Do or Die

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Do or Die


Separate all creatures target player controls into two piles. Destroy all creatures in the pile of that player's choice. They can't be regenerated.

DreadKhan on Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest

9 months ago

I've always loved Mazirek, such a cool Commander! I think Make an Example would probably do some work in here, and it's little brother Do or Die would probably be decent as well.

Mitotic Slime is a good source of creatures-from-a-creature, the only ones that can compete are cards like Underworld Hermit, which makes an army of squirrels equal to your devotion to Black. There are things like Grismold, the Dreadsower that can make a lot of bodies (it gives them to opponents as well, but if you can force them to sacrifice those tokens both Grismold and Mazirek go nuts), Grismold even offers a backup Commander of a sort for long games when you might not be able to recast Mazirek.

I'm not sure if you're interested in reanimation effects, but Hell's Caretaker is a free sac each upkeep, and he can bring back your best creature in exchange for your worst. Coffin Queen can reanimate from any graveyard, but it's especially useful to reanimate your opponent's stuff because it gets exiled when it dies. If you want a repeatable reanimation effect there is Demon of Dark Schemes, this offers a small wipe and it works very well with Pitiless Plunderer and something like the aforementioned Mitotic Slime.

Since your Commander cares about sacrifice effects, have you thought about using Diligent Farmhand and Dawntreader Elk in here? There is also Burnished Hart, all of these ramp you and can trigger Mazirek if he's out. There is also Ordeal of Nylea that would work with Mazirek later game (or anything that can get in early). I'm not sure if it comes up very much, but I put Forsworn Paladin in my Golgari deck because it had Haakon, but what I noticed was that it's also a useful way to ramp in Black, which importantly can fix your mana (to let you cast Green ramp), it's very low to the ground and can generate triggers for Mazirek or help recast Mazirek later.

Have you ever tried Sadistic Hypnotist? This offers a free and infinite sac outlet, and the effect can be pretty strong if you've got a bunch of creatures to burn through. Another really versatile sac outlet is Infernal Tribute, this lets you sacrifice any non-token permanent (it has to be an actual card) to draw a new card. I'm not 100% on it being a fit, but Savra, Queen of the Golgari is a pretty impressive payoff if you regularly have creatures being sacrificed, it can put a lot of pressure on an opponent's board.

It can get very out of hand with Mazirek, but I feel like I have to mention One with the Kami, it's very good on Mazirek with a free sac outlet. Similarly any creatures you can find with Persist will work very well with Mazirek and sac outlets, though again, this might be more pushed than what you're looking for. I took a gander and Aerie Ouphes might be interesting, and there is always Woodfall Primus, these might help support your Puppeteers!

If you ever want to throw in something pricier, I think Old Gnawbone would be absolutely hilarious in here.

NV_1980 on Too Wide

1 year ago

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the idea is to create a token army yourself while depriving every other player from their creatures (and tokens) so that they cannot retaliate your attacks, correct? And I see you're aiming for removal through the use of non-permanents, so that this triggers the creation of creature tokens for you. Here are some removal ideas I didn't see in your list:

  • Archfiend of Depravity: not a non-permanent, but one of the more evil removal engines I can think of.
  • Disrupt Decorum: this spell is so underrated. It's not a direct removal spell of course, but it usually still ends up in a lot of stuff dying and you get to sit by and watch and be totally unaffected by it.
  • Void Rend: counterspells won't help against this baby. And it'll target ANY permanent, so very multi-functional.
  • Ruinous Ultimatum: I know, it's expensive to cast, but in the ultimate removal deck, this spell has to be included, right?
  • Do or Die: rather cheap yet very effective removal spell.

Have fun with this brew.

Diogoarakis on Lost Boys

1 year ago

Another 2 great suggestions! Another cheap remover I'm researching is Do or Die, you can clean half of the opponent's battlefield

DreadKhan on Mishra's Might

1 year ago

It feels weird to complain people aren't being creative in a game where you have to use pieces that you buy, many of which are considerably worse than the best options. Everyone ends up running similar cards when you get to certain power levels, until you hit cEDH and everyone just runs the most optimal build they can. You can fight this by running absurdist stuff (I have several decks that are doing this), but every pet card you add makes your deck strictly worse, so you either lose more games or run other, even more staple cards because they are stronger.

Not sure if you're running any key combos/cards, but with an average MV over 3.5 I'd take a look at Protection Racket. It's terrible if people know what cards you 'need' (or if you need lots of lands specifically), but if that's not a problem it's free damage or free cards. I also love Make an Example, it's probably the more aggressive 4 mana removal that will ever see print, you always hit everyone's best pile because you get the final choice, it's everything that Do or Die wishes it was, except the MV.

DreadKhan on Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest - Insect tribal

1 year ago

If you end up running no combos/don't care much about a particular card, Protection Racket can draw a lot of cards/deal a lot of damage, especially in larger games (it hits each opponent, which is absurd in multiplayer). You'll get no extra lands, but extra spells are what you usually need. It's also great with Exquisite Blood, which is a dumb combo with Sanguine Bond if that's relevant. If you like forced sacrifice effects, Make an Example is incredibly pushed, even at 4 mana. You won't get as many bodies as Pox, but you will always hit each opponents best thing at minimum, and more potentially, it's not even targeted. It's narrow, but Do or Die also does good work at 1B, either take their most important stuff or take a ton of smaller stuff, hard to lose at 1B.

Have you thought about running some land ramping spells over 2 mana rocks like Golgari Signet? Farseek, Nature's Lore, or Three Visits are all better in this deck IMHO since you run Wave of Vitriol, each can find a basic or a non-Basic dual for fixing that won't go away as easily. You can run Utopia Sprawl instead of Sol Ring, it's not quite as good but it's still pretty good 1 mana ramp, offering fixing is always good.

Apologies if this stuff doesn't work with your restrictions, hope you have fun!

DreadKhan on Sacrifices Must Be Made

1 year ago

If nothing else, Make an Example is a shockingly good card in Rakdos as removal that dodges almost any form of protection, and it hits all opponents at once. Do or Die is also worth a look, but it never hits your opponent's best stuff with any reliability. Final sorcery that's really good in Rakdos is Phyrexian Purge, which is a very one-sided wipe that only costs 4 mana.

I feel repetitive at this point, but Rite of the Raging Storm is very much worth a look in Juri, it gives a sac every turn and it also just generates chaos. It also synergizes with great stuff like Mask of Griselbrand and Exquisite Blood, which also loves Citadel of Pain (and Protection Racket, which is like Phyrexian Arena did a giant bag of steroids as long as you're not on obvious combo).

I feel like Agitator Ant is a solid card here, Ogre Slumlord is also very good with lots of removal/sacrifice effects, Mayhem Devil is probably an auto-include unless I'm missing something, not sure if it's relevant, but Infernal Tribute can both let you sac any non-token and draw cards at the same time, it's like really wonky Necropotence Plus with your Commander, only you pay mana and permanents to draw cards and deal damage. Very weird but Whip of Erebos would let Juri (and everything else) have Lifelink, which can be handy, it can also bring something back if you want.

DreadKhan on Sacrificial Deer Two the Cat

1 year ago

I feel like stuff like Make an Example or Do or Die can kill a ton of creatures (or people's very important ones), it's pricier but Phyrexian Purge can clear a bunch of stuff out, it's very good with Sangromancer fwiw. Not sure if it's too pricey, but Vona's Hunger can clear a ton of opponent's stuff out for you. I could be wrong, but I think Necromantic Selection is absolutely hilarious with your Commander, you can just choose your Commander and you get a treasure for each creature that died, including your Commander. Rise of the Dread Marn is maybe good enough.

Rite of the Raging Storm should probably be considered, it'll give you a treasure almost guaranteed each of your turns, and hits only opponents on each opponent's turn. It's also budget atm, it might go up. Rite is very good with Mask of Griselbrand, a card that is better than it looks in my experience.

Nettlecyst might be decent? It's bigger than Cranial Plating, but you can't move it at instant speed, maybe still good?

If you can get enough tokens out, Kyren Negotiations can let them ping opponents you can't swing at.

Not sure you need another, but Sifter of Skulls is another Pawn of Ulamog. Both like Bog Initiate in my experience.

If you like reanimation, there is Hell's Caretaker, which can turn a token into any creature in your graveyard. Not sure if other people in your area play graveyard decks, but Callous Bloodmage is a nice solution to such decks that also can be used to generate a card or a Pest.

It's probably as cheap as it'll get, but Grim Hireling is both great with Treasures in general, but also can generate them for you, especially if you have evasive creatures. In reference to Treasure generation, there is also Academy Manufactor, a very good card if you want potential life gain/card draw when you generate treasures.

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