sun which is easy to splash for at 7CMC. Repel the Abominable can be subbed out for Root Snare/Winds of Qal Sisma, Supreme Verdict for AEtherize which is easier on the mana and it can fill your opponent's hand back up for some Fevered Visions damage.

Also consider subbing out Growth Spiral+some of the fogs for Sylvan Caryatid/Anticipate. The caryatid can block some early aggression so you don't have to waste a fog early and will help with the mana base. Anticipate will help find that 3rd land drop, your combo piece or a fog when needed.

Shameless plug :D : check out my version of the deck running 3 color Day's Undoing, Sphinx's Tutelage, Jegantha, the Wellspring - Fevered Undoing Fog

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