Fatal Blow

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Fatal Blow


Destroy target creature that was dealt damage this turn. It can't be regenerated.

DreadKhan on The Fourth Horseman Pestilence Deck

2 years ago

Have you considered Fatal Blow to kill big creatures at instant speed? I'm not sure if it's better or worse than the sorcery speed Mire, which can be played earlier with extra mana. I also wonder if Dark Ritual isn't worth a look, it's budget but it can offer some impressive speed, or can let you pump extra mana into Pestilence. Not sure if it'd be worthwhile, but Crypt Rats exist. Being a creature makes them easy to interact with, both for you and your opponent.

A thing I saw on a Jumbo Commander video, you can put a Lifelink Counter onto Pestilence and it'll still work, which is objectively hilarious. Nesting Grounds is an easy way to do it. Boot Nipper, Grimdancer, and Crystalline Giant are potential sources, as is Splendor Mare or Unexpected Fangs. Now that I think of it, giving Pestilence a Deathtouch Counter would also be objectively funny, since your Pro Black stuff isn't damaged, everything else dies from B pretty much, and if you've got extra lifelink, being able to put a Lifelink counter on your attacker sounds pretty solid too if you can't get a Nesting Grounds out.

It can potentially blow up in your face, but Phyrexian Totem can be a nice dual purpose card, 2B to turn your 3 mana rock into a 5/5 Trample is pretty good, and it also ramps you. It can help close out games faster if you're behind, provided Pestilence got you close enough to a win. Your deck has a high average MV in my opinion, so some ramp might not hurt, provided the ramp can do more than just ramp. The only drawback of using Totem is that you can't as easily use Pestilence once it's a body, but I'm not sure that's a huge issue.

Just a thought, but is 3 Pestilence enough? You seem pretty dependent on getting it out, not sure how well your deck works if you can't, or it's removed somehow.

Really like this deck, looks like lots of fun! I wonder if a higher budget version could be built that works with Brash Taunter and benefits from access to Pyrohemia, for use in 1v1 competitive play, Rakdos has some acceleration at least.

Epicurus on Card creation challenge

3 years ago



Destroy target creature that was dealt damage this turn. It can't be regenerated.

Basically a color-shifted Fatal Blow, but slightly more versatile with the hybrid mana. Still fair, because it would be much more devastating in red.

If I wasn't shyt at flavor text, I would have mentioned the quack doctor from the challenge. But now make that doctor, and make it Simic so that these cards could be in the same set.

Apollo_Paladin on Mono Black Vintage Casual

4 years ago

I think there's probably better Instant target-destroy choices than Doom Blade anymore.

Heartless Act springs to mind since it's multi-utility, maybe Cast Down depending on the deck type you're up against. Possibly even Fatal Blow? All of these would offer you more options than "nonblack" - particularly since multi-color decks have so many strong options. Perhaps it's just me, but I feel that cutting off an entire color of targets is a pretty steep cost just to reduce the mana of Murder by 1 Black /shrug

That's about the only thing I can think of to suggest though without playtesting this. It looks quite fun!

Ryjo on Is there a “reverse” Terror?

6 years ago

Some of the 2 CMC or less black instants that allow you to destroy black creatures include: Devour in Shadow, Disembowel, Fatal Blow, Fatal Push, Feast of Dreams, Gang Up, Go for the Throat, Hero's Demise, Human Frailty, Killing Glare, Smother, Soul Rend, Ultimate Price, and Victim of Night.

Some of the 2 CMC or less black sorceries that allow you to destroy black creatures include: Bone Splinters, Death Stroke, Defeat, Do or Die, Feast of Blood, Imperial Edict, Liliana's Defeat, Murderous Compulsion, Reave Soul, Severed Strands, Soul Reap, Walk the Plank, and Wretched Banquet.

Crazyjala on The Scarab God's Mental attack

6 years ago

Responces to fools who believe attacking you can result in anything other than you're own death:

Cast Down, Chill to the Bone, Doom Blade, Eyeblight's Ending, Go for the Throat, Grisly Spectacle, Hero's Downfall, Hideous End, Pongify, Rapid Hybridization, Rend Flesh

Methods of killing more fit for one of the Scarab God's boundless intellect:

Coat with Venom, Fatal Blow, Necrobite, Touch of Moonglove, Virulent Swipe

Mcabe on Mushroom Pauper

6 years ago

cut Evolution Charm, Sprout and Fatal Blow, consider also Sprout Swarm

Grubbernaut on Grey Control

6 years ago

Gonna be playing at LGS tonight. May meta-in a Syphon Life into the sideboard if the guy playing turbo fog is there, since it's such a good wincon against him.

I'm short one Fatal Blow, so subbing in a third Doom Blade unless I can snag a Geth's Verdict.

MTGPALADIN on Punishing Jund

6 years ago

Sweet let me know how it goes. I have been using Fatal Blow to complement Death Spark

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