Cavern-Hoard Dragon

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Vintage Legal

Cavern-Hoard Dragon

Creature — Dragon

This spell costs less to cast, where X is the greatest number of artifacts an opponent controls.

Flying, trample, haste

Whenever Cavern-Hoard Dragon deals combat damage to a player, you create a Treasure token for each artifact that player controls. (It's a colourless artifact with ", Sacrifice this artifact: Add one mana of any colour.")

Alearin on Magda of the Maskwood [[Guide]] Updated for DSC

9 months ago

Saljen, your deck Treasure, Dwarves, and Dragon's; OH MY! definitely takes Magda, Brazen Outlaw in a different direction, with it focus on damage doublers/triplers and ping damage but not using infinite combos to do it. Biggest downside I could see is none of the doublers/triplers are directly searchable by Magda.

As for your suggestions:

  1. Hammer of Nazahn - Good card in equipment focused decks and giving Magda indestructible is always good, but to me it is a build up card. It does not impact the game greatly when it hits the field by itself. You either need to have the mana open to cast an impactful equipment, 5 more treasure to search for one, or wait until you have either of the above. That being said Hammer of Nazahn not being in my maybeboard was an oversite that has been rectified.
  2. Magmatic Galleon - I feel the cost is too high so I would not want to see it in my hand to hard cast. That means I would be using a precious Magda activation to bring this out and I am not sure it is worth it, in most cases vs getting a combo piece.
  3. Mycosynth Lattice - Does this work like Maskwood Nexus? Maskwood says "The same is true for creature spells you control and creature cards you own that aren't on the battlefield.". Where as Mycosyth says "All cards that aren't on the battlefield, spells, and permanents are colourless.' I take that to mean in the deck cards are colorless, but do not become artifacts until the enter the battlefield. Which would mean you do not get to search for an extra cards since they are not artifacts yet.
  4. Sculpting Steel - This is a card I like and have tried in my desk, but have moved it the maybeboard as a card to keep in mind for alternative builds. It is not in the main deck because to me it feels like a 'win-more' card. Is doubling the triggers you mentioned powerful? Yes it is. However, if I am getting even one of those to trigger I am probably winning the game. I don't need to double the triggers to win.
  5. Spiteful Banditry - This is a card that I am not sure how to evaluate. My current thoughts are it is not worth adding, despite the lack in interaction in the deck. My thoughts shortly after it came out, "I debated putting this in the main deck, there is 1 thing that kept it out. The worst sentence to see on a card in Magic, in my opinion, "This ability triggers only once each turn". If that wasn't on this card it is an auto include variable boardwipe that gives me treasures for killing my opponents creatures. As it stands the best case scenario is to play it when you have no creatures out or the creatures with the highest toughness and wipe your opponents board and get 1 treasure. There might be metas this is more useful in, which is why it was included in the maybe section. I doubt I will ever slot it into the main deck; unless, I am completely misunderstanding the card, since at most 1 treasure per opponent's turn seems unlikely and slow."
  6. Crime Novelist - Another card that I am not sure on my evaluation of. It is currently in the maybeboard of this deck since I can't convince myself of what to swap it with. I have played games with it in my deck and had it be great, allowing me to search for Helm of the Host and then equip it, or search for one combo piece and cast the other from my hand or even just drop a big dragon on the field on turn 3 or 4. However, I have had just as many games where it doesn't seem to do much. That said I think I should try to find a way to get it in my deck without cutting lands or interaction, so if you have a suggestion for what to swap with it I am open to ideas.
  7. Steel Hellkite - I just replaced this card for Cavern-Hoard Dragon. While I had it my deck for removal as you suggest I replaced it for something that is more likely to get get the treasure I need to combo out. Given that the deck aims to win on 2-4 activations of Magda, I felt getting treasures off Cavern-Hoard Dragon was the better play then paying for Steel Hellkite's effect and hoping it does damage to remove a problem piece.
  8. temeref on The Malevolent Sink Eater

    10 months ago

    Commander_JAR yeah pretty much! Red's pool of tutors is limited, but it's able to generate a ton of mana in a pinch. Sarkhan's Triumph exists and I was running it for a while before realizing that it's almost always worse than Dragonstorm if you're tutoring a 6+ mana dragon -- and that's if you tutor for only one dragon. There has been 0 times out of the last... 7? Games I've played with this deck where I haven't been able to get the storm count to 1 before casting it, which is just a solid rate overall (and is difficult to interact with/counterspell because storm is busted as a mechanic lol). If there's something like Mycosynth Lattice in play you'll get even more mana generated back with no further setup by tutoring for & swinging with Cavern-Hoard Dragon. That's pretty much the whole point of the deck; shenanigans which result in lots of treasures for shimatsu.

    'Course, if you want to add more dragons like Scourge of Kher Ridges or Knollspine Dragon that can work too. I just never found the need for it myself since making treasures en-masse tends to be enough. Also exiling them to impulse draw is rough! The deck's land count is low for the same reason.

    AlistarFiend on How to Train Ūr-Dragon

    1 year ago

    Profet93 You would think I would need to add more mana rocks, but honestly it has not been much of a problem getting The Ur-Dragon in to the battlefield. Ancient Copper Dragon, Cavern-Hoard Dragon, Decadent Dragon, Goldspan Dragon, Klauth, Unrivaled Ancient, Morophon, the Boundless, Old Gnawbone, Rivaz of the Claw and Sarkhan, Soul Aflame all work very well as mana ramp in this deck.

    tinhead on

    1 year ago

    More dragons (I got distracted and couldn't stop thinking about it):

    Other potentially useful mono red tools: Treasonous Ogre for excellent mana production, Heartless Hidetsugu to speed up the game, Impact Tremors for free damage with all these creatures, Dictate of the Twin Gods to speed up the game and surprise kill people after blocks are declared.

    A hot take: if you wanted, you could swap the commander for Magda, Brazen Outlaw and split the deck into a bit of a Dwarf/Dragon tribal idea. She can tutor for Dragons and helps you create the mana to get them out, more of an engine in the command zone than Drakuseth's removal. Would need to swap some of the Dragons for Dwarves and refactor the theme a little, so it's really a different deck, but figured I'd suggest it.

    Azoth2099 on Kaalia, help wanted

    1 year ago


    Hey dude! Good Commander choice, Kaalia of the Vast has been my main option for years now.

    I'll try to keep this brief lol.

    The most important thing to remember when brewing this one is to not get distracted by the possibilities of all those Angels, Demons & Dragons. Focus on card quality above all else, the Spells that are going to win you the game.

    Razaketh, the Foulblooded & Vilis, Broker of Blood are the top dogs here, their power as individual cards will oftentimes win you game from sheer value. Other pieces like Rune-Scarred Demon, Burning-Rune Demon & Hoarding Broodlord will do the same if you build around them with Spells like Ephemerate & Saw in Half.

    I'd also recommend more Treasure tokens! I see you're already running Smothering Tithe & Goldspan Dragon, which is a great start. Adding Ancient Copper Dragon, Cavern-Hoard Dragon, Monologue Tax, Lotho, Corrupt Shirriff & of course Dockside Extortionist will make sure that your deck doesn't necessarily need it's Commander on the field to function. There are also a few lines via Dockside Extortionist & Razaketh, the Foulblooded that deal infinite damage, produce infinite Mana and yield infinite Tutors, which we can get into later if you decide to go that route.

    Wrapping up on Mana, I'd also recommend more Rituals and Rocks. Dark Ritual, Burnt Offering & Seething Song are great, as are Talisman of Hierarchy, Talisman of Conviction & Talisman of Indulgence. A Thran Dynamo could be good too. Oh man, Hellkite Tyrant can steal your opponents Rocks, which counts as Ramp I guess?

    Anyway, moving on to card draw! Kaalia of the Vast runs through a lot of cards if you build her right, and keeping your hand full is a priority. Necropotence, Black Market Connections, Dark Tutelage, & Dark Confidant are great ways to turn your Life total into more gas. Esper Sentinel & Archivist of Oghma scale with your opponent's activity. None of them will do as much heavy lifting as Vilis, Broker of Blood, but that's honestly asking a lot of any card other than Ad Nauseam.

    Onto the deck engine! I see you're running a few things to double down on your Commander's effect, like Aggravated Assault, Blade of Selves & Isshin, Two Heavens as One. While this strategy seems like a great idea on paper, it's actually not as efficient for the deck as it seems. Running a Reanimator strategy to ensure that the deck can continue to cheat creatures out without having to rely on it's Commander to do so is a far more powerful & consistent strategy. Spells like Entomb, Reanimate, Final Parting, Buried Alive, Victimize, Animate Dead, & Karmic Guide will pull a lot of weight in this context.

    I could talk about Kaalia of the Vast all day, but I'll stop here. Let me know how you feel about these suggestions.

    Also, here's my own list if you want to check it out: ANCIENT DRAGON TEMPEST (KAALIA)


    Alearin on Magda of the Maskwood [[Guide]] Updated for DSC

    1 year ago

    After looking over, thinking about, and testing the cards in LTR and LTC below are the 5 changes I have made to the deck. After several sets of no changes we are almost overwhelmed with additions. There have been 4 made to the main deck and 1 to the maybe.

    1. Mines of Moria added. Snow-Covered Mountain removed. Mines of Moria will almost always come in untapped and has the upside of being able to get two treasure for us in a pinch.

    2. Gimli of the Glittering Caves added. Dwarven Recruiter removed. While Dwarven Recruiter is a situationally good card, I don't often find myself short of dwarves in this build of the deck. For 3 mana I would rather have a dwarf that can get me 3 treasures on a swing then one that will guarantee my next few draws are dwarfs.

    3. Gloin, Dwarf Emissary added. Dwarven Thaumaturgist removed. This is a straight upgrade. Gloin will make a treasure in response to about 33% of the current deck build being cast. In general that has been 2 or 3 extra treasures per game that I can use to keep something big and scary away from me or to speed up my game plan as needed.

    4.Cavern-Hoard Dragon added. Steel Hellkite removed. Steel Hellkite is removal, but situational and generally uses one of the precious Magda, Brazen Outlaw activations to get it out so is obvious and can be planned around. Cavern-Hoard Dragon is a bomb whether you draw it mid/late and play it for 3-4 mana and then swing to get 5-6 treasure or you bring it out with Magda, Brazen Outlaw to block and then swing with it on your turn to get all you treasures back. In my testing this card has by far generated me the most Treasure, due to the artifact heavy meta I play in.

    1. Spiteful Banditry: I debated putting this in the main deck, there is 1 thing that kept it out. The worst sentence to see on a card in Magic, in my opinion, "This ability triggers only once each turn". If that wasn't on this card it is an auto include variable boardwipe that gives me treasures for killing my opponents creatures. As it stands the best case scenario is to play it when you have no creatures out or the creatures with the highest toughness and wipe your opponents board and get 1 treasure. There might be metas this is more useful in, which is why it was included in the maybe section. I doubt I will ever slot it into the main deck; unless, I am completely misunderstanding the card, since at most 1 treasure per opponent's turn seems unlikely and slow.

    Azoth2099 on 5C Dragon Value Tribal

    1 year ago



    Some synergies to consider: Cryptic Gateway, Ruby Medallion, Emerald Medallion, Nogi, Draco-Zealot, Sarkhan, Soul Aflame, Taigam, Ojutai Master, Guardian Project, Toski, Bearer of Secrets, Steely Resolve, Thornscape Familiar, Ancient Copper Dragon, Goldspan Dragon, Cavern-Hoard Dragon, Terror of the Peaks, Scion of the Ur-Dragon

    I know most of these aren't Dragon's but when you're trying to quickly fill the field with a bunch of big ole chonkers, you need cost reduction and Ramp! I'd also recommend more Rocks and Dorks to that end, as well as a few and/or rituals. I could easily see this build being overwhelmingly threatening within the first 5 turns of the game if tweaked a bit.

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