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Fuzzy's Obzedat (Karlov?) Commander

Commander / EDH



This is a deck I originally built because my group went through a phase of playing lots of Two-Headed Giant EDH matches. I designed it around Extort, which effectively deals double damage in 2HG; I also packed in more spot removal than I would normally put in a Commander deck, since controlling permanents one-for-one is more effective in a 2v2 format. The curve is extra-low to help maximize extort, so the creatures are relatively undersized, but they work well paired with another deck that can put larger monsters onto the battlefieldat which point my spot removal clears the way.

The deck plays pretty well in free-for-all, as well, where extort gets similarly supercharged, and Obzedat can crash in for large chunks of damage. To my surprise, it's been an effective all-around deck, despite being one I originally thought would have narrow applications.

It's also the only deck I've ever tried to foil outI figure if you're ever going to foil out any deck, it should be the Orzhov one. I've found that to be a particularly enjoyable side project for the last few years, which has made me feel more connected to the deck overall.

Now that C15 is coming out, I think I may shift Obzedat to the 99 and make Karlov the new commander, since the extort theme and the other incidental lifegain combine so well with Karlov's triggered ability. Karlov also shores up the spot removal, which has slowly been drawn down as the deck has evolved.


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

21 - 0 Rares

24 - 0 Uncommons

29 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.73
Tokens Demon 5/5 B
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