Dark Betrayal

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Dark Betrayal


Destroy target black creature.

StopShot on I need help choosing another …

3 years ago

I enjoy playing competitive EDH and one of the recently spoiled Strixhaven cards I already know is going to shake-up my meta and make things difficult for me. Namely Witherbloom Apprentice is the card I'm dreading as it can close out a game if it's controller casts Chain of Smog as it can be copied infinitely if the controller always targets themself with it. It's very likely every BGx deck in my play group is going to run this combo given how easy it is to setup and when you pair the possibility of closing out the game on turn two through Dark Ritual or Sol Ring into a mana rock, it becomes a lethal threat I can't ignore when making deck building decisions. As such, I feel I need to add another one mana creature removal spell in my deck, but I'm stumped over which spell I should include not just to address this potential combo but also have the most practical use outside of it as well.

My current list of removal spells are: Path to Exile , Swords to Plowshares , Sinister Concoction , Dismember , Lightning Axe , Molten Vortex , Red Elemental Blast , Pyroblast and Terminate (I enjoy playing more reactively than proactively.)

The removal spells I'm considering are: Dark Betrayal , Fatal Push , Human Frailty , Lightning Bolt , Magma Spray , Weight of Spires and Seal of Fire . (The last one I'm considering for its use around counterspells by casting it early.)

Notable exclusions are: Deadly Rollick , Defile , Dispatch , Force of Despair , Galvanic Blast , Murderous Cut , Mutual Destruction , Necrotic Wound , Pyrokinesis , Reckless Rage , Skred and Tragic Slip as I feel I don't have the means to meet these card restrictions consistent enough to be useful in my deck, especially in the early game. I'm also not considering two mana removal spells like Go for the Throat because I feel at this point cost effectiveness matters more than removal range.

Of course the best removal spell is going to depend heavily on the meta, but I'm generally trying to figure out which of the spells I'm considering is the best in a competitive environment in general. I'm looking for feedback and second opinions on whether you think any of the spells shines well above the rest through your own play experiences. I appreciate any insight I can get, thanks.

Winnieblues on "Instant Tribal" - Toshiro Umezawa - EDH PRIMER

4 years ago

Thanks again Profet93 for the comments, you make some good points, and even if I don't use every suggested card, it's really good to see what other people are having success with, and shine a light on some unusual cards that might fit this unusual commander!

My budget is usually around $2 a card, unless its a card I can swap between decks. Urborg and Torment of Hailfire came from my past decks, or are on loan.

I've played a few games with Extinction Event on my mind, but there's rarely any points that I think i'd have wanted to cast it. I'd probably rather use Mutilate or Nevinyrral's Disk.

Slaughter Pact is an interesting one. There is juuuuuust enough good nonblack targets in my meta that having 1 card with that clause isn't too bad, but often I use it on a subpar target, just to get a big Toshiro flashback chain started for 0 mana.

Withering Boon is another interesting option. Personally, i'm not a huge fan of the art (which is often a stupid deal breaker for me), although in this case, it's not the reason I don't run it. In my meta, I'd much rather have a 2cmc removal spell. There aren't too many ETB creatures I need to worry about, and having a card that's a dead draw against an already developed board is a dealbreaker. Along with the fact that it's prettyyyy hard to use effectively with Tooshiro flashing it back. I'd have to; have an instant-speed way to kill a creature, have a target to kill, have a good target to counter, and have the mana to do it all at once... and i'd lose 3 life. I'd rather have a removal spell I can easily flash back in response to deaths in combat, or a Sorcery-speed removal spell. If I was up against some good ETD effects, or creature combos, i'd definitely consider adding it. I do love color-pie breaking cards. I'd run Mana Tithe in any white deck just for the giggles.

Using Dark Betrayal looks very very good!... probably too good for me to get away with without it being obvious i'm targeting my meta specifically...

Sudden Spoiling looks like another great one. I might give it a go one day, but there isn't a whole lot of big combat in my meta that this would interact with well. I might keep it in my "back of my mind while playing" list for a while to see how it might play out if I had it in my hand.

I have gotten hold of a Blast Zone, but haven't drawn it in a game yet. It'll be interesting to see how it goes.

I'm seeing a few interesting cards in the Zendikar Rising spoilers that may fit into the deck, namely Feed the Swarm (targeted Creature/Enchantment removal), Soul Shatter (powerful Edict effect) and Malakir Rebirth (creature protection stapled to a land). I'm also looking at making a new EDH deck (Feldon), which might mean i'd be able to make some more expensive upgrades, using cards that fit well into both decks. I might end up swapping Whispersilk Cloak for Lightning Greaves and maybe adding in a Worn Powerstone to help me ramp into my expensive creatures!

Profet93 on "Instant Tribal" - Toshiro Umezawa - EDH PRIMER

4 years ago

Given you don't want opposing GY's filled, why not then add Extinction Event, is it because you don't want to lose your creatures in the process or is the CMC too limiting for you?

I saw you have urborg so I wasn't entirely sure what your budget per card is. That being said, nev disk is about $2 according to tappedout, not too bad.

Perhaps not syphon mind, maybe not even mind twist then since you primary opponents are black. But again, why add slaughter pact if that is the case?

You also mention they have artifact/enchantment removal, very fair point. However, they would need to have it then and there, but I get your point. It would be especially bad with an ETB general and you would probably want an instant anyways, just thought it was worth mentioning since it is new black tech.

I also want to hear your opinions on Withering Boon, are you preferring to actually kill their creature rather than counter it? I find it useful against ETB creatures (my meta filled with them).

Lastly to bring another suggestion, given your meta Dark Betrayal might be worth considering. Sudden Spoiling can also be a neat trick, especially during combat and the fact that it has split second so only morph can interact with it.

crawler3 on Mono-Black Devotion

4 years ago

So i run something very similar in standard. Leyline of the Void is good sideboard against any graveyard based decks, plus its a free 2 devotion if its in your hand.

Nightmare Shepherd will give your Gray Merchant of Asphodel a second trigger when it dies.

While Dark Betrayal is nice to get that death trigger, Bone Splinters and Spark Harvest can give you that plus removal.

Kaya's Ghostform, Supernatural Stamina, and Undying Evil can also be used to retrigger Gary on death

You may also want to run one copy of Nyx Lotus

Destroyerbirb on SILENCE, Please.

4 years ago

Nice deck! I would recommend the following changes;

Swap the 3x Dark Betrayal and 1x Beseech the Queen in the mainboard for the 4x Opt in the sideboard.

Cut 3 lands for 3x Snapcaster Mage.

Change some of the basics and maybe even the Fetid Pools and Canyon Sloughs for lands the Alpha Duals in your colours (Badlands, Underground Sea and Volcanic Island), or, for a more budget friendly option, the Shock Lands from Ravnica in your colours (Blood Crypt, Steam Vents and Watery Grave).

Argy on Budget Rakdos Burn

4 years ago

Sideboard could contain some of these (keeping it budget):

Agonizing Remorse


Dark Betrayal

Fated Conflagration or Lava Axe

Fight with Fire

Hour of Devastation

Magma Spray (Magma Jet is even better)

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