Corpsejack Menace

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Corpsejack Menace

Creature — Fungus

If one or more +1/+1 counters would be placed on a creature you control, twice that many +1/+1 counters are placed instead.

jakeelephant006 on Atraxa is a big fat bully [seeking help]

11 months ago

Looks like a fun deck! Atraxa is certainly a powerful commander that can go in many directions but I like your choice of going w/ +1/+1 counters mainly. I think more cards like Winding Constrictor and Kami of Whispered Hopes would really make the deck hum. Corpsejack Menace and Conclave Mentor are good adds. I think some more effects to spread around counters more such as Good-Fortune Unicorn and Mikaeus, the Lunarch would help as well.

I think the deck could use some more cards that help w/ consistency and interaction as well. Abzan Charm and Inspiring Call both draw cards in addition to having other flexibility and +1/+1 counter synergy. Fertilid and Incubation Druid both ramp and care about +1/+1 counters. Lastly, Damning Verdict would be a good board wipe addition to clear out opponents' threats while leaving your board mostly intact.

Adding cards is easier than cutting cards. Here's my thoughts on cards that could go to make room for new ones. Venser, the Sojourner doesn't seem to do too much other than being ult-ed. Semester's End is good for saving your board but it resets any amount of counters you've built up back to 1. I don't think there's quite enough planeswalkers or non-creature spells to warrant running Ichormoon Gauntlet. Arcus Acolyte seems a bit slow. Empyrial Archangel doesn't seem to do a lot of work and can be difficult to get counters on because of the shroud.

I would also think about adding a few more basics to help ensure consistency. Good luck with the deck!

Rhyno52 on Death's Shadow Scavanger

1 year ago

Corpsejack Menace is far too much mana cost for what he does and Skullbriar, the Walking Grave doesn't add much to the Main theme of the deck so i don't know why i should include any of these.

jdogz32 on Death's Shadow Scavanger

1 year ago

I love this deck I was actually wanting to build it last night but I couldn't find your deck in my saves. The version I started making had alot more creatures in it. Is there a reason you don't add Corpsejack Menace or Skullbriar, the Walking Grave

Epicurus on Ramos the Mutated Lord

1 year ago

+1 just because I love Mutate! Hahaha, don't even know if this deck is good or not, but it definitely could be, and looks fun as hell either way.

I can make some suggestions, but take them with a grain of salt. I really believe that I would have to actually play the deck to determine what it needs, what it doesn't need, and what might be helpful to add or cut in order to improve it.

First, here's a list of cards that are generally good for a Ramos deck:

Shielding Plax - gives Ramos Hexproof, puts two +1/+1 counters on him, and draws a card.

Maelstrom Nexus - Puts five counters on Ramos with one spell, grants free casting.

Corpsejack Menace - Speeds up access to Ramos's mana ability.

Zacama, Primal Calamity - Castable using Ramos's ability, and in my experience one of the best things to do so with.

Horned Kavu - Two colors for feeding Ramos, allows you to recast something, and has the added bonus in this deck of possibly allowing you to re-mutate stuff.

Next, I think that you need more early ramp. Here are some suggestions for that, starting with the most obvious choices:


Birds of Paradise

Noble Hierarch

Ilysian Caryatid

Fellwar Stone

To help facilitate some of these inclusions, here are some suggested cuts:

Thrun, the Last Troll - You have enough targets to Mutate without this, and removing him lowers your mana curve.

Lore Drakkis - Yeah, I know, that would make one less Mutate trigger, but it really doesn't do much of anything else for you. You don't have many instants and/or sorceries.

Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin - I understand why you may want him (he generates blockers, and you are vulnerable to go-wide strategies), but I think he's just unnecessarily raising your curve. By the time you can cast him, you'll probably have a lot of other spells you'd rather cast with that mana. If your meta dictates that you require defense against go-wide, there are better choices. Crawlspace, Lightmine Field, Silent Arbiter/Dueling Grounds.

Fertilid - Absolutely a waste of mana. There are a million things you're better off with than this.

Geist of Saint Traft - I'm actually torn on this one, but I really believe that it falls into the same category as Thrun. You'll likely have other good targets for mutation, though the Flying and Hexproof combination is a good one. I'd still consider your mana curve when deciding whether to keep it.

The Ozolith - Other than Ramos and Crystalline Giant, I really don't see how this is incredibly useful. It's genuinely a good card, but I don't see enough here to justify its inclusion.

Zendikar Resurgent - Too high of a cost. By the time you can cast it, this deck shouldn't need it. If you want to keep the draw effect, you're better off with Chulane, Teller of Tales.

Windgrace's Judgment - Pure jank. I take it your meta is mostly multiplayer? Even so, you'd probably benefit much more from some kind of cheaper, targeted removal. However, if you're so inclined, Decimate for one less mana, or Ruinous Ultimatum for a much more beneficial effect.

Finally, your land base could use an upgrade. That's probably obvious, and likely due to budget restrictions. I get it, land can be what makes a deck expensive to build, and casual decks sometimes aren't worth the money. However, you have a lot of lands on your list that ETB tapped, and that is disconcerting. Pain lands and check lands are the cheapest way to remedy this problem (albeit, the check lands are way more effective if you have shock lands and/or triomes, and furthermore aren't exactly inexpensive either).

I hope I didn't explode your brain, hahaha. If anything, take all of this as proof that I really want this deck to be awesome!


Titus7007 on Ramos Unsleeved

1 year ago

Epicurus thanks, yeah, over time I will add the lands that etb untapped if you control 3 or more lands.

I did have Niv-Mizzet Reborn in the orignal pile but he got cut as two-colored cards got cut. I've ordered Corpsejack Menace and will probably find a slot in here for him. I wonder how much use I will get out Snakeskin Veil Slip Out the Back and Take Up the Shield. They are mono color spells that I could potentially replace.

Epicurus on Ramos Unsleeved

1 year ago

The fewer mono-colored spells, the better. I feel like you have too many of them in here. If you had more two-colored spells, I'd say add Niv-Mizzet Reborn. However, if you keep it at as many three-colored spells as you have or more, add Meeting of the Five.

A few other cards I can suggest (don't really have it memorized how expensive they are):

Corpsejack Menace

Shielding Plax

Leyline Prowler

Maelstrom Nexus

Diabolic Vision

Brokers Charm

Apex Devastator

On a final note, if you want a five-colored deck to be at all competitive, you'll really need to spend a decent chunk of money on the land. It's pretty much unavoidable. Too many lands that ETB tapped will really put you a lot of turns behind.

Triton on Korvold Counters

1 year ago

Any Fleshbag Marauder effects would be powerful. Harrow and Roiling Regrowth are great for ramp and suits your theme well. If money allows, The Ozolith and to a lesser extent Reyhan, Last of the Abzan would help preserve those counters.

Wildwood Scourge is an all-star in my Mowu, Loyal Companion deck. Speaking of doubling, Corpsejack Menace, Branching Evolution, and Hardened Scales to add more +1/+1 counters.

Hope this helps! :)

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