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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
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Canadian Highlander | Legal |
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Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
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Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Liliana's Defeat
Destroy target black creature or black planeswalker. If it was a Liliana planeswalker, it's controller loses 3 life.
Necrosis24 on darkest hour ideas
2 years ago
Dire Undercurrents, Ayara, First of Locthwain for etb.
Repentant Vampire + Thornbite Staff for wiping board. Some other pro-black removal: Liliana's Defeat, Dark Betrayal, Stronghold Taskmaster, Urborg Shambler.
Some others Horror of Horrors, Decomposition.
Savra, Queen of the Golgari if ur doing a sacrifice sub-theme.
Corrosive Mentor + Nest of Scarabs
Elephant Grass + Razorjaw Oni for protection and unbloackable.
Pervavita on Mono-Black Wishboard?
6 years ago
What style of deck are your decks currently weakest too? That is where I would start. If your not sure on what specifically you are weakest to then I would Think on what colors or play styles you see the most and target those. The Command Zone just did a series on stats and in order Black, Green, Blue, Red, White were in the decks that won the most so maybe you can use that as a targeted priority list. like Liliana's Defeat may not be all that bad.
I agree cards like Deathgrip are the ideal cards to put in.
Ryjo on Is there a “reverse” Terror?
6 years ago
Some of the 2 CMC or less black instants that allow you to destroy black creatures include: Devour in Shadow, Disembowel, Fatal Blow, Fatal Push, Feast of Dreams, Gang Up, Go for the Throat, Hero's Demise, Human Frailty, Killing Glare, Smother, Soul Rend, Ultimate Price, and Victim of Night.
Some of the 2 CMC or less black sorceries that allow you to destroy black creatures include: Bone Splinters, Death Stroke, Defeat, Do or Die, Feast of Blood, Imperial Edict, Liliana's Defeat, Murderous Compulsion, Reave Soul, Severed Strands, Soul Reap, Walk the Plank, and Wretched Banquet.
Chasmolinker on Pattern Recognition #82 - Vess
6 years ago
Good read as usual. I hope they find a happy medium between Teferi, Hero of Dominaria and the boring cookie cutter Planeswalkers of late. I was waiting for the deluge of support cards like Liliana's Caress, Liliana's Mastery, Swamp, Liliana's Defeat, etc.
solarbeam on Pact Swallowing
6 years ago
Alright, I'm going to be talking about the top 75 here then. I am not a fan of the Delver of Secrets Flip, you're not running enough Instants or Sorceries to reliably flip it. Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver may be a pet card, but it doesn't really fit with the rest of the deck. I love the Thoughtseize and Inquisition of Kozileks, but consider switching them around. You definitely need to be running some Fatal Pushes, don't rely A Liliana and the Pacts to remove your opponents creatures. A couple Go for the Throats may be a good substitute for Terminate. You'll need to be running some Collective Brutalitys for burn and aggro opponents, it's seriously one of the best cards to set them back. More Serum Visions and a couple Opts should be in here as well. You'll need more than two board wipes in your sideboard. As for action cards, Liliana, the Last Hope is the bee's knees and Countersquall is my favorite Negate ever.
You may want to be running a couple Liliana's Defeat in the sideboard since Tasigur, the Golden Fang, Gurmag Angler, and Death's Shadow are quite popular right now. Field of Ruin is a fantastic card and you should definitely have a couple in your landbase, Hurkyl's Recall is also a classic Affinity sideboard card and could also be effective against Tron. Jace, Architect of Thought is great in control decks, mostly because of the -2 ability, though the +1 can buy you time against creatures. Vendilion Clique and Bitterblossom are great cards that have massive impact on the opponents game plan.
Since your current mana base is basic-heavy, Sunken Hollow is really good, at least until you can get Watery Graves and Polluted Deltas.
Dark Petition over Diabolic Tutor. Don't be afraid to splash red for Harmless Offering!
You can take a look at my interpretation of an Esper build flickering pact here
solarbeam on
7 years ago
You definitely need removal and some more card advantage in this deck. I would recommend a couple Path to Exiles and Fatal Pushes. Thraben Inspector is just a great 1-drop, Fiend Hunter perma-exiles with your blink effects, Pain Seer and Glint-Sleeve Siphoner are 'great' budget alternatives to Dark Confidant. Kitesail Freebooter has been an all-star in human decks. I wouldn't advise against something like Arguel's Blood Fast Flip or Phyrexian Arena for card advantage as well. Anthems like Always Watching or Radiant Destiny are always good.
As for your top end, I would splash green for Sigarda, Heron's Grace, run Angel of Invention, Ravenous Demon Flip, Angelic Overseer, and Restoration Angel are all great.
Replace the Hooded Assassin with the Fiend Hunter, and Mardu Shadowspear with Bloodsoaked Champion
For your sideboard, Rest in Peace and Stony Silence. Collective Brutality is fantastic against control with its discard effect, and is one of the best hosers against burn and aggro. Cards like Fragmentize are always a safe choice. Arashin Cleric is a favorite of mine for faster match ups. Liliana's Defeat and Gideon's Defeat are great against those colors. Duress is also great against control and combo decks. You may need something like Eerie Interlude to protect yourself against wraths.
Hyperalgialysis on Four-Color Approach of the Second Sun
7 years ago
One more good change you could make would be to drop Jace's Defeat for a Chandra's Defeat or Liliana's Defeat. Either one would probably be more useful, I see a lot of Vraska, Relic Seeker and Chandra, Torch of Defiance at my lgs, with this 4 color approach you could honestly have 1 defeat for each walker in, just as a back up and they double as removal against the right color. I cant really make a suggestion on what to drop as most of the rest seems solid, maybe Enigma Drake. I will say Jace's Defeat is easily they weakest of the group unless you really just plan on using it as a Counterspell against blue decks.
razelfark on Black/White
7 years ago
Cards I would try to remove from deck because you either lack cards to support them or are just on the weak side:
Embraal Bruiser: lack of artifacts
Graceful Cat: not very strong for its mana cost
Mummy Paramount: lack of zombies to trigger effect
Ruthless Sniper: lack of cycling cards to trigger
Queen's Bay Soldier: there is a white 2 drop that is the same thing but has lifelink (Bishop's Soldier). Would use that over this.
Anointer Priest: not enough token spawning cards. Would maybe keep if you play a set of Oketra's Monument.
Liliana's Defeat: strong vs black, but best not to run cards like this in a mainboard because you never know if your match up will make use of this card from the start.
Getting more of Gifted Aetherborn would help a lot likely.
If possible you may want to also use Walk the Plank unless your friends are playing merfolks.
Hope these suggestions are helpful. Tried to make suggestions that would not brake the bank. Its a nice deck you have there for making it out of a builders kit.