Builder's Blessing

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Builder's Blessing


Untapped creatures you control get +0/+2.

Unlife on Equipment with higher toughness boost …

2 years ago

Accorder's Shield, Slagwurm Armor, Kite Shield, Screaming Shield, Healer's Headdress, Manriki-Gusari

You could also look at some anthems like Builder's Blessing and Lumithread Field if you want a wide-state toughness boost.

Ravenrose on Arcades, goes to Wallmart

3 years ago

I think Builder's Blessing could be quite fun in this deck!

Ravenrose on The Strategist's Defenders

3 years ago

I love Arcades a lot and there is an enchantment I think that would fit very well into this deck: Builder's Blessing . It usually gets overlooked and because of this gets underestimated a lot.

RNR_Gaming on Walls need mortar

4 years ago

You may want to link your deck so people have an easier time providing help. Builder's Blessing and Leyline of Vitality are a few options for you. Though you may want to add in some more ramp and artifact fixing. Sol Ring, Fellwar Stone, Talisman of Unity, Talisman of Curiosity, Arcane Signet and Talisman of Progress are all fairly cheap and could help with getting your commander out much faster.

Coward_Token on Arcades Defender

4 years ago

Builder's Blessing & Castle are cute but they need vigilance support to even be somewhat worth it ,and that's a bit underwhelming from CMC 4 cards

LastEdegy on Willowmaker

5 years ago

@Cepitore - Thanks for noticing, I have been adding creatures which has a lot of value but doesn't contribute with the deck/commander. I have revised the deck now as best as I can.

@Dis4Dinosaur - Tower Defense should suffice. I don't have other cards to replace with Bar the Door in the meantime. Thanks for the suggestion though.

@SyrJet - I won't put any walls in this deck, it's been hard for me to remove the defender status of walls when it's time to all out attack, unlike high toughness creatures. Thanks for the suggestion though.

@Bezter - My problem with Builder's Blessing is that when my creatures doesn't have vigilance and attacks, the effect wouldn't be fully used. I have already bought Tree of Perdition and Karn, Silver Golem is an interesting choice, but I already have a lot of CMC. Thanks for the suggestion.

@i24 - it was just because i had that planeswalker, and i might as well use it. But now i have removed it, since as much as it has a lot of value, it wouldn't fit really into the deck.

@Chaseace3 - Thanks! I found some ideas in your deck, like Behind the Scenes and Trostani, Selesnya's Voice .. Although, I ultimately didn't include trostani, since I have a bit of lifelink, and that would overkill. Also it has specific mana color to cast.

@Bluerunt - It's the same with Trostani, Selesnya's Voice , but a lot more to cast and would increase my mana curve.

KayneMarco on Arcades the Strategist

6 years ago

Here’s a few cards to think about that fit the theme of the deck quite well in either their abilities and or in the artwork:

K4m4r0 on Nobody has the intention of building a Wall

6 years ago

Skullion123 Thank you for your suggestion! Builder's Blessing only works while blocking. Defenders would loose the +0/+2 when attacking (except with vigilance). Since the deck is mostly fast and aggressive it wouldn't get much benefit out of it.

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