Black Oak of Odunos

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Black Oak of Odunos

Creature — Zombie Treefolk


{B}, Tap another untapped creature you control: Black Oak of Odunos gets +1/+1 until end of turn.

Game_of_Cones on Bugged-Out Weed Zombies (B.O.W.Z.)

5 years ago

3 more big & mighty new zombeez will be swapped into this deck over the coming weekend: Lotleth Giant , Molderhulk , and Rotting Regisaur !!! Black Oak of Odunos is one that will be removed....

Also got a Vengevine a few days ago - the Ultimate Weed must be included.

Eloniel on Asking Help about Theros lore …

6 years ago

The "Island" in Eagle of the Watch i've find a place named "One-Eyed Pass" in described like this: "This outpost has been carefully chosen by the Stratians for a particular reason: the abundance of cyclopes. They funnel their enemies into the pass, using the cyclopes who aggressively defend their territory as a gauntlet of certain death."

I also want to use Unravel the Aether, in the same guide there a place named Pharagax Bridge "The Stratians defend this huge stone bridge with all their might against any who would enter Akros without the king's permission. Some claim that the massive chasm it spans leads to the Underworld, and that foul creatures emerge from its depths."

What do you think about my two hypothesis ?

I also want to show Purphoros's sacred peak thi placed is in the flavor text of Magma Spray and i think this peak is the art of Peak Eruption

I don't know where are located there:

-Mana Confluence

-Astral Cornucopia

-Voyaging Satyr

-Ephara's Radiance Meletis Temple of Ephara ?

-Rollick of Abandon

-Plea for Guidance

I will have at least one location for these gods: Helios, Nylea, Karametra, Iroas, Keranos, Kruphix

I could not find artwork for the cities of Odunos and Asphodel... I will use Black Oak of Odunos but i can't find official artwork for th cities.

It's the same for Phoberos and Oreskos...

Thanks for your help ! =)

I've several other change i want to make/card easier to add, i will list every change for the v2, if you have ideas for other location i'm open to suggestion ^^

vibrabones on Treefolk Tribal

7 years ago

Ikra Shidiqi, the Usurper is not a Treefolk, but she can definitely help you out; your high-toughness creatures will give you lots of life when they swing. Tower Defense gives you protection from flyers, and if you have Assault Formation on the field, it essentially gives all of your guys +5/+5 until the end of the turn for 2 at instant speed, which is insane. Behind the Scenes is basically a cheaper (and sometimes better) version of Cover of Darkness for this deck. Orchard Warden is essentially doubling your lifegain here, which is always good. Black Poplar Shaman is one of the better black Treefolk, up there with Fendeep Summoner. I'd recommend Harmonize, Sign in Blood, and Read the Bones for card draw and Brave the Sands to make your Treefolk wall even more impenetrable. Also, if you want more tribal boosts, consider cards like Metallic Mimic.

Now for cards that you can afford to take out! Maelstrom Pulse is not really great here for two reasons: 1, it's expensive, and 2, it's not ideal for Commander since every deck can only run one of each card. The removal that you already have should be plenty. Argothian Treefolk is really not that great unless you have a friend or person in your playgroup who always runs artifacts, and even then, it's a little too specific to be worth a spot in your deck. Black Oak of Odunos is okay, but it can probably be removed to make room for stronger cards. Tilling Treefolk is like Argothian Treefolk; too specific to be useful in these circumstances.

Good luck in your deckbuilding endeavors!

Supahpikmin on An "Enchanting" Evening ($7 Starter Deck)

7 years ago

Denthrass: Great idea! I have too much turn 3 stuff as is, so using Merchant as a damage dealer sounds like it will work well

jarrection69: I agree that 4 Grim Guardians would be great, but I don't want to cut Macar because he combos with Black Oak of Odunos and Claim of Erebos to exile enemy creatures and provide some mana. I will probably just cut Nyxborn Eidolon instead because it was just there to be a turn 2 creature that was also an enchantment.

Yokaiinu on

8 years ago

Thank you so much for your suggestions. I actually cut Zombie Infestation, Black Oak of Odunos, Crow of Dark Tidings, Servant of Tymaret, Walking Corpse, Abattoir Ghoul, Shambling Ghoul, Diregraf Ghoul, Doom Blade, Voracious Null, and Demon's Horn for a few things (I'm actually about to edit the deck with the additions, if you wanna look back. :) )

I've played it a bit and I've found that it's only problem is that it's slow, and can't deal with flying very well.


8 years ago

Well for starters there should be an Assault Formation in this deck. You can't always count on your commander coming through for you since he is a big removal target.

Other cards you could consider are Wall of Shards, Black Oak of Odunos, Wakestone Gargoyle, Slagwurm Armor, Tower Defense, Solidarity, Shape the Sands, Jaddi Offshoot, Sylvan Caryatid, and Tree of Redemption.

Cards you could cut are as follows Cloudcrown Oak, Oakgnarl Warrior, Oaken Brawler, Weed-Pruner Poplar, Sentry Oak, Kami of Old Stone, Undying Evil, Aspect of Mongoose