Heliod, God of the Sun
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Heliod, God of the Sun

Legendary Enchantment Creature — God


As long as your devotion to white is less than five, Heliod isn't a creature. (Each in the mana costs of permanents you control counts towards your devotion to white.)

Other creatures you control have vigilance.

: Create a 2/1 white Cleric enchantment creature token.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Elite Javelineer
Teroh's Vanguard
Zealots en-Dal
Architect of Restoration
Herald of Serra
Dive Bomber

Belfore on Boros Enchantment Fort

2 months ago

Satyr Nyx-Smith, God-Favored General,Heliod, God of the Sun, Elemental Mastery, Goblinslide,Mirror March, Rite of the Raging Storm,Opalescence. Just some of the enchantmant , token oriented things I can think of that aren't on your list. you might also consider the keyword Battalion (very similar to your commander's abilities but if you are liking Battalion you should consider Odric, Master Tactician. I would also say take a second look at Baeloth since forcing your opponents to swing at each other can still activate your commander's abilities I think it makes an interesting fit for the deck.

Master_J on Attack Attack!

5 months ago

Out: Grave Titan, Heliod, God of the Sun

In: Firemane Commando, Anim Pakal, Thousandth Moon

Bringing down the curve of the deck a little, since Zombie Boy doesn't have a big impact at the top end of my curve.

I've also noticed the ability to flood the board with tokens can help keep me safe from crack backs, so I don't need the Vigilance God's help as much, especially considering it has no attack trigger either.

Darsul on Thought and Talon

1 year ago


 If your looking for input and/or Suggestions you need to help us out and give and ideal what your looking for. Raffine, Scheming Seer is a great open ended commander that it's hard to help out w/out know the direction you aiming for. That said, what I found/find out with my deck and no matter how you play him you want to be attacking every turn, this tends to leave you open on the back swing so War Tax cards like Propaganda and Ghostly Prison or flip side play things like Heliod, God of the Sun and Odric, Lunarch Marshal (+ Vigilance toon out). Long story short your deck looks weak to the crack back.

 Another thing I find is the Wonder is < Filth + Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth
. Most of your team is sporting fly as is.

As for real suggestions how do you want to take him? +1/+1 you could play cards like Tenured Inkcaster or Oona's Blackguard
                                                     Reanimator Unburial Rites or Vohar, Vodalian Desecrator
                                                     Discard    Bone Miser or Faith of the Devoted
                                                     wheel      Queza, Augur of Agonies or Feast of Sanity

anyway, cheers and GL

DreadKhan on Tutorless Commander?

1 year ago

There is a 'famous' (by cEDH standards he's famous) named Charles, aka the Mono White Guy, and he often takes Mono-White to tournaments, yet he is a consistent performer, he even placed high with decks that skimp on mana rocks. He has a famous Heliod, God of the Sun deck built around making Vigilance even more useful via Stax. I'm not sure if an average cEDH player could do anything with his list without tons of practice, but obviously skilled players can do well with Mono-White at the most competitive tables.

TypicalTimmy on Skelly Mannder

1 year ago

I also need to make a correction. When I said that a creature whose toughness is reduced to zero, a la -X/-X, it's complicated.

It does "die", because "dying" is a term meant to denote moving from the battlefield, specifically, to the graveyard, specifically.

When toughness is reduced to 0, be it through combat damage, non-combat damage, or -X/-X, the creature does in fact die.

The difference here is that a creature who dies thanks to combat damage or noncombat damage is also "destroyed".

Destroyed is prevented with indestructible.

But you do not "destroy" a creature with a spell such as Death Wind. This is why a card such as Heliod, God of the Sun can die to a Death Wind but not a Murder.

The point here is that there becomes a little bit of confusion as to how these all interaction with Regenerate.

If a creature was hit by a Terminate or a Lightning Bolt or blocked by a huge 7/7, it would have either been outright Destroyed, sustained lethal noncombat damage, or been dealt lethal combat damage.

It dies.

Regenerate then says;

  • "Wooah there partner! Just one darn tootin' second here! You can't go to the graveyard just yet. Get that damage outta here, and bingo bango bongo your ass is tapped."

Problem is, -X/-X isn't damage.

It isn't removed.

So it's toughness is still zero.

So the next time state based actions occur, if it still has Toughness 0, to the graveyard it goes.

pedroedmarcos on How Replacements effects work when …

2 years ago

Hey there,

Sometimes I f** hate myself for situations like this one. Let's say cast Replenish and in my graveyard I have a Heliod, God of the Sun, Starfield of Nyx and Opalescence. I already asked and read many times about how gods of theros interact with opalescence by who entered first, but here I have 3 replacements that can determine the power and thoughness of my god and all of them entered AT THE SAME TIME. So in a situation like this how would it work?

TypicalTimmy on Card creation challenge

2 years ago



Zarturok, Bred for Slaughter

The way the Demigod naming convention works is the creature's name eludes toward what domain their respective God presides over. For example, Daxos, Blessed by the Sun and Heliod, God of the Sun.

Hence, Zarturok, Bred for Slaughter because of Mogis, God of Slaughter.

Taking that, make a Demigod for another 2-color God and use the same naming convention.

Also, note that on all Demigods, either their Power or their Toughness are equal to their devotion, but not both.

And yes, Demigods are UNCOMMON in rarity. So either keep their power level low, or have a serious drawback like mine does. :)

Crow_Umbra on Nani?!?

2 years ago

Solid deck! My only suggestion would be to include a couple of Vigilance anthems if you want to be more focused on Extra Combats. I see you already have Brave the Sands in your Maybe List. It's a fun card that I've liked each time I've played it. The extra blocks def help fill in some gaps for board (re)builds.

A couple universal options to check out are Serra's Blessing and Heliod, God of the Sun. I'd recommend Always Watching and/or Intangible Virtue, but they're kinda narrow since they only care about non-tokens and tokens respectively.

Having at least two Vigilance anthems will help to ensure that all of your creatures can attack on Aurelia's third combat.

Cool to see meta specific edits and variations.

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