Goblin Cannon

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Goblin Cannon


: Goblin Cannon deals 1 damage to target creature or player. Sacrifice Goblin Cannon.

EDH 0 / 0
The Underworld Cookbook feature for hungry oswald
EDH 20 / 5
Zirda, the Dawnwaker feature for cEDH Zirda

Crockosneef on Stop picking lands on a …

1 month ago

Felipix So Goblin Cannon is worded a little different compared to most self-sacrificing artifacts. Sacrificing the cannon is actually part of the effect, itself, not the cost, so that means the cannon only gets sacrificed upon effect resolution. That means you can put multiple activations on the stack and they can still all go off.

Felipix on Stop picking lands on a …

1 month ago

Crockosneef thanks all, but Goblin Cannon will not self destruct after one actvation?

Crockosneef on Stop picking lands on a …

1 month ago

Sasaya is one of the first commanders I built around, so I would like to provide some advice! In my experience, I find that you can balance out the "drawing into lands" problem by giving yourself an abundance of card draw effects. This is becoming easier with cards like Reckoner Bankbuster and Endless Atlas being printed. With Sasaya, specifically, Book of Rass is pretty good, as you can almost always afford to draw multiple cards post-transformation.

Another thing I would strongly recommend is to run all the cycling nonbasic lands available in your colors, like Tranquil Thicket and Blasted Landscape. You can primarily use them as lands in hand which help Sasaya transform and then replace themselves after the fact. That way, you're able to have some utility in your land slots without taking away from the "land name matters" theme.

Final thing I want to say is that I noticed you have Rocket Launcher. If you like winning games like this, Goblin Cannon is almost entirely the same, functionally-speaking, so I would recommend running it alongside it!

Maaloufler on 7 lands? Good!

8 months ago

Cool deck. Some creature options you might want to consider Cultivator Colossus for a beater, Wild-Field Scarecrow can act as a second Armillary Sphere, Ashaya, Soul of the Wild can help combo for infinite mana with Magus of the Candelabra.

With all the excess mana you're going to be making Jinxed Choker, Goblin Cannon, Rocket Launcher, and Magma Mine are pretty tempting to one shot an opponent.

Protection for your commander can come in a few forms. You're already running a great one, That Which Was Taken. Tyrite Sanctum, can give your commander indestructible. Heroic Intervention can help as well. If you're worried about targeted exile cards like Tamiyo's Safekeeping, Autumn's Veil, and Veil of Summer can help protect.

leesteak on Sai the Guy

2 years ago
  1. Combo 1: Retrievers and Cost reducers
    Requirements:Myr Retriever + Junk Diver OR Workshop Assistant + Ashnod's Altar OR Krark-Clan Ironworks + Cloud Key OR Foundry Inspector OR Jhoira's Familiar
    Process: Have all cards in play. Sacrifice Myr Retriever. Sacrifice Junk Diver, returning Myr Retriever to hand. Play Myr Retriever. Sacrifice Myr Retreiver, returning Junk Diver to hand.
    Result: Infinite Colourless Mana. Infinite Permanent ETBs. Infinite Artifact Casts.
  2. Combo 2: Retrievers and Sol Ring
    Requirements:Krark-Clan Ironworks + Myr Retriever + Junk Diver OR Workshop Assistant + Scrap Trawler + Sol Ring
    Process: Have all cards in play. Tap sol ring. Sacrifice sol ring. Sacrifice Junk diver. Return sol ring to hand. pay sol ring. Tap Sol Ring. Sacrifice sol ring. Sacrifice myr retriever, returning both sol ring and junk diver. Play sol ring and junk diver. Tap sol ring. Sacrifice sol ring. Sacrifice junk diver. return sol ring and myr retreiver to hand.
    Result: Infinite Colourless Mana. Infinite Permanent ETBs. Infinite Artifact Casts.
  3. Combo 3: Top off the top
    Requirements:Sensei's Divining Top + Mystic Forge OR Future Sight + Jhoira's Familiar OR Foundry Inspector OR Cloud Key
    Process: Have all cards in play. Tap Sensei's top to draw a card. Play Sensei's top off the top of library.
    Result: Infinite card draw. Infinite* permanent ETBs. Infinite Artifact Casts.


  1. Altar of the Brood
  2. Goblin Cannon
  3. Staff of Domination
  4. Sands of Delirium
  5. Aetherflux Reservoir

mlequesne on Composite inferno (w/ sideboard swap)

2 years ago

Hi friend! nice deck.

While playtesting your deck I realized you can fetch the combo pieces but you need a tutorable wincon, so I suggest to play Goblin Cannon that can win with infinite mana and is tutorable with Fabricate and Inventors' Fair. Maybe you can take 1 or 2 Inferno of the Star Mounts from the deck.

See you :)

riddik695 on A Better Oswald Fiddlebender

2 years ago

Another way to damage out the table by strictly searching with oswald is to use Goblin Cannon. Once you have gotten all your mana from Rings and Basalt, you can sacrifice one of them for the cannon and kill everyone at the table. I use this line a lot with oswald in my Zirda, the Dawnwaker deck

Crockosneef on Fun Commander

3 years ago

My all-time favorite is probably Sasaya, Orochi Ascendant  Flip. A deck using her plays rather different from most decks, and I like that. For this deck, I play a lot of cards that allow you to get lands into your hand, such as Winding Way or Nylea's Intervention . You can even run cards like Sylvan Ranger so that you're not completely vulnerable while you're trying to reach that seven-lands-in-hand clause. When you're able to flip Sasaya, you can use cards like Book of Rass or Abundance to draw into nonland cards that you can actually play. I like using cards like Goblin Cannon , Ant Queen , or Hydra Broodmaster to close out the game. Due to the fact that you're running more lands than you'd run in your typical EDH deck, the price of the deck is already a little lower. But yeah, this is one of my favorites!

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