Ok so the idea here is get infinite mana you do that you basically win

To do that we have

Grim or Basalt monolith+power artifact

Any mana rock that makes 3 mana+ karn silver golem or karn, great creator + voltaic construct

Isochron scepter+ dramatic reversal+ 3 mana in mana rocks

Update: removed tidespout combo for grand architect and pili pala

Ashford alter or phyrexian alter+painters servant + Oona and some spare mana (phyrexian alter isn't infinite but it goes real deep)

High tide or extraplanar lens + palinchron

Dead-eye navigator+ palinchron

Karn silver golem or karn, great creator+ heartstone + basalt monolith

Basalt monolith + rings of brightheart

Doubling cube+ capsize

Next we got tutors

We got, Diabolic tutor Demonic tutor Diabolic intent (should have plenty of creatures) Imperial seal Wishclaw talisman(will basically just sit there till I get another tutor or combo piece or in response to it getting destroyed) Koldathi forgemaster( for all my artifact needs) Tolarian west (for mana crypt or lions eye or a land ) ===Update- added a few transmute cards to fetch 2 drops and a 3 drop 2 drops are most of the combo pieces if not you can tutor for a tutor with both to get what you need - Added transmute artifact may consider fabricate in the near future.

Next up we got answers We got your basic counterspell package maybe I'll add more when I playtest a bit

Boomerang for if they manage to et something on board that I can't go off with like stony silence Capsize for the same reason plus infinite mana combo

Aside from that I'm just hoping to be faster than my opponents to many answers is one less combo piece or tutor

Finally we got the win cons

Infinite mana + oona

Painters servant + grindstone

Nobody can extract my combo because oona is the main piece I can grindstone people out if o ona gets the needle or nevermore If I get infinite mana I can also capsize your board away


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94% Competitive

Date added 4 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

13 - 0 Mythic Rares

27 - 0 Rares

19 - 0 Uncommons

17 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.43
Tokens Faerie Rogue 1/1 B, Faerie Rogue 1/1 UB
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