Thrun, the Last Troll
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Thrun, the Last Troll

Legendary Creature — Troll Shaman

Thrun, the Last Troll can't be countered.


: Regenerate Thrun.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Melira's Keepers
Skyshroud Troll
Pygmy Troll
Tel-Jilad Exile
Horned Troll
Okina Nightwatch

Terrashock on Green Timmy

1 year ago

Hey seshiro_of_the_orochi, thanks for the feedback! Your Goreclaw deck looks fun as well. The reason I do not include Thrun, the Last Troll is that his statline is just a bit too weak for my taste. He is indeed incredibly hard to remove (especially nowadays where board wipes tend to not have the "can't be regenerated" clause) but his 4/4 body makes him not the threat I want him to be. Even Thrun, Breaker of Silence barely makes the cut to be honest and might be replaced by Gaea's Revenge or similar in the future. Hope that makes sense :).

Epicurus on Ramos the Mutated Lord

2 years ago

+1 just because I love Mutate! Hahaha, don't even know if this deck is good or not, but it definitely could be, and looks fun as hell either way.

I can make some suggestions, but take them with a grain of salt. I really believe that I would have to actually play the deck to determine what it needs, what it doesn't need, and what might be helpful to add or cut in order to improve it.

First, here's a list of cards that are generally good for a Ramos deck:

Shielding Plax - gives Ramos Hexproof, puts two +1/+1 counters on him, and draws a card.

Maelstrom Nexus - Puts five counters on Ramos with one spell, grants free casting.

Corpsejack Menace - Speeds up access to Ramos's mana ability.

Zacama, Primal Calamity - Castable using Ramos's ability, and in my experience one of the best things to do so with.

Horned Kavu - Two colors for feeding Ramos, allows you to recast something, and has the added bonus in this deck of possibly allowing you to re-mutate stuff.

Next, I think that you need more early ramp. Here are some suggestions for that, starting with the most obvious choices:


Birds of Paradise

Noble Hierarch

Ilysian Caryatid

Fellwar Stone

To help facilitate some of these inclusions, here are some suggested cuts:

Thrun, the Last Troll - You have enough targets to Mutate without this, and removing him lowers your mana curve.

Lore Drakkis - Yeah, I know, that would make one less Mutate trigger, but it really doesn't do much of anything else for you. You don't have many instants and/or sorceries.

Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin - I understand why you may want him (he generates blockers, and you are vulnerable to go-wide strategies), but I think he's just unnecessarily raising your curve. By the time you can cast him, you'll probably have a lot of other spells you'd rather cast with that mana. If your meta dictates that you require defense against go-wide, there are better choices. Crawlspace, Lightmine Field, Silent Arbiter/Dueling Grounds.

Fertilid - Absolutely a waste of mana. There are a million things you're better off with than this.

Geist of Saint Traft - I'm actually torn on this one, but I really believe that it falls into the same category as Thrun. You'll likely have other good targets for mutation, though the Flying and Hexproof combination is a good one. I'd still consider your mana curve when deciding whether to keep it.

The Ozolith - Other than Ramos and Crystalline Giant, I really don't see how this is incredibly useful. It's genuinely a good card, but I don't see enough here to justify its inclusion.

Zendikar Resurgent - Too high of a cost. By the time you can cast it, this deck shouldn't need it. If you want to keep the draw effect, you're better off with Chulane, Teller of Tales.

Windgrace's Judgment - Pure jank. I take it your meta is mostly multiplayer? Even so, you'd probably benefit much more from some kind of cheaper, targeted removal. However, if you're so inclined, Decimate for one less mana, or Ruinous Ultimatum for a much more beneficial effect.

Finally, your land base could use an upgrade. That's probably obvious, and likely due to budget restrictions. I get it, land can be what makes a deck expensive to build, and casual decks sometimes aren't worth the money. However, you have a lot of lands on your list that ETB tapped, and that is disconcerting. Pain lands and check lands are the cheapest way to remedy this problem (albeit, the check lands are way more effective if you have shock lands and/or triomes, and furthermore aren't exactly inexpensive either).

I hope I didn't explode your brain, hahaha. If anything, take all of this as proof that I really want this deck to be awesome!


Asder on Card creation challenge

2 years ago

I got Shield of Kaldra

Melira, Child of Thrun

Legendary Creature - Human


, : Another target creature gains hexproof until end of turn.


Meant to be Melira, Sylvok Outcast before the phyrexian invasion when she was just chilling with Thrun, the Last Troll.


Hi_diddly_ho_neighbor on Equipement deck

3 years ago

Buckle up, this will be lengthy....Some important things I always consider when choosing a voltron commander:

1) Does my commander have built in evasion or protection. These are crucial because they require less investment into auras/equipment that protect/grant evasion to your commander, freeing up slots for other cards

2) How hard is it for my commander to reach the holy "power of 7". Ideally you want your commander to reach 7 or more power so you need fewer hits to kill an opponent. Why 7 you ask? Because there is a near step-function difference in success between 4 attacks to kill someone and 3 attacks to kill someone (in my experience).

3) Equipment/aura synergies. Some commanders have built in synergies that make them more ideal for either equipment or aura strategies.

4) Casting cost. If your commander dies, and it will, likely multiple times, can you recast them easily?

4.5) Haste. I put this one as part of #4 because if I am playing a high cmc voltron commander, they better have haste so I can immediately try to kill someone.

With those ideas in mind, here are some voltron options that I like:


Dragonlord Ojutai, my personal commander. Has built in evasion, protection, and card advantage. Moderate CMC and hits like a truck (5 starting power)

Bruna, Light of Alabaster, one of the top aura commanders out there. Has built in evasion, but her high cmc and no native protection makes her a lighting rod for removal. If you can have her survive until she attacks, it's basically game over.


Aurelia, the Warleader, arguably one of the strongest voltron commanders out there. Has built in haste and evasion. Her extra combat ability makes here very deadly and can kill someone out of nowhere. Her high cmc makes her a little more of a challenge to pilot though. Goes infinite with Helm of the Host.

Akiri, Fearless Voyager, another top voltron commander. She has built in protection and card advantage in Boros which is a major plus. She has low cmc, but is pretty small and has no evasion meaning she needs extra help to kill someone.

Akiri, Line-Slinger + anyone (blue is nice for protection): Hands down the strongest "fair" voltron commander out there. Costs a low, low 2 mana, has first strike making her a headache to block, and her passive pump ability makes her able to kill at least one person before they are even set up.

Bruenor Battlehammer: Kind of an overlooked one from AFR, but this guy slaps. He has moderate cmc, can freely equip one equipment per turn, and has the Akiri pump ability. No evasion though.


Kediss, Emberclaw Familiar + Sengir, the Dark Baron: I don't actually think this one is very good. I just think the chance to oneshot the entire table with these two is hilarious (something I was able to do in the Commander Legends draft format).

3+ colors:

Zurgo Helmsmasher: Has haste, built in protection, and already starts at 7 power. No built in evasion, but he can grow in size all on his own. His color wedge is also great for tutoring, removal, and protection.

Galea, Kindler of Hope: Haven't had much experience with this new one, but her free aura attach ability, moderate cmc, and card advantage by playing auras off the top of your library seems pretty strong.

Mono white:

Halvar, God of Battle  Flip: Can freely equip himself and has double strike to kill people off quickly. No evasion or inherent protection is rough though.

Ardenn, Intrepid Archeologist + anyone (I like Rograkh, Son of Rohgahh or Akiri, Line-Slinger): This guy isn't really going to be killing anyone himself, but his ability will save you a ton of mana on equip costs which allows you to keep up mana for interaction or protection.

Mono green:

Thrun, the Last Troll: Mono green isn't as strong as white for equipment, but it can do aura's surprisingly well. Being uncounterable, having OG hexproof, and being able to regenerate himself makes Thrun very tough to kill.

Mono red:

Godo, Bandit Warlord: I have to mention this one since he is the only true cEDH voltron commander.

nbarry223 on Glittering Company

3 years ago

So to me, that means that:

Cartel Aristocrat, Good-Fortune Unicorn, Kitchen Finks, Impromptu Raid and to a lesser extent Revival / Revenge, Fiend Artisan, Knight of the Reliquary are win-cons.

I'd say the first 4 in that list are definite staples that need to stay. Revival / Revenge seems to do it's job well too. Everything else does its job, but doesn't have haste or has some minor downside, so there's potentially room for improvement.

Personally, my top choices of everything I'm going to throw out there is as follows:

Liliana, Heretical Healer  Flip (maindeck recusion/utility)
Sigarda, Host of Herons (potential side anti-removal)
Dragonlord Dromoka (potential side anti-counterspell)

I also see a lot of cards in here to counter control/removal. Have you considered a bigger hexproof/shroud creature, or something that's just uncounterable and a threat? There's also recursion, which Revival / Revenge does a pretty good job at, but some other options I can think of for that are Liliana, Heretical Healer  Flip, Lurrus of the Dream-Den, Necropanther, Vesperlark or Nethroi, Apex of Death.

Also, I know you don't have red, but General Ferrous Rokiric seems like it would be a good consideration for that type of a slot. Hexproof agaianst most removal and it synergizes with all of the multicolored you have going on.

Better fits as far as colors go are Reaper of the Wilds, Sigarda, Host of Herons, Thrun, the Last Troll, Witchstalker, Carnage Tyrant, Loxodon Smiter or Dragonlord Dromoka. Some are wish targets while others aren't, figured i'd throw out anything that had potential though.

To me, a wish target has to either be low enough that you can cast it same turn, or big and strong enough that you can cast it next turn and it turns the game around/seals the deal.

I just think you have a lot of slots in the sideboard that accomplish the same basic thing and you might be able to get away with condensing it a bit more to give more versatility for broader answers like psuedo-board wipes, silver-bullets, etc.

So if all that rambling somehow allows you to free up maybe a slot or 2 and still cover everything you need to cover, then maybe you will have the space to consider a broader selection of counterplay instead of just furthering your own strategy.

There's also things like Vindicate that hit lands too, which could help with the tron match as well as covering basically everything.

RNR_Gaming on Budget Mono Green Agro for FNM

3 years ago

Are you opposed to infect? Also, is everyone else playing on a budget? If they aren't I'd highly suggest switching to an infect strategy. Its fast, cheap green and is a very similar strategy with a much faster clock. Also, the cards/deck could span multiple formats. Things like Glistener Elf , Blight Mamba and Ichorclaw Myr are power houses in pauper...well use to be until fairies and tron got a bunch of new toys...But if you're not into that Thrun, the Last Troll has gotten stupid cheap and is a menace to anything that leans on spot removal and perhaps add in a few Dismember the phyrexian mana only hurts a little ;)

whatqwerty on What are your Favorite Commanders?

3 years ago

Thrun, the Last Troll is my favorite commander. I hate having my cool card removed, or countered, and so Thrun, the Last Troll is the current leader of my mono green voltron deck. That said, it has a bunch of other potential leaders if I want to change things up, that I shuffle into the deck if they are not leading, including Kogla, the Titan Ape and Silvos, Rogue Elemental

whatqwerty on New deck

4 years ago

I would say if you are looking for just unkillable, play mono green voltron w/ Thrun, the Last Troll. Hexproof, Can't Be Countered, and Regenerate to counter some board wipes makes him pretty powerful in my opinion.

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