Bloodrite Invoker

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Bloodrite Invoker

Creature — Vampire Shaman

: Target player loses 3 life and you gain 3 life.

BruhYouFarted on Pauper Curses

3 years ago

I would also recommend Marauding Blight-Priest , but I would like to recommend taking out Kalastria Healer and Vermin Gorger . How about switching the Gorger to another gorger: Savage Gorger . With all the pings, Ol' Savage is almost guaranteed a counter each turn. Vermin Gorger just doesn't have good hits beside Kalastria Healer ; which isn't great. Regarding the Healer, I would either swap it for Dusk Legion Zealot or; If you are counting to go into the late-game, Bloodrite Invoker could be a serious threat, pummeling for three with drain while still synergizing with the theme of the deck. If not, Dusk Legion Zealot could be a good one-shot card draw while still holding a chump. With stall-y decks like this, Withercrown doesn't seem great. Go with Cast Down instead. On that note, I feel that Paralyze is self-deprecating in this deck. With the extra mana they have, they can just pay the tax needed for Paralyze , and swing in. If you want to keep their baddies at bay, I would recommend Typhoid Rats (in the main board), a Oldie but a Goodie. The Rats do a great job on defense, and most-often trade up. (Kill a creature with a greater mana value or alternate cost.) Vampire Envoy doesn't do much in a pillow-forty deck like this, i would take it out for Sign in Blood .

Misc. Recommendation: Mesmeric Fiend / Toll of the Invasion - Both snatch your opponents best cards and leave a body, which can be a Mirror-Breaker. (Although Mesmeric Fiend is a bit risky)

StopShot on What is the best card …

3 years ago

I like coming up with infinite combos and sometimes I wind up with an infinite combo that makes endless colorless mana. I want to know what card is best for sinking all that mana into? While I'm aware that I can use a card like Gemstone Array to make infinite colored mana or I could use a card like Staff of Domination to draw multiple cards, I instead want one card along with my infinite colorless mana and limited color mana to close out the game by doing any of the following:


-Dealing infinite damage to all opponents.

-Causing infinite life loss to all opponents.

-Creating infinite creature tokens with haste.

-Forcing all opponents to draw out their decks.

-Exiling all opponents' libraries.

-Forcing all opponents into a "lose the game" condition.

-Meeting a "win the game" condition.


I don't consider traditional mill to be a viable way to consistently win the game. Creating infinite tokens without haste I also view as not consistent enough as it gives each opponent the chance to react. Furthermore, infinite life gain isn't viable as commander damage exists.

Of course, without a doubt, Walking Ballista is the clear favorite solution to win the game being able to fit in any deck given its colorless color identity. That being said, I made this thread wanting to know what secondary back-ups would be an apt replacement for Walking Ballista if by some chance it is countered or exiled.

Here are some cards I came up with that work, but I'd like to know from others if I missed any that could do better than these: Aurelia's Fury,, Bloodrite Invoker,, Cogwork Assembler,, Comet Storm,, Conflagrate,, Cut / Ribbons,, Debt to the Deathless,, Dimensional Infiltrator,, Essence Depleter,, Exsanguinate,, Fanning the Flames,, Fireball,, Firecat Blitz,, Goblin Cannon,, Goblin Festival,, Helix Pinnacle,, Oona, Queen of the Fae,, Rolling Thunder,, Tempt with Vengeance,, Torment of Hailfire and Valakut Invoker.

I didn't include any cards that could possibly turn the game into a draw, but I'm still looking for more cards that suit the criteria I've put out.

StopShot on StopShot

4 years ago

@sam171z, I've never built in golgari colors or green more specifically so my advice might not be the best.

Based on your deck you might find Arbor Elf helpful.

There's a lack of removal in this deck and you might find these cards helpful: Dismember , Go for the Throat , Sinister Concoction , Thrashing Brontodon , Sylvok Replica , Force of Vigor .

Skullclamp is a really good card draw source especially if you pair it with Bloodghast and fetch-lands. Dark Tutelage is another option if you don't mind the life loss. Mirri's Guile seems to also be pretty strong with shuffle effects like fetch-lands.

Pattern of Rebirth seems like a really strong tutor effect for you.

Melira, Sylvok Outcast might be a good inclusion as you can win the game with her + Devoted Druid + Walking Ballista / Bloodrite Invoker .

Hope this helps you.

TPC on Big TT'ed Combo! (Turn 3 win) Thrasios Tymna [EDH]

5 years ago

GhostChieftain Too many tutors and combo pieces to get it online, it requires mana rocks producing at least 3 mana, to get infinite mana going, and you'll have to have 2 mana to start the combo, which typically delays it a turn. I found that Basalt Monolith or Grim Monolith plus Power Artifact or Mana Reflection can happen immediately, and consistently on turns 3-4, which allows me to Thrasios, Triton Hero into Prismite for infinite all-colors. Just as consistently I can Food Chain plus Eternal Scourge or Misthollow Griffin plus Aetherflux Reservoir by turn 4 and simply win. Freeing up those 4-5 needed Isochron spots allowed me to insert Ambassador Laquatus and Bloodrite Invoker to improve the consistency of my T4 wins; once they hit the board, I win.

TLDR: I have better/faster/easier ways to assemble infinite mana by T3-4, taking out Isochoron mana combo allowed me to put in more win-cons, which improved the consistency of my deck.

skorpionrazor on Noozegorger Xira Arien

5 years ago

Amazing deck my friend, probably the best Xira Arien list I've seen for combo. I was about to build a Xira Arien deck around the Worldgorger Dragon combo and saw your list. There are probably better generals for the combo but it's great how you chose Xira and took it to the maximum level. Unfortunately I don't have all of these cards in paper so I'll have to run a budget version or choose another general (Probably Grenzo) About the combo: I see you chose Flamekin Spitfire to kill your opponents and creatures. Take in consideration that in case there is something like Glacial Chasm in the board using a Bloodrite Invoker could be a better choise.

thymeandplace on Ballista Charge

6 years ago

Avatar, at least the other day, was almost never coming in with extra counters. I think that if I want to keep him, I'm going to have to switch the whole deck over to something that concentrates more on overrunning with counters. In addition, while the mimic/animation combo is cool in standard, it is pretty rough in modern to get running at full speed so I was thinking of ways to speed the deck up. With the combo and duskwatch I can dig for a ballista to win that turn, allowing me to possibly win on turn 3 which seems a lot stronger than before, particularly in the race against humans and elves. I might also run a couple green/black lands so I can run Bloodrite Invoker which can also win the turn it comes out with infinite manna. You're right though, the more I look at it, the more I realize that this is two different decks in one and that it detracts from the whole.

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