Thran Dynamo

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Thran Dynamo


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Veghelia on Combat Superiority

1 month ago

Hey Crow_Umbra, sorry for the radio silence. Become a bit more busy with non-MTG stuff, so I got less time for brewing, sadly.

"Support" suspicions are just going to be part of playing this deck, so I've accepted that's going to be something I'm gonna run into. I do mostly play with a relatively consistent group of friends (read: like 5 different groups, some with some overlapping players, but all with similar vibes), and they do look at me with suspicion, but are most of the time greedy enough that they'll take advantage of my almost-symmetrical support cards. If they ever choose to destroy them or otherwise turn them off for the others, that tends to draw the table's ire, so most of the time they don't unless everyone agrees they're becoming an issue, in which case I can hardly blame them. I'm currently still mostly feeling that I'm going to try to leave goad out of it as much as possible, safe for a few choice cards (Taunt from the Rampart hasn't shined yet, but I'm feeling it will at some point).

Alright, now on to the card discussions.

  • I'm leaving Xantcha, Sleeper Agentfoil and Emberwilde Captain in the maybeboard. Your arguments are very valid, but I do feel like the don't vibe enough with the "support" idea.

  • I had Nelly Borca, Impulsive Accuserfoil in my deck before and removed her, because she's an odd play. With my lack of goad or other ways to force attacks, I have very little control over the amount of cards I draw with her, if I draw any. I imagine she'd work great as a commander, since you can reliably have her on the field in the early to mid game, where plenty of people attack each other, but I think she does a lot worse as a late-game topdeck.

  • Kambal, Profiteering Mayor feels like a "one step too far" kinda card. If my entire point was to give my opponents tokens, then he'd be amazing, but I feel like he's going to not do anything far too often (although I will admit that I don't quite now how often my playgroups play tokens).

  • Master Warcraft has one mayor flaw that I'm pretty sure a good chunk of my playgroup will notice: I can force an attack, but I can't force them to not attack me, and my playgroups are spiteful enough that that is exactly what will happen :P

  • Batwing Brume is interesting. It's going on the maybeboard for now, since I'm not sure if the problem it fixes is one I run into all that often, but it does feel like a beautiful blindside.

Currently, Ghostly Prison and Brutal Hordechief are most likely going to be in the next version.

Besides that, I'm reviewing:

  1. The beaters I have in the deck, since they don't feel strong enough. It's not like I didn't know Skysovereign, Consul Flagship and Tajic, Blade of the Legion weren't the best in slot, but the little hope I had for them has been dashed.
  2. Different graveyard hate (I'm recently formed the opinion that Bojuka Bog really only works in a lands deck), and Kutzil's Flanker is currently my most considered option.
  3. Lands and ramp. Thran Dynamo was way better when Endbringer was going to be a part of the deck, and the deck feels too color-heavy to run it otherwise. Similar thoughts about the pain-lands. Also, I've adopted the "Chromatic Lantern is bad" position.

DemonDragonJ on Which is More Important: Total …

3 months ago

I often wonder which is more important for a card: its overall cost or its cost-to-effect ratio (i.e., its mana efficiency); for example, there is no question that Lightning Bolt is superior to both Shock and Searing Spear, but, between the other two cards, I would choose Shock over Searing Spear in the majority of situations, because Shock has a ratio of 2 damage for 1 mana, whereas Searing Spear has a ratio of 1.5 damage for 1 mana.

For a slightly more complicated example, compare Eladamri's Call to Shared Summons; the former card can find a creature for a mere 2 mana, which is very efficient, but it simply replaces one card in its controller's hand with another, whereas the latter card can search for two creatures, which leaves its caster with an additional card in hand, compared to before it is cast, but it is less efficient, costing 2.5 mana per creature found, so it is not as clear which card is superior, there.

Opportunity is literally a double version of Quick Study, as they both have the same ratio of cost to effect, but which is the superior card? Is it really better to spend six mana to draw four cards, as doing that would leave the caster with less mana to cast the spells that they draw? Also, Quick Study is strictly better than is Inspiration, as it costs 1 less mana to cast, but, between Concentrate and Tidings, I am not certain which is superior, since they both allow a player to draw one less card than their mana values.

On the subject of card drawing, in the realm of repeatable card drawing, Arcane Encyclopedia is strictly better than is Jayemdae Tome, as it costs only 3 mana to draw a single card, compared to 4, but Tower of Fortunes can draw four cards for 8 mana, which is a ratio of 2 mana per card, but that ability costs 8 mana, overall, so the question is if it is worth 8 mana to draw four cards.

Continuing that theme, there are numerous creatures (and one enchantment) that allow a player to repeatedly draw cards, such as Azure Mage, Spectral Sailor, Faerie Mastermind, Triskaidekaphile, or Treasure Trove, a ratio of 4 mana for one card, but Mystic Archaeologist can draw 2 two cards for 5 mana, a ratio of 2.5 mana per card, which is definitely far superior, in my mind.

Hedron Archivefoil is literally two Mind Stones put together, and Dreamstone Hedron is literally a triple Mind Stone, so they all have the same cost-to-effect ratio, but I prefer the original Mind Stone, since the existence of Thran Dynamo and Gilded Lotusfoil makes it difficult to justify using the other mana rocks, at least, for me.

To use the example of Skyward Eye Prophets, a 1/1 creature for 2 mana is perfectly acceptable, a 2/2 creature for 4 mana is slightly expensive, but nothing outrageous, but a 3/3 creature for 6 mana is simply too much, although, as a side note, I have a copy of that creature, in one of my decks, because I really like its ability.

For a further example, I would choose Mantis Rider over Lightning Angel in the majority of situations, since it provides a better rate than does the angel, and, similarly, I would choose Wilt-Leaf Cavaliers over Vernadi Shieldmate, since the former creature is more efficient for its cost.

I believe that I have provided a sufficient number of examples, for this discussion, so which trait do you believe is more important: overall mana cost or cost-to-effect ratio/mana efficiency? I certainly am interested to hear your thoughts on this matter.

multimedia on Brew my deck for me

3 months ago

Consider High Tide for ramp and/or with spells that can untap your Islands Turnabout, Frantic Search, Snap? Just Tide + Turnabout + you control 4 Islands could give you 10 mana turn 4. Mystic Sanctuary is a fantasic land that's an Island. Castle Vantress isn't an Island, but it's a good land for instant repeatable scry.

Consider Thought Vessel and/or Decanter of Endless Water? Mana rocks for ramp that can also potentially give you no max hand size before you control Nezahal. Reliquary Tower is a land for no max hand size.

Consider Forensic Researcher, Kelpie Guide, etc.? They can untap a land or a land that can make more than 1 mana Arid Archway, Guildless Commons even the same turn the land ETB. They can also untap a mana rock or even better a mana rock that can make more than 1 mana Sol Ring, Worn Powerstone, Palladium Myr, Thran Dynamo, Hedron Archivefoil, Gilded Lotusfoil, etc. They can also untap Nezahal to be a blocker.

A spell advantage blue has are instants that let you look at top X cards of your library and put one or more of any of them into our hand (any card(s) into hand is the advantage). Consider Impulse, Memory Deluge, Dig Through Time, Supreme Will, Thassa's Intervention, etc.? When you're casting instants on opponents' turns then Wavebreak Hippocamp is repeatable card draw. Being a 3 drop you can more safely play it and leave up mana for instant opponent interaction.

Last_Laugh on Rhadamanthus

4 months ago

Small follow-up question re: Marchesa/Thran Vigil. If the creature re-entering from Marchesa has an etb, do I choose what order its' etb and Thran Vigil's trigger resolve?

Thanks for answering earlier btw.

KingKilvas on Geometric shapes tribal

6 months ago

Some missing shapes you could include! Nova Pentacle Pentagram of the Ages Thran Dynamo (as the Hexcore) Mana Prism Prism Array Prophetic Prism

Potentially shape-enough could include the various Fractals from Strixhaven, and the Hedrons from Zendikar

Fun deck idea!

zelous666 on The Masochism Tango

8 months ago

I've been playing around with it and adding more mana ramp here and there. I'm basically now at the point where I need to decide on whether to play the lower mana cost cards at all or replace them with more ramp and just go for gold so to speak. It helps that getting out Teysa as well as a number of the other big mana costs pretty much put a stop to the game until the opponent gets an answer for it so gunning for them is really tempting. I've tried the delayed storage counter lands in the past and have a special hatred for them. They always seem to come out at the wrong time when i wished i could have had just a basic land. Thran Dynamo and Gilded Lotus are good options for the mana curve and the more I look at Skyclave Relic the more I like it. I was planning on just throwing more Orzhov rocks in but those are better options.

Grave Betrayal is... awesome with Teysa. That's going on the top of the list of "want in the deck". I already had Pariah in my (admittedly huge) maybe list and it's also at the top of that want in the deck bad pile. If i could attach it to Stuffy Doll... oof. Gift of Doom looks like it would make a good upgrade to my Indestructibility just straight out.

The main theme I was going for with this deck was hurting yourself for bonuses and once your life total reaches critical switching it out with an opponent and killing them off. Lots of cards that treat life totals like toys and a general BDSM theme. The name of the deck comes from the title of a song that was released in 1959 by a popular comedian I enjoy. As soon as I saw the artwork for this version of Teysa I thought, "That's who he was singing to!" I know having a commander that has protection from creatures is amazeballs for doing commander damage but I intentionally avoided going the route of relying on her for that. She's more there as a way to stop opponents from attacking and for providing another way to finish opponents after life switching. I also avoid using infect as much as possible in any of my decks just as a matter of (definitely misguided) principle.

DreadKhan on The Masochism Tango

8 months ago

Just some 'bad' ideas to consider (I have some irregular views on ramp, to be polite), Subterranean Hangar is ramp that uses a land drop, very handy with a 7 mana Commander, either to get them out or recast them, Fountain of Cho is the White option. I threw cards like this in a deck on a lark, I was pretty impressed how they can play out in a deck that uses fairly splashy effects... this brings me to Grave Betrayal, this card is politely described as 'good with your Commander'. Another option to consider is bigger ramp, maybe Thran Dynamo, which takes you from 4 mana to enough to cast your Commander next turn, seems decent? Maybe Gilded Lotus, which takes you from 5 to 8, but also gives you coloured mana? Worn Powerstone is also interesting, it's not a great card but it's also not unplayable, wildly worse Sol Ring is also a good enough card, it just looks bad because Sol Ring exists. Another choice worth looking at that is relevant because of it's ceiling is Skyclave Relic, the kicker is a bunch, but that much mana next turn is advantageous. I get that your deck is trying to be fairly nimble, with lots of lower to the ground ramp, but I feel like with a 7 mana Commander that does this much you really want her out as quickly and consistently as possible.

If you like Indestructible sources, I think Gift of Doom is the best ever printed, Morph is incredibly hard to interact with once it's in play, and I'd like to think you'll have some sac fodder. It's also a combat trick fwiw, you've got Vigilance, and if they've got a big attacker this can deal with them and prevent certain types of removal, and it can blank stuff at the fastest speed possible.

Since your Commander has Protection from Creatures, I'd love to see if Inquisitor's Flail would work in here? By itself it turns your Commander into a 3 turn clock vs any opponent, and she blocks better since she'll deal double damage. It's less resources than Fireshrieker, but it completely stacks with it fwiw, if you get two doubles you're a 2 turn clock. Come to think of it I think I'd run Duelist's Heritage over Fireshrieker if you have access to White. Another 'out there' idea, but Grafted Exoskeleton plays well with your Commander, it turns her into a 2 turn clock by itself, and your Commander becomes a pretty nasty blocker too, and it obviously would play well with doublers. If you've got Protection from Creatures, you could try Pariah on your Commander to drag out games. It's worse if people play Red Burn effects in your area, but at least life loss effects don't interact with it, just damage. If you have Indestructible on something then Pariah looks even better.

I hope some of these ideas are useful, Big Teysa is a nifty Commander to see in action!

austintayshus on

1 year ago

Love the infect deck! I remember playing during scars of mirrodin block when infect was first introduced. Though a lot of people dislike infect, it holds a special place in my heart.

Triumph of the Hordes is a good infect enabler if you plan to go wide, but most of your creatures already have infect.

Phyresis would be a good card to combine with Malignus

since you're in green, i would cut Thought Vessel and Thran Dynamo and Chromatic Lantern because there are better green ramp effects you could utilize. I'd recommend Farseek and Nature's Lore can get your shocklands and dual lands as well

Keep up the good work!

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