Windreader Sphinx

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Windreader Sphinx

Creature — Sphinx

Flying (This can't be blocked except by creatures with flying or reach.)

Whenever a creature with flying attacks, you may draw a card.

mlequesne on Birds with Counters

2 years ago

Hi friend, I love your deck :)

I've actually loved birds tribal since odyssey, and actually I've been lately thinking to build a Derevi bird deck. I have some non-bird suggestions:

See you friend :)

DadHumanPraetor on

2 years ago

Windreader Sphinx Magus of the Moat Maybe Scouting Hawk I love Medomai the Ageless And to actually win the game maybe True Conviction or a bunch of extra turn spells. I would cut Dictate of Heliod and Always Watching and slot Kangee, Sky Warden and maybe Kangee's Lieutenant or Thunderclap Wyvern Also Coastal Piracy and Bident of Thassa seem like theyre worth finding a place for maybe cutting Behold the Multiverse and a wipe. Reveillark and Karmic Guide seem reasonable. I dont know about the 3cmc cantrip flyers without blinking or recurring them. Idk. Cool list tho. I have a blue white kangee deck but I don't have it online. I built it for the same reason, to play against low power decks, but still tough to close out games. Akroma's Will is one great way you already included. GL!

TheVectornaut on Heaven's Song

3 years ago

Without the need to champion an elemental anymore, you probably also don't need some of the weaker elementals like Cloudkin Seer and Squall Drifter . I do think cutting the big guy was a good idea since he isn't that impactful, but it does feel a shame to not have something Thryx, the Sudden Storm is trying to help bring in. Windreader Sphinx was the first card that came to my mind as a big creature that works well in flying tribal. There's also Zetalpa, Primal Dawn if you just want something exceedingly big and dumb. Finally, Celestial Archon could be a decent beater that also triggers Archon of Sun's Grace . On the subject of the Archon, Riptide Chimera seems like it could be a great partner to guarantee at least one pegasus every turn. Plus, it also lets you start your sagas from the beginning instead of needing to sacrifice them while getting even more buffs off Celestial Ancient .

TheVectornaut on

3 years ago

Unless you're playing with some funky homebrew rules, your commander does have to be a legendary creature. For bird tribal, Kangee, Aerie Keeper or Kangee, Sky Warden would be the most obvious choices. Also, Screaming Seahawk does not get around the singleton restriction in the same way something like Relentless Rats does. Even if it did, I still don't think it would be worth running over the much faster Squadron Hawk . More relevant inclusions might be Watcher of the Spheres , Warden of Evos Isle , Soulcatchers' Aerie , Migratory Route , Wingmate Roc , Aven Mimeomancer , Emeria Angel , Favorable Winds , Kangee's Lieutenant , Judge's Familiar , Steel-Plume Marshal , Battle Screech , Skycat Sovereign , Pride of the Clouds , Sephara, Sky's Blade , Jotun Owl Keeper , Windreader Sphinx , Aven Gagglemaster , Thunderclap Wyvern , Jubilant Skybonder , Rally of Wings , Eyes in the Skies , Alrund's Epiphany , Aerial Assault , Rise of Eagles , Door of Destinies , Herald's Horn , Dovescape , Gravitational Shift , Kindred Discovery , Call to the Kindred , Serra the Benevolent , or Seaside Haven .

Looks like my comment is now a little redundant here, but hope the seconded advice still helps. Good luck!

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