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Elves, Since Justin Didn't (Freyalise)

Commander / EDH* Competitive Elves Mono-Green


Freyalise offers a table stream of mana elves, disenchants, and draw- the rest of the deck synergizes. Infinite mana is available, as is infinite creatures, and damage can come in OTK or steady swarms.


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Disciple of Freyalise  Flip should go in for a forest.

What would Evolution Witness get back?

Eladamri, Korvecdal is genetically strong and goes in. Realmwalker but better. Helps rebuild a board post-wrath like Claw, but can be played proactively better.

How relevant is Roaming Throne?

I only mention as it’s being reprinted, but Tireless Provisioner works better with a Black splash, akin to Nissa, Resurgent Animist

The land-ramping eldrazi might be real good for finding Cradle.

Elvish Clancaller, Caller of the Claw, and Haldir, Lorien Lieutenant are possibly replaceable, though still solid.


-1x Forest, +Disciple of Freyalise  Flip

-Caller of the Claw, +Eladamri, Korvecdal

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Date added 7 years
Last updated 2 months
Exclude colors WUBR

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

45 - 0 Rares

19 - 0 Uncommons

13 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.96
Tokens Copy Clone, Elf Druid 1/1 G, Elf Warrior 1/1 G, Servo 1/1 C
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