Tons of fun. If you want to spice up your commander gameplay give Yarok Energy a spin.

This deck utilizes yarok to double production from ETB effects. The energy theme sets this deck apart from the typical Yarok decks you see. Where as a lot of Yarok decks seek to win purely by out-valuing other players, this one wins through strong energy synergy that leads to interesting plays. Some of these plays may even cost you your board, but will leave you with your stockpile of energy that you have accumulated through the game. When you reach the late game, the large energy stores will lead to some major payoffs such as Electrostatic Pummeler orArchitect of the Untamed, all the while allowing you to use your 8-9 mana(turn 8-11) elsewhere.

Energy has not been viable in commander before yarok was printed.

Electrostatic Pummeler is a good example of a card that is quite powerful but required a lot of support to play. Unfortunately energy is only available from kaladesh so the card pool to support amazing cards like this was small. This small card pool would ordinarily force players to pick between cards that have strong energy production or strong energy payoffs.

Yarok helps overcome this challenge by doubling our energy production of the cards that we want to run. Goodbye Sage of Shaila's Claim, and hello Janjeet Sentry. With the various mages (ie. Tribute Mage)in the deck we can find key energy production artifacts like Decoction Module. The energy production cards utilized have added perks, like drawing cards, or allowing ya to bounce our creatures. We also have received some solid additions for proliferating energy counters with cards like Evolution Sage and Pollenbright Druid. Which will also get doubled value from Yarok.

I hope by this point I have convinced anyone reading this that the deck is not just viable but fun.

Also all the energy cards are super cheap. If I had to estimate I would say all the energy specific cards Total is sub $15.

note these cards are more general cards not necessarily energy focused.Cream of the Crop On it’s own can be solid with Yarok you get to see twice as many cards minus one. •Wild Pair can easily pull out the a large portion of the deck. Since a lot of the energy abilities do not require tap activations nor manna, a huge amount of value can be generated of one creature. With Yarok that one creature will turn into an additional 3. •Dual Nature this card is particularly fun. You get 3 copies for the price of one but wait. If that creature has an ETB ability you get 6 etb triggers all together. This card can be a double edged sword though. Opponents will also receive three creatures since they are triggering your enchantment (yarok will double ETB effects if the effect is tied to your permanent). •Kiora, Behemoth Beckoner will draw you two cards if the creature has a power greater than 4. Also always useful as an additional untapper. •Amulet of Vigor is crazy powerful in conjunction with lands that come in tapped and yarok. These lands will get two untap triggers from the amulet, so you can untap with one trigger then tap it for mana, and then resolve the second trigger. Leading to double mana. Pair this synergy with a card like Farhaven Elf, and you can get 4 mana. Lastly •Josu Vess, Lich Knight when kicked will create 16 2/2 menace zombies. Needless to say this is a bomb that can close out the game, if not then at least take down one player.


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Date added 4 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 0 Mythic Rares

32 - 0 Rares

28 - 0 Uncommons

20 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.44
Tokens 6/6 C Token Artifact Creatures Beast, Copy Clone, Emblem Tezzeret the Schemer, Etherium Cell, Morph 2/2 C, Servo 1/1 C, Zombie 2/2 B, Zombie Knight 2/2 B
Folders Decks I Will Build, Flavour-Budget, Awesome Decks, edthd, General Decks of other People
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